- In case of a template, set character parameter for the default database build command. It is being set to AL32UTF8.
- Seeded database template support
- oracle_hostname parameter for emagent
- puppet 4 fixes
- EM agent, Move sysman parameter validation to agentpull block
- Fix rcu status check, rollback from version 2.0.1
- ASM service fix for RHEL7
- dbtemplate_12.1.dbt database template should also work for
- db_structure fixes, correct permissions and chown order
- support for Enterprise Manager
- some more strict file permissions
- rcu allows now more complex passwords
- allow to change the service name instead of dbora
- installdb is_rack_one_install option for
- db_control type & dbcontrol manifest supports now also Grid
- security/permissions fixes with files which can contain passwords
- support the new opatchauto utility instead of opatch auto by use_opatchauto_utility => true
- support 12.1 CDB with custom database template
- changed the default oraInventory location when it is not defined
- bash_profile option for database clients
- rcu 11g fix
- oracle client template
- db_listener type refreshonly fix
- All parameters of classes or defines are now in snake case and not in camel case
- Add support for Grid (installasm)
- Fix unsetted vars in dbora template
- Added ability to put listener entries in tnsnames.ora
- autostart fix so it also works for Oracle Linux 5
- rcu prefix compare check fix ( Uppercase )
- RCU fixes for OIM or OAM
- installem em_upload_port parameter type fix
- Small Suse fix for the autostart service
- new installdb attribute cleanup_installfile
- option to provide the sys username for RCU
- be able to provide a listener name for starting the oracle listener ( manifest and custom type)
- installasm, stand alone parameter in combination with $grid_type == 'CRS_SWONLY' used as standalone or in RAC
- installasm, .profile fix for ORACLE_SID in case grid_type = HA_CONFIG -> +ASM or in grid_type = CRS_CONFIG -> +ASM1
- Removed Oracle Home under base check for ASM installations, in CRS_CONFIG or CRS_SWONLY this is not right
- Custom type for oracle db/asm/client/em directory structure instead of using dirtree and some oradb manifests
- fixed database install rsp
- db_listener custom puppet type/provider, listener.pp calls this type
- solaris fix for database.pp and opatch auto
- puppet_download_mnt_point parameter for database.pp which can be used for own db template
- Removed create_user functionality in installdb & client, Puppet should do it instead of oradb module
- Support for 12.1 pluggable database
- init_params of database.pp now also support a hash besides a comma separated string
- Refactored dbstructure so it works with multiple oracle homes
- Goldengate 12.1.2 now uses dbstructure
- added extra parameter validation to installdb, installasm and installem_agent
- opatch fix for opatch bundle zip files which has subfolders in the zip
- owner of the grid home or oracle home folder fix
- renamed clusterware parameter of the opatch type to opatch_auto
- storage_type parameter is now also used in the dbca command when using a database template
- Added ASM 11.2 Database template
- Enterprise Manager agent install with AgentPull & AgentDeploy
- Cleanup install zip files and extracted installation folder in installdb, installasm, installem and client
- Enterprise Manager server installation support
- Support for Solaris 11.2
- autostart service for Solaris
- db_control puppet resource type, start or stop an instance or subscribe to changes like init_param
- Tnsnames change so it supports a TNS balanced configuration
- changed oraInst.loc permissions to 0755
- fix for windows/unix linefeed when oradb is used in combination with vagrant on a windows host
- opatch check bug when run it twice
- Add a tnsnames entry support
- Create a Database instance based on a template
- Be able to change the default listener port 1521 in net.pp & database.pp
- Opatch fix to apply same the patch twice on different oracle homes
- OPatch support for clusterware (GRID)
- Opatchupgrade now works for grid & database on the same node
- Puppet Lint fixes
- Rubocop fixes
- 12.1 Template fix for Oracle RAC
- Fix for puppet 3.7 and more strict parsing
- OPatch also checks for OPatch succeeded
- RAC installation parameters for database, installasm, installdb
- cleanup readme
- asm/grid for & installasm fix for Oracle Restart fix, rsp template fix
- RCU fix for multiple FMW Repositories, installasm fix with zip_extract = false
- Rename some internal manifest to avoid a conflict with orawls
- Oracle Database & Client Support
- database client fix with remote file, set db_snmp_password on a database
- oraInst.loc bug fix, option to skip installdb bash profile
- 11.2 EE install options
- RCU & Opatch fixes in combination with ruby 1.9.3
- Added unit tests and OPatch upgrade support without OCM registration
- Grid install and ASM support
- refactored installdb and support for oinstall groups
- db_rcu native type used in rcu.pp
- db_opatch native type used in opatch.pp
- autostart multiple databases, small fixes
- oracle module add##on for user,role and tablespace creation
- em_configuration parameter for Database creation
- Oracle database, client support, refactored installdb,net,goldengate