Difficulty: Medium
Category: Arrays
Write a function that takes in a non-empty, unordered array
of positive integers
and returns the arrays's majority element without sorting the array and without
using more than constant space.
An array's majority element
is an element of the array that appears in over
helf of its indicies. Note that the most common element of an array (the element
that appears the most times in the array) isn't necessarily the array's majority
element; for example, the arrays [3, 2, 2, 1]
and [3, 4, 2, 2, 1]
both have
as their most common element, yet neither of these arrays have a majority
element, because neither 2
nor any other element appears in over half of the
respective arrays' indices.
You can assume that the input array will always have a majority element.
Sample Input
array = [1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 1, 2]
Sample Output
2 // 2 occurs in 4/7 arrays indices, making it the majority element
Hint 1
If the `array` were sorted, the middle element would have to be the majority
element. However, this does not produce an optimal algorithm. Can you find a
solution that does not require sorting?
Hint 2
Try to first guess that the first element in the `array` is the
majority element. From here, iterate through the array, incrementing a counter
for each copy of that candidate element that is found, and decrementing the
counter for each other element that is found. If the counter ends greater than
1, then that element must be the majority element. Can you generalize this
idea to work for cases where the majority element isn't the first element?
Hint 3
Instead of iterating all the way to the end of the `array` try
stopping once the counter hits 0. At this point, the guessed majority element
must not be the majority element in the subarray of the `array`
that you have already looked at. Moreover, the actual majority element must
still be the majority element in the remaining subarray of the
`array` since at most half of the values in the first subarray
were the majority element (otherwise it would have had a negative count).
With this intuition, you can just repeat this process, only using the
remaining subarray.
Hint 4
This problem can also be solved using bit manipulation. Consider each of the
bits used to store an integer. For each of these bits, if over half of the
elements in the `array` have the bit set, then that bit must be
set in the majority element as well. Doing this for each bit can determine
which bits are set in the majority element, and thus what the majority
element is.
Optimal Space & Time Complexity
O(n) time | O(1) space - where n is the number of elements in the array