All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
InstrumentApi | create_instrument | POST /api/instrument/onboarding/create | [EARLY ACCESS] CreateInstrument: Creates and masters instruments with third party vendors. |
InstrumentApi | enrich_instrument | POST /api/instrument/onboarding/enrich | [EARLY ACCESS] EnrichInstrument: Enriches an existing LUSID instrument using vendor data. Enrichment included identifiers, properties and market data. |
InstrumentApi | get_open_figi_parameter_option | GET /api/instrument/onboarding/search/openfigi/parameterOptions | [EARLY ACCESS] GetOpenFigiParameterOption: Get all supported market sector values for OpenFigi search |
InstrumentApi | retrieve_perm_id_result | GET /api/instrument/onboarding/search/permid/{id} | [EARLY ACCESS] RetrievePermIdResult: Retrieve PermId results from a previous query. |
InstrumentApi | search_open_figi | GET /api/instrument/onboarding/search/openfigi | [EARLY ACCESS] SearchOpenFigi: Search OpenFigi for instruments that match the specified terms. |
InstrumentApi | vendors | GET /api/instrument/onboarding/vendors | [EARLY ACCESS] Vendors: Gets the VendorProducts of any supported and licenced integrations for a given market sector and security type. |
IntegrationsApi | create_instance | POST /api/integrations/instances | [EXPERIMENTAL] CreateInstance: Create a single integration instance. |
IntegrationsApi | delete_instance | DELETE /api/integrations/instances/{instanceId} | [EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteInstance: Delete a single integration instance. |
IntegrationsApi | execute_instance | POST /api/integrations/instances/{instanceId}/execute | [EXPERIMENTAL] ExecuteInstance: Execute an integration instance. |
IntegrationsApi | get_execution_ids_for_instance | GET /api/integrations/instances/{instanceId}/executions | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetExecutionIdsForInstance: Get integration instance execution ids. |
IntegrationsApi | get_instance_optional_property_mapping | GET /api/integrations/instances/configuration/{integration}/{instanceId} | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetInstanceOptionalPropertyMapping: Get the Optional Property Mapping for an Integration Instance |
IntegrationsApi | get_integration_configuration | GET /api/integrations/configuration/{integration} | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetIntegrationConfiguration: Get the Field and Property Mapping configuration for a given integration |
IntegrationsApi | get_schema | GET /api/integrations/schema/{integration} | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetSchema: Get the JSON schema for the details section of an integration instance. |
IntegrationsApi | list_instances | GET /api/integrations/instances | [EXPERIMENTAL] ListInstances: List instances across all integrations. |
IntegrationsApi | list_integrations | GET /api/integrations | [EXPERIMENTAL] ListIntegrations: List available integrations. |
IntegrationsApi | set_instance_optional_property_mapping | PUT /api/integrations/instances/configuration/{integration}/{instanceId} | [EXPERIMENTAL] SetInstanceOptionalPropertyMapping: Set the Optional Property Mapping for an Integration Instance |
IntegrationsApi | update_instance | PUT /api/integrations/instances/{instanceId} | [EXPERIMENTAL] UpdateInstance: Update a single integration instance. |
LogsApi | get_integration_log_results | GET /api/logs | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetIntegrationLogResults: Get integration log results |
ProcessHistoryApi | create_complete_event | POST /api/process-history/event/complete | [EARLY ACCESS] CreateCompleteEvent: Write a completed event to the Horizon Dashboard |
ProcessHistoryApi | create_update_event | POST /api/process-history/event/update | [EARLY ACCESS] CreateUpdateEvent: Write an update event to the Horizon Dashboard |
ProcessHistoryApi | get_latest_runs | GET /api/process-history/$latestRuns | [EARLY ACCESS] GetLatestRuns: Get latest run for each process |
ProcessHistoryApi | process_entry_updates | POST /api/process-history/entries/$query | [EARLY ACCESS] ProcessEntryUpdates: Get process entry updates for a query |
ProcessHistoryApi | process_history_entries | POST /api/process-history/$query | [EARLY ACCESS] ProcessHistoryEntries: Get process history entries |
RunsApi | get_run_results | GET /api/runs | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetRunResults: Get run results |
RunsApi | rerun_instance | PUT /api/runs/{runId}/rerun | [EXPERIMENTAL] RerunInstance: Reruns a single instance execution. |
VendorApi | get_core_field_mappings_for_product_entity | GET /api/vendor/mappings/fields | [EARLY ACCESS] GetCoreFieldMappingsForProductEntity: Get core field mappings for a given vendor product's entity. |
VendorApi | get_optional_mappings_for_product_entity | GET /api/vendor/mappings/optional | [EARLY ACCESS] GetOptionalMappingsForProductEntity: Get a user defined LUSID property mappings for the specified vendor / LUSID entity. |
VendorApi | get_property_mappings_for_product_entity | GET /api/vendor/mappings/properties | [EARLY ACCESS] GetPropertyMappingsForProductEntity: Gets the property mappings for a given vendor product's entity |
VendorApi | query_vendors | POST /api/vendor/$query | [EARLY ACCESS] QueryVendors: Query for vendors and their packages with entities and sub-entities. |
VendorApi | set_optional_mappings_for_product_entity | POST /api/vendor/mappings/optional | [EARLY ACCESS] SetOptionalMappingsForProductEntity: Create a user defined LUSID property mappings for the specified vendor / LUSID entity. |
- AllowedParameterValue
- AuditCompleteRequest
- AuditCompleteResponse
- AuditCompleteStatus
- AuditFileDetails
- AuditFileType
- AuditUpdateRequest
- AuditUpdateResponse
- CreateInstanceRequest
- EnrichmentResponse
- ExecuteInstanceResponse
- FieldMapping
- FileDetails
- IIntegrationLogResponse
- Identifiers
- InstanceExecutionReferenceId
- InstanceIdentifier
- InstancePropertyDefinitionOverrides
- IntegrationDescription
- IntegrationInstance
- IntegrationPropertyConfiguration
- IntegrationRerunResponse
- IntegrationRunIntegration
- IntegrationRunLog
- IntegrationRunLogLink
- IntegrationRunResponse
- IntegrationRunVersion
- JSchema
- JSchemaType
- Link
- LusidEntity
- LusidField
- LusidProblemDetails
- LusidPropertyDefinition
- LusidPropertyDefinitionOverrides
- LusidPropertyDefinitionOverridesByType
- LusidPropertyDefinitionOverridesResponse
- LusidPropertyToVendorFieldMapping
- LusidValidationProblemDetails
- OnboardInstrumentRequest
- OnboardInstrumentResponse
- OpenFigiData
- OpenFigiParameterOptionName
- OpenFigiPermIdResult
- OpenFigiSearchResult
- Optionality
- PagedResourceListOfIIntegrationLogResponse
- PagedResourceListOfIntegrationRunResponse
- PagedResourceListOfProcessInformation
- PagedResourceListOfProcessUpdateResult
- PagedResourceListOfVendorProduct
- PermIdData
- ProcessInformation
- ProcessSummary
- ProcessUpdateResult
- PropertyMapping
- QueryRequest
- QuerySpecification
- ResourceId
- RowDetails
- Trigger
- UpdateInstanceRequest
- VendorField
- VendorProduct