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Allen: Adding a new CUDA algorithm

This tutorial will guide you through adding a new CUDA algorithm to the Allen project.


Writing an algorithm in CUDA in the Allen project is no different than writing it on any other GPU project. The differences are in how to invoke that program, and how to setup the options, arguments, and so on.

So let's assume that we have the following simple SAXPY algorithm, taken out from this website

__global__ void saxpy(float *x, float *y, int n, float a) {
  int i = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
  if (i < n) y[i] = a*x[i] + y[i];

Adding the CUDA algorithm

We want to add the algorithm to a specific folder inside the cuda folder:

├── cuda
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   └── velo
│       ├── CMakeLists.txt
│       ├── calculate_phi_and_sort
│       │   ├── include
│       │   │   └── CalculatePhiAndSort.cuh
│       │   └── src
│       │       ├──
│       │       ├──
│       │       └──
│       ├── common
│       │   ├── include
│       │   │   ├── ClusteringDefinitions.cuh
│       │   │   └── VeloDefinitions.cuh
│       │   └── src
│       │       ├──
│       │       └──

Let's create a new folder inside the cuda directory named test. We need to modify cuda/CMakeLists.txt to reflect this:


Inside the test folder we will create the following structure:

├── test
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   └── saxpy
│       ├── include
│       │   └── Saxpy.cuh
│       └── src
│           └──

The newly created test/CMakeLists.txt file should reflect the project we are creating. We can do that by populating it like so:

file(GLOB test_saxpy "saxpy/src/*cu")

add_library(Test STATIC

Our CUDA algorithm Saxpy.cuh and will be as follows. Note we need to specify the required arguments in the ALGORITHM, let's give the arguments names that won't collide, like dev_x and dev_y:

#include "Handler.cuh"
#include "ArgumentsCommon.cuh"

__global__ void saxpy(float *x, float *y, int n, float a);

ALGORITHM(saxpy, saxpy_t,
#include "Saxpy.cuh"

__global__ void saxpy(float *x, float *y, int n, float a) {
  int i = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
  if (i < n) y[i] = a*x[i] + y[i];

The line with ALGORITHM encapsulates our algorithm saxpy into a class with name saxpy_t. We will use this class from now on to be able to refer to our algorithm. Therefore, when developing algorithms for the HLT1 chain, please add the sub-detector that your algorithm belongs to in the name so that it can be easily identified within a sequence. For example: velo_masked_clustering_t or ut_pre_decode_t.

Lastly, edit stream/CMakeLists.txt and modify target_link_libraries:

target_link_libraries(Stream Velo Test)

Ready to move on.

Integrating the algorithm in the sequence

Allen centers around the idea of running a sequence of algorithms on input events. This sequence is predefined and will always be executed in the same order.

Some events from the input will be discarded throughout the execution, and only a fraction of them will be kept for further processing. That is conceptually the idea behind the High Level Trigger 1 stage of LHCb, and is what is intended to achieve with this project.

Therefore, we need to add our algorithm to the sequence of algorithms. First, make the folder visible to CMake by editing the file stream/CMakeLists.txt and adding:


Then, add the following include to stream/setup/include/ConfiguredSequence.cuh:

#include "Saxpy.cuh"

Now, we are ready to add our algorithm to a sequence. All available sequences live in the folder configuration/sequences/. The sequence to execute can be chosen at compile time, by appending the name of the desired sequence to the cmake call: cmake -DSEQUENCE=DefaultSequence ... For now, let's just edit the DefaultSequence. Add the algorithm to configuration/sequences/DefaultSequence.h as follows:

 * Specify here the algorithms to be executed in the sequence,
 * in the expected order of execution.

Keep in mind the order matters, and will define when your algorithm is scheduled. In this case, we have chosen to add it after the algorithm identified by consolidate_tracks_t.

Next, we need to define the arguments to be passed to our function. We need to define them in order for the dynamic scheduling machinery to properly work - that is, allocate what is needed only when it's needed, and manage the memory for us.

We will distinguish arguments just passed by value from pointers to device memory. We don't need to schedule those simply passed by value like n and a. We care however about x and y, since they require some reserving and freeing in memory.

In the algorithm definition we used the arguments dev_x and dev_y. We need to define the arguments, to make them available to our algorithm. Let's add these types to the common arguments, in stream/setup/include/ArgumentsCommon.cuh:

ARGUMENT(dev_x, float)
ARGUMENT(dev_y, float)

Optionally, some types are required to live throughout the whole sequence since its creation. An argument can be specified to be persistent in memory by adding it to the output_arguments_t tuple, in AlgorithmDependencies.cuh:

 * @brief Output arguments, ie. that cannot be freed.
 * @details The arguments specified in this type will
 *          be kept allocated since their first appearance
 *          until the end of the sequence.
typedef std::tuple<
> output_arguments_t;

Preparing and invoking the algorithms in the sequence

Now all the pieces are in place, we are ready to prepare the algorithm and do the actual invocation.

First go to stream/sequence/include/HostBuffers.cuh and add the saxpy host memory pointer:

  // Pinned host datatypes
  uint* host_velo_tracks_atomics;
  uint* host_velo_track_hit_number;
  uint* host_velo_track_hits;
  uint* host_total_number_of_velo_clusters;
  uint* host_number_of_reconstructed_velo_tracks;
  uint* host_accumulated_number_of_hits_in_velo_tracks;
  uint* host_accumulated_number_of_ut_hits;

  // Saxpy
  int saxpy_N = 1<<20;
  float *host_x, *host_y;


Reserve that host memory in stream/sequence/src/

  cudaCheck(cudaMallocHost((void**)&host_velo_tracks_atomics, (2 * max_number_of_events + 1) * sizeof(int)));
  cudaCheck(cudaMallocHost((void**)&host_velo_track_hit_number, max_number_of_events * VeloTracking::max_tracks * sizeof(uint)));
  cudaCheck(cudaMallocHost((void**)&host_velo_track_hits, max_number_of_events * VeloTracking::max_tracks * VeloTracking::max_track_size * sizeof(Velo::Hit)));
  cudaCheck(cudaMallocHost((void**)&host_total_number_of_velo_clusters, sizeof(uint)));
  cudaCheck(cudaMallocHost((void**)&host_number_of_reconstructed_velo_tracks, sizeof(uint)));
  cudaCheck(cudaMallocHost((void**)&host_accumulated_number_of_hits_in_velo_tracks, sizeof(uint)));
  cudaCheck(cudaMallocHost((void**)&host_veloUT_tracks, max_number_of_events * VeloUTTracking::max_num_tracks * sizeof(VeloUTTracking::TrackUT)));
  cudaCheck(cudaMallocHost((void**)&host_atomics_veloUT, VeloUTTracking::num_atomics * max_number_of_events * sizeof(int)));
  cudaCheck(cudaMallocHost((void**)&host_accumulated_number_of_ut_hits, sizeof(uint)));
  cudaCheck(cudaMallocHost((void**)&host_accumulated_number_of_scifi_hits, sizeof(uint)));
  // Saxpy memory allocations
  cudaCheck(cudaMallocHost((void**)&host_x, saxpy_N * sizeof(float)));
  cudaCheck(cudaMallocHost((void**)&host_y, saxpy_N * sizeof(float)));


Finally, create a visitor for your newly created algorithm. Create a containing folder structure for it in stream/visitors/test/src/, and a new file inside named Insert the following code inside:

#include "SequenceVisitor.cuh"
#include "Saxpy.cuh"

void SequenceVisitor::set_arguments_size<saxpy_t>(
  saxpy_t::arguments_t arguments,
  const RuntimeOptions& runtime_options,
  const Constants& constants,
  const HostBuffers& host_buffers)
  // Set arguments size
  int saxpy_N = 1<<20;

void SequenceVisitor::visit<saxpy_t>(
  saxpy_t& state,
  const saxpy_t::arguments_t& arguments,
  const RuntimeOptions& runtime_options,
  const Constants& constants,
  HostBuffers& host_buffers,
  cudaStream_t& cuda_stream,
  cudaEvent_t& cuda_generic_event)
  // Saxpy test
  int saxpy_N = 1<<20;
  for (int i = 0; i < saxpy_N; i++) {
    host_buffers.host_x[i] = 1.0f;
    host_buffers.host_y[i] = 2.0f;

  // Copy memory from host to device
    saxpy_N * sizeof(float),

    saxpy_N * sizeof(float),

  // Setup opts for kernel call
  state.set_opts(dim3((saxpy_N+255)/256), dim3(256), cuda_stream);
  // Setup arguments for kernel call

  // Kernel call

  // Retrieve result

  // Wait to receive the result
  cudaEventRecord(cuda_generic_event, cuda_stream);

  // Check the output
  float maxError = 0.0f;
  for (int i=0; i<saxpy_N; i++) {
    maxError = std::max(maxError, abs(host_buffers.host_y[i]-4.0f));
  info_cout << "Saxpy max error: " << maxError << std::endl << std::endl;

As a last step, add the visitor to stream/CMakeLists.txt:

file(GLOB stream_visitors_test "visitors/test/src/*cu")
add_library(Stream STATIC

We can compile the code and run the program ./Allen. If everything went well, the following text should appear:

Saxpy max error: 0.00

The cool thing is your algorithm is now part of the sequence. You can see how memory is managed, taking into account your algorithm, and how it changes on every step by appending the -p option: ./Allen -p

Sequence step 13 "saxpy_t" memory segments (MiB):
dev_velo_track_hit_number (0.01), unused (0.05), dev_atomics_storage (0.00), unused (1.30), dev_velo_track_hits (0.26), dev_x (4.00), dev_y (4.00), unused (1014.39), 
Max memory required: 9.61 MiB

Adding configurable parameters

To allow a parameter to be configurable via the JSON configuration interface, a Property must be added to the corresponding ALGORITHM call. This makes uses of variadic macros so multiple Property objects can be included and will be appended verbatim to the class definition written by the ALGORITHM macro. For example, the following code will add two properties to the search_by_triplet algorithm:

          Property<float> m_tol {this,
          Property<float> m_scat {this,
                                  "scatter forwarding"};

The arguments passed to the Property constructor are

  • the Algorithm that "owns" it;
  • the name of the property in the JSON configuration;
  • the underlying variable - this must be in __constant__ memory for regular properties (see below);
  • the default value of the property;
  • a description of the property.

As the underlying parameters make use of GPU constant memory, they may not be defined within the algorithm's class. They should instead be placed inside of namespace of the same name within the Configuration namespace. For the example above, the following needs to be added to the header file:

namespace Configuration {
  namespace velo_search_by_triplet_t {
    // Forward tolerance in phi
    extern __constant__ float forward_phi_tolerance;
    // Max scatter for forming triplets (seeding) and forwarding
    extern __constant__ float max_scatter_forwarding;
  } // namespace velo_search_by_triplet_t
} // namespace Configuration

and the following to the code file:

__constant__ float Configuration::velo_search_by_triplet_t::forward_phi_tolerance;
__constant__ float Configuration::velo_search_by_triplet_t::max_scatter_forwarding;

Finally, the following can be added to the configuration file (default: configuration/constants/default.json) to configure the values of these parameters at runtime:

"velo_search_by_triplet_t": {"forward_phi_tolerance" : "0.052", "max_scatter_forwarding" : "0.1"}

Derived properties

For properties derived from other configurable properties, the DerivedProperty class may be used:

Property<float> m_slope {this,
                         0.010f * Gaudi::Units::mrad,
                         "sigma velo slope [radians]"};
DerivedProperty<float> m_inv_slope {this,
                                    std::vector<Property<float>*> {&this->m_slope},
                                    "inv sigma velo slope"};

Here, the value of the m_inv_slope property is determined by the function and the vector of properties given in the third and fourth arguments. Additional functions may be added to the Configuration::Relations and defined in stream/gear/src/ All functions take a vector of properties as an argument, to allow for functions of an arbitrary number of properties.

CPU properties

Regular properties are designed to be used in GPU algorithms and are stored in GPU constant memory with a cached copy within the Property class. For properties that are only needed on the CPU, e.g. grid and block dimensions, a CPUProperty can be used, which only stores the configured value internally. This is also useful for properties tht are only needed when first configuring the algorithm, such as properties only used in the visitor class. Note that regular properties may also be used in this case (e.g. ../stream/visitors/velo/src/ accesses non-CPU properties) but if a property is only needed on the CPU then there is a reduced overhead in using a CPUProperty.

These are defined in the same way as a Property but take one fewer argument as there is no underlying constant memory object to reference.

CPUProperty<std::array<int, 3>> m_block_dim {this, "block_dim", {32, 1, 1}, "block dimensions"};
CPUProperty<std::array<int, 3>> m_grid_dim {this, "grid_dim", {1, 1, 1}, "grid dimensions"};

Shared properties

For properties that are shared between multiple top-level algorithms, it may be preferred to keep the properties in a neutral location. This ensures that properties are configured regardless of which algorithms are used in the configured sequence and can be achieved by using a SharedProperty.

Shared properties are owned by a SharedPropertySet rather than an Algorithm and example of which is given below.

#include "Configuration.cuh"

namespace Configuration {
  namespace example_common {
    extern __constant__ float param;

struct ExampleConfiguration : public SharedPropertySet {
  ExampleConfiguration() = default;
  constexpr static auto name{ "example_common" };
  Property<float> m_par{this, "param", Configuration::example_common::param, 0., "an example parameter"};

This may be used by any algorithm by including the header and adding the following line to the end of the arguments of the ALGORITHM call.

SharedProperty<float> m_shared{this, "example_common", "param"};

These must also be plumbed in to Configuration::getSharedPropertySet in stream/gear/src/ to allow the property set to be found by algorithms.

Adding monitoring histograms


Monitoring in Allen is performed by dedicated monitoring threads (by default there is a single thread). After a slice of data is processed, the HostBuffers corresponding to that slice are sent to the monitoring thread concurrent with being sent to the I/O thread for output. The flow of HostBuffers is shown below:

graph LR
A((HostBuffer<br>Manager))-->B[GPU thread]
B-->C[I/O thread]
B-->|if free|D[Monitoring thread]

To avoid excessive load on the CPU, monitoring threads will not queue HostBuffers, i.e, if the monitoring thread is already busy then new HostBuffers will be immediately marked as monitored. Functionality exists within MonitorManager to reactively reduce the amount of monitoring performed (n.b. this corresponds to an increase in the monitoring_level) in response to a large number of skipped slices. This is not currently used but would allow monitoring to favour running some types of monitors for all slices over running all types of monitors for some slices. Additionally, less important monitors could be run on a random sub-sample of slices. The MetaMonitor provides monitoring histograms that track the numbers of successfully monitored and skipped slices as well as the monitoring level.

Monitor classes

Additional monitors that produce histograms based on information in the HostBuffers should be added to integration/monitoring and inherit from the BufferMonitor class. The RateMonitor class provides an example of this. Furthermore, each histogram that is added must be given a unique key in MonitorBase::MonHistType.

Once a new monitoring class has been written, this may be added to the monitoring thread(s) by including an instance of the class in the vectors created in MonitorManager::init, e.g.

m_monitors.back().push_back(new RateMonitor(buffers_manager, time_step, offset));

Saving histograms

All histograms may be saved by calling MonitorManager::saveHistograms. This is currently performed once after Allen has finished executing. In principle, this could be performed on a regular basis within the main loop but ideally would require monitoring threads to be paused for thread safety.

Histograms are currently written to monitoringHists.root.