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2. FEC system diagram

Laura Beaufort edited this page Nov 7, 2019 · 15 revisions

FEC system diagram



  • 3 RDS instances with assess the internet so the FEC can push updates. Devs need access to Amazon so that they can scale up the instances in times of heavy traffic, like filing deadlines and schema updates. The team also responds to alerts as necessary. These are not hosted on
  • The API needs S3 access on to the fec bucket to create downloadable csv resources. Those resources expire daily.
  • Celery worker to create and maintain download que and start nightly refresh
  • Redis swarm is needed to store download que
  • API needs access to, which is whitelisted from production (Prod only)
  • Slack access for the apps to post what branch is deployed where, and error messages from the update processes
  • The Proxy app needs access to DNS and to route traffic for, which consists of the Web app and CMS
  • The Web app and CMS need access to GitHub to post user feedback
  • The CMS uses a postgres database in
  • Testing and deploys from Circle on successful builds
  • Error monitoring: NewRelic
  • FEC legal resources is using an elasticsearch instance for legal documents
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