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diff --git a/computercraft/sigils/pipe.lua b/computercraft/sigils/pipe.lua
index dea46f8..e72e97f 100644
--- a/computercraft/sigils/pipe.lua
+++ b/computercraft/sigils/pipe.lua
@@ -4,11 +4,15 @@
---A data structure for a Pipe matching `/server/src/types/core-types.ts#Pipe`
---@class Pipe
-local PipeModeNatural = require('sigils.pipeModes.natural')
local PipeModeFluid = require('sigils.pipeModes.fluid')
local Filter = require('sigils.filter')
local LOGGER = require('sigils.logging').LOGGER
+local ITEM_PIPE_MODES = {
+ natural = require('sigils.pipeModes.natural'),
+ spread = require('sigils.pipeModes.spread'),
local function processFluidPipe (pipe, groupMap, missingPeriphs, filter)
local ok, transferOrders = pcall(
function ()
@@ -47,11 +51,8 @@ local function processPipe (pipe, groupMap, missingPeriphs)
local ok, transferOrders = pcall(
function ()
- if pipe.mode == "natural" then -- you can add more item pipe modes with more if/else statements
- return PipeModeNatural.getTransferOrders(groupMap[pipe.from], groupMap[pipe.to], missingPeriphs, filter)
- else -- natural is the default
- return PipeModeNatural.getTransferOrders(groupMap[pipe.from], groupMap[pipe.to], missingPeriphs, filter)
- end
+ local pipeMode = ITEM_PIPE_MODES[pipe.mode] or ITEM_PIPE_MODES["natural"]
+ return pipeMode.getTransferOrders(groupMap[pipe.from], groupMap[pipe.to], missingPeriphs, filter)
diff --git a/computercraft/sigils/pipeModes/spread.lua b/computercraft/sigils/pipeModes/spread.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac9734f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/computercraft/sigils/pipeModes/spread.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+local ItemDetailAndLimitCache = require('sigils.ItemDetailAndLimitCache')
+---Get the amount of items from the origin item stack that can be moved to the
+---destination item stack.
+---@param originStack table ItemDetail of the origin item stack
+---@param destStack table ItemDetail of the destination item stack
+---@param destItemLimit table Item limit of the destination item stack
+---@return number Number Number of items that can be moved. 0 if destination full or unstackable.
+local function getAmountStackable(originStack, destStack, destItemLimit)
+ local isCompatibleItem = (
+ destStack.name == originStack.name and
+ destStack.nbt == nil and
+ destStack.durability == nil
+ )
+ if isCompatibleItem then
+ return math.min(destStack.maxCount - destStack.count, originStack.count, destItemLimit)
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+---Get the transfer orders needed to spread items from the origin inventory throughout
+---the destination inventory.
+---This emulates the spreading behavior of Minecraft. For instance, if you drag
+---a stack of items in your cursor into several slots on a chest, the stack is
+---divided evenly, and each portion is added to the destination slots.
+---The remainder remains in your cursor, in addition to any items that couldn't
+---be fully transferred.
+---This function uses slots in the origin inventory as the "cursor," which is
+---why some remainder items stay in the origin inventory after a single pass.
+---@param origin Group Origin group to transfer from
+---@param destination Group Destination group to transfer to
+---@param missingPeriphs table Set of missing peripherals by ID
+---@param filter function Filter function that accepts the result of inventory.getItemDetail()
+---@return TransferOrder[] transferOrders List of transfer orders
+local function getTransferOrders (origin, destination, missingPeriphs, filter)
+ local orders = {}
+ local inventoryInfo = ItemDetailAndLimitCache.new(missingPeriphs)
+ inventoryInfo:Fulfill({origin, destination})
+ for _, originSlot in pairs(inventoryInfo:GetSlotsWithMatchingItems(origin, filter)) do
+ local originStack = inventoryInfo:GetItemDetail(originSlot)
+ if originStack then
+ local toTransfer = originStack.count
+ local actualTransferred = 0
+ local numDestinationSlots = math.min(#destination.slots, #destination.slots)
+ local transferAmount = math.floor(toTransfer / numDestinationSlots) -- we'll try to transfer this many items to each destination slot
+ if transferAmount == 0 then
+ transferAmount = 1
+ end
+ for writeHead=1, numDestinationSlots do
+ local destSlot = destination.slots[writeHead]
+ local destStack = inventoryInfo:GetItemDetail(destSlot)
+ local destItemLimit = inventoryInfo:GetItemLimit(destSlot)
+ if destStack == nil or getAmountStackable(originStack, destStack, destItemLimit) > 0 then
+ local transferLimit = transferAmount
+ if destStack ~= nil then
+ transferLimit = math.min(getAmountStackable(originStack, destStack, destItemLimit), transferAmount)
+ end
+ actualTransferred = actualTransferred + transferLimit
+ table.insert(orders, {from=originSlot, to=destSlot, limit=transferLimit})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return orders
+return {
+ getTransferOrders = getTransferOrders,
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