make test
# 单个 package
make test WHAT=./pkg/api
# 多个 packages
make test WHAT=./pkg/{api,kubelet}
或者,也可以直接用 go test
go test -v k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet
# Runs TestValidatePod in pkg/api/validation with the verbose flag set
make test WHAT=./pkg/api/validation KUBE_GOFLAGS="-v" KUBE_TEST_ARGS='-run ^TestValidatePod$'
# Runs tests that match the regex ValidatePod|ValidateConfigMap in pkg/api/validation
make test WHAT=./pkg/api/validation KUBE_GOFLAGS="-v" KUBE_TEST_ARGS="-run ValidatePod\|ValidateConfigMap$"
或者直接用 go test
go test -v k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/validation -run ^TestValidatePod$
并行测试是 root out flakes 的一种有效方法:
# Have 2 workers run all tests 5 times each (10 total iterations).
make test KUBE_COVER=y
go test ./pkg/apiserver -benchmem -run=XXX -bench=BenchmarkWatch
Kubernetes 集成测试需要安装 etcd(只要按照即可,不需要启动),比如
hack/install-etcd.sh # Installs in ./third_party/etcd
echo export PATH="\$PATH:$(pwd)/third_party/etcd" >> ~/.profile # Add to PATH
集成测试会在需要的时候自动启动 etcd 和 kubernetes 服务,并运行 test/integration 里面的测试。
make test-integration # Run all integration tests.
# Run integration test TestPodUpdateActiveDeadlineSeconds with the verbose flag set.
make test-integration KUBE_GOFLAGS="-v" KUBE_TEST_ARGS="-run ^TestPodUpdateActiveDeadlineSeconds$"
End to end (e2e) 测试模拟用户行为操作 Kubernetes,用来保证 Kubernetes 服务或集群的行为完全符合设计预期。
在开启 e2e 测试之前,需要先编译测试文件,并设置 KUBERNETES_PROVIDER(默认为 gce):
make WHAT='test/e2e/e2e.test'
make ginkgo
# build Kubernetes, up a cluster, run tests, and tear everything down
go run hack/e2e.go -- -v --build --up --test --down
go run hack/e2e.go -v -test --test_args='--ginkgo.focus=Kubectl\sclient\s\[k8s\.io\]\sKubectl\srolling\-update\sshould\ssupport\srolling\-update\sto\ssame\simage\s\[Conformance\]$'
go run hack/e2e.go -- -v --test --test_args="--ginkgo.skip=Pods.*env
# Run tests in parallel, skip any that must be run serially
GINKGO_PARALLEL=y go run hack/e2e.go --v --test --test_args="--ginkgo.skip=\[Serial\]"
# Run tests in parallel, skip any that must be run serially and keep the test namespace if test failed
GINKGO_PARALLEL=y go run hack/e2e.go --v --test --test_args="--ginkgo.skip=\[Serial\] --delete-namespace-on-failure=false"
go run hack/e2e.go -- -v --down
# -ctl can be used to quickly call kubectl against your e2e cluster. Useful for
# cleaning up after a failed test or viewing logs. Use -v to avoid suppressing
# kubectl output.
go run hack/e2e.go -- -v -ctl='get events'
go run hack/e2e.go -- -v -ctl='delete pod foobar'
export FEDERATION=true
export E2E_ZONES="us-central1-a us-central1-b us-central1-f"
# or export FEDERATION_PUSH_REPO_BASE="quay.io/colin_hom"
# build container images
KUBE_RELEASE_RUN_TESTS=n KUBE_FASTBUILD=true go run hack/e2e.go -- -v -build
# push the federation container images
# Deploy federation control plane
go run hack/e2e.go -- -v --up
# Finally, run the tests
go run hack/e2e.go -- -v --test --test_args="--ginkgo.focus=\[Feature:Federation\]"
# Don't forget to teardown everything down
go run hack/e2e.go -- -v --down
可以用 cluster/log-dump.sh <directory>
Node e2e 仅测试 Kubelet 的相关功能,可以在本地或者集群中测试
make test-e2e-node FOCUS="InitContainer"
make test_e2e_node TEST_ARGS="--experimental-cgroups-per-qos=true"
借助 kubectl 的模版可以方便获取想要的数据,比如查询某个 container 的镜像的方法为
kubectl get pods nginx-4263166205-ggst4 -o template '--template={{if (exists ."status""containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "nginx"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}'