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104 lines (88 loc) · 5.43 KB

Initial setup

  1. GitHub
    • Sign up for GitHub if not already signed up. Pick default (free plan).

    • Create ssh key and link it with GitHub:

      • Ensure that you've created an SSH key if you do not already have one. (ed25519 keys are recommended)
      • Make sure your public SSH keys are added to your GitHub account and that you can use them to access git repos
      • Do Not Share Your Private Key, in any circumstance
    • Fork and create a pull request on students repository so I can add you to the to the GitHub group for the course.

  2. Familiarize yourself with GitHub workflow

Typical workflow

  1. To start, fork the repository for the test project (found under
  2. Clone the repository to your computer.
  3. View, create, and edit your files
  4. commit changes to complete your solution.
  5. Push/sync the changes up to GitHub.
  6. Create a pull request on the original repository

Feedback will be given in the pull request, so please respond with your thoughts and questions! You are welcome to open the pull request as the work is still in-progress if you are stuck and want to ask a question – just mention @audris with the question to make sure I know to look at it sooner.

Initial setup: to be done on/by Aug 30

Configuring ssh

  • On linux/mac

    • create .ssh/config

      1. create ~/.ssh/config or add to it:
       host da2
          port YOURPORT #from students/
          user YOURNETID
          LocalForward 8888
          # add a line similar to below if your SSH key is not automatically used:
          #IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
          # these two lines are in case we need to re-create any docker containers
          # and/or reset your container if you break it:
          StrictHostKeyChecking no
          UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
      1. place your private key in ~/.ssh/ on your client / local machine
      2. Make sure permissions are right
       chmod -R og-rwx ~/.ssh
      1. ssh da2
    • Or ssh directly

      # example uses an RSA key, update all arguments accordingly
      ssh -pYOURPORT -L8888:localhost:8888 -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa [email protected]
  • Windows 10 has ubuntu subsystem: please use it and follow linux/mac instructions above. Also please avoid gitbash on Windows: its ssh seems to have problems. If it works for anyone, please create a pull request with instructions

  • Putty is an ssh client for earlier versions of windows, please avoid if you have Win10 or later

  • Instructions on how to generate ssh key running windows

    1. How to generate key via putty

    2. generate the key via puttygen

    3. Copy the key

    4. public ssh key from puttygen

    5. Save the private key and use it in your putty ssh session

    6. Copy the public key (highlited in the image) to add to the yournetid.key

    7. Now work on creating and saving session: start putty and go to connection/ssh/tunnels, enter source and destination and click add

    8. port forwarding

    9. Go to go to connection/ssh/Auth and browse for your private key

    10. authentication

    11. Go to go to session enter hostname and YOUR PORT from in fdac/students

    12. session

    13. Don't forget to save the session before clicking open