基于python 的vim 插件框架. 提供一套灵活方便的插件框架. 并完成一些核心的功能.
- wubi 输入法
- 输入监控
- 路径补全
- YouCompleteMe 支持
- 目录浏览
- 工程管理
- 源码信息
- 头文件与源码切换
- 符号跳转
- 当然 word hlight
- git 分支显示
- vim python 库
- vim python ui 库
- pyvim.Roots: current path root list. just work in the context of frain.
- pyvim.echo(msg, hl=bool): echo msg to vim msg line.
- pyvim.addevent(event, cb): bind cb callback to the vim events.
- BufEnter
- vim.command(cmd): run vim ex cmd
- frainui.LIST(title, cb): make tree list window. cb is the callback to generate the list.
return list object. cb function:
def cb(node, win):
. the node is the root node of the list window. - frainui.Leaf(name, ctx=None, handle=None, diskplay=None): create tree leaf of the tree list.
- name: leaf name
- ctx: ctx
- handle: call back when user select the leaf.
- show(): open the tree list window.
- refresh(): refresh the list node in the list window. This function will call the cb trans by frainui.LIST.
- FREventBind(event, cb): bind the cb callback to the event point. the event
has this:
- ListReFreshPre