All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Actually allow single-parameter loading to work
- Reorganize Action workflow to utilize python cache
- Add additional unit-ish tests for loader
- Handle loader identifier changes between Dynaconf 3.1->3.2
- Update workflow to utilize Dynaconf versions in test matrix
- Replace warn logging with info/error
- Add missing cleanup for parameter deletion
- Allow initialization to continue without crashing if no region is set
- Verify commit message structure in workflow
- Merge non-namespaced params with namespaced params
- Add NamespaceFilter
- Optionally load default environment keys
- Add pull_from_env_or_obj utility function
- Update README.rst
- More details on configuration variables
- Change logger name and use warn instead of exception level
- Guard against non-string type for DEFAULT_ENV_FOR_DYNACONF
- Unify exception handling style
- Unify environment parameter naming scheme
- New metadata fields in pyproject.toml
- Introduce git-cliff for generating CHANGELOG
- Add for 0.3.2