Difficulty: Medium
Category: Arrays
Write a function that takes in a non-empty array of distinct integers and an
integer representing a target sum. The function should find all triplets in the
array that sum up to the target sum and return a two-dimensional array of all
these triplets. The numbers in each triplet should be ordered in ascending order,
and the triplets themselves should be ordered in ascending order with respect to
the numbers they hold.
If no three numbers sum up to the target sum, the function should return an empty
Sample Input
array = [12, 3, 1, 2, -6, 5, -8, 6]
targetSum = 0
Sample Output
[[-8, 2, 6], [-8, 3, 5], [-6, 1, 5]]
Hint 1
Using three for loops to calculate the sums of all possible triplets in the
array would generate an algorithm that runs in O(n^3) time, where n is the
length of the input array. Can you come up with something faster using only two
for loops?
Hint 2
Try sorting the array and traversing it once. At each number, place a left
pointer on the number immediately to the right of your current number and a
right pointer on the final number in the array. Check if the current number,
the left number, and the right number sum up to the target sum. How can you
proceed from there, remembering the fact that you sorted the array?
Hint 3
Since the array is now sorted (see Hint #2), you know that moving the left
pointer mentioned in Hint #2 one place to the right will lead to a greater
left number and thus a greater sum. Similarly, you know that moving the right
pointer one place to the left will lead to a smaller right number and thus a
smaller sum. This means that, depending on the size of each triplet's (current
number, left number, right number) sum relative to the target sum, you should
either move the left pointer, the right pointer, or both to obtain a potentially
valid triplet.
Optimal Space & Time Complexity
O(n^2) time | O(n) space - where n is the length of the input array