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A BondConversionSchedule object represents a class containing the information required for the creation of convertible features in a ComplexBond


Name Type Description Notes
identifiers Map<String, String> The market identifier(s) of the share that the bond converts to. The instrument will not fail validation if no identifier is supplied. [optional]
bondConversionEntries List<BondConversionEntry> The dates at which the bond may be converted and associated information required about the conversion. [optional]
conversionTrigger String Corporate event that triggers a conversion Supported string (enumeration) values are: [NextEquityFinancing, IpoConversion, KnownDates, SoftCall].
deliveryType String Is a conversion made into cash or into shares? Supported string (enumeration) values are: [Cash, Physical]. [optional]
exerciseType String The exercise type of the conversion schedule (American or European). For American type, the bond is convertible from a given exercise date until the next date in the schedule, or until it matures. For European type, the bond is only convertible on the given exercise date. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [European, Bermudan, American].
includesAccrued Boolean Set this to true if a accrued interest is included in the conversion. Defaults to true. [optional]
mandatoryConversion Boolean Set this to true if a conversion is mandatory if the trigger occurs. Defaults to false. [optional]
notificationPeriodEnd OffsetDateTime The last day in the notification period for the conversion of the bond [optional]
notificationPeriodStart OffsetDateTime The first day in the notification period for the conversion of the bond [optional]

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