- Install WebSMS:
- Install WebSMS from market (there is a barcode on the main page).
- Or go to download section and install it from there.
- Start WebSMS and open it's preferences via menu.
- Set sender and international prefix.
- Install Connectors:
- Click the "more connectors" preferences. It will launch the market search.
- Or install Connectors from this website.
- Restart WebSMS now!
- Go to preferences again.
- Above the "more connectors" preference you will find the preferences for all Connectors installed. Click them.
- For each Connector, you may set:
- En-/disable the Connector.
- Set username and password. (for some, the username is set to your sender you set above automatically)
- Set a alternative sender, which may differ from the one set in main preferences. (This may set your username for some Connectors as well)
- Finally you should set the connector you want to use via menu or button (if not hidden). The chosen Connector is displayed in the text field in big grey letters.
If you own a account for one of the Connectors, use it. You may use your free sms there.
If you don't own an account, the answer differs on your location. At the moment most Connectors are working only for german or austrian people. Fishtext is specialized on international SMS and should work for most people.
For backup purpose there is a SMS Connector shipped with the main app. It will send real SMS via your carrier which are billed as normal.
You should read the ConnectorMatrix for more details.
It is the password you set on the Connectors website while registration.
Please use google. I am pretty sure, google knows the connectors website.
You should enter your international country code here (E.g. +1 for US, +49 for Germany). See the full list wikipedia.
Please set the prefix of YOUR telephone number used for sender id and login. The prefix is just needed to strip it from the international formatted number to login to some webservice using the national formatted number.
It is not possible with the stock messaging app. However, try SMSdroid, which is build for this.
Just turn of the "SMS" Connector. Any other connector will use a webservice to send the messages.
If you do not want to start WebSMS with a fixed recipient, you should leave it blank.
You should not use a connector sending messages without YOUR sender id. Some connectors do support sending with and without sender id. Without sender id might be cheaper. But a direct reply is not possible.
Please use the issues to report issues or feature requests.