A request to create or update an Order.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | ResourceId | ||
orderIds | List<ResourceId> | The related order ids. | |
properties | Map<String, PerpetualProperty> | Client-defined properties associated with this block. | [optional] |
instrumentIdentifiers | Map<String, String> | The instrument ordered. | |
quantity | java.math.BigDecimal | The total quantity of given instrument ordered. | |
side | String | The client's representation of the block's side (buy, sell, short, etc) | |
type | String | The block order's type (examples: Limit, Market, ...) | |
timeInForce | String | The block orders' time in force (examples: Day, GoodTilCancel, ...) | |
createdDate | OffsetDateTime | The date on which the block was made | |
limitPrice | CurrencyAndAmount | [optional] | |
stopPrice | CurrencyAndAmount | [optional] |