This document records all changes to the Fetchable Python client-side SDK and adheres to the Semantic Versioning philosophy.
Both the API and the client-side SDKS are versioned. The major and minor versions of client-side SDKs follow changes on the API side. e.g.
- 0.1.x for client-side SDKs corresponds to the v0.1 (Alpha) version of the API.
- 0.2.x for client-side SDKs corresponds to the v0.2 (Beta) version of the API.
The patch versions of the client-side SDKs (e.g. x.x.1, x.x.2, x.x.3, etc.) are independent of backend API versions and are free to update as they wish.
Initial public release with:
- client object with: ability to set user-agent; constructs authentication headers; and exposes wrapper functions for all endpoints in v0.1 of the backend API,
- example code,
- configuration class with API version selection,
- license, readme, contributing file, and requirements file.
- Added compatibility between Python 2.7 and 3.6.
- Cheekily changed public-facing interface since still in Alpha and no users will be affected - removed 'random' from fun fact, joke and quote functions.
- Added a change log and updated Contributing Guide guide.
- Bugfixes in fetchable client object.
- Fixed errata in readme and changelog.
- Updated Github issue templates.
- Added sanitisation of function parameters through private helper function, e.g. fetch_entity_atrribute("Empire State building", "Height") -> fetch_entity_atrribute("empire_state_building", "height").
- Changed public API by fixing misspelling in function, not making this a major change because we're in Alpha stage with no customers.
- Changed project urls in