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File metadata and controls

33 lines (23 loc) · 2.98 KB



Name Type Description Notes
code String The code of the Fee.
feeTypeId ResourceId
displayName String The name of the Fee.
description String A description for the Fee. [optional]
origin String The origin or source of the Fee accrual. [optional]
calculationBase String The calculation base for a Fee that is calculated using a percentage (TotalAnnualAccrualAmount and CalculationBase cannot both be present). When the Fee is a ShareClass Fee (i.e: when ShareClasses contains at least one value), each of the following would be a valid CalculationBase: "10000.00", "ShareClass.GAV", "ShareClass.GAV - ShareClass.Fees[ShareClassFeeCode1].Amount", "ShareClass.Fees[ShareClassFeeCode1].CalculationBase". When the Fee is a NonShareClassSpecific Fee (i.e: when ShareClasses contains no values), each of the following would be a valid CalculationBase: "10000.00", "GAV", "GAV - Fees[NonClassSpecificFeeCode1].Amount", "Fees[NonClassSpecificFeeCode1].CalculationBase". [optional]
accrualCurrency String The accrual currency.
treatment String The accrual period of the Fee; 'Monthly' or 'Daily'.
totalAnnualAccrualAmount java.math.BigDecimal The total annual accrued amount for the Fee. (TotalAnnualAccrualAmount and CalculationBase cannot both be present) [optional]
feeRatePercentage java.math.BigDecimal The fee rate percentage. (Required when CalculationBase is present and not compatible with TotalAnnualAccrualAmount) [optional]
payableFrequency String The payable frequency for the Fee; 'Annually', 'Quarterly' or 'Monthly'.
businessDayConvention String The business day convention to use for Fee calculations on weekends or holidays. Supported string values are: [Previous, P, Following, F, None].
startDate OffsetDateTime The start date of the Fee.
endDate OffsetDateTime The end date of the Fee. [optional]
anchorDate DayMonth [optional]
properties Map<String, Property> The Fee properties. These will be from the 'Fee' domain. [optional]
portfolioId ResourceId [optional]
shareClasses List<String> The short codes of the ShareClasses that the Fee should be applied to. Optional: if this is null or empty, then the Fee will be divided between all the ShareClasses of the Fund according to the capital ratio. [optional]

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