This project involved practicing file I/O on Node.js and using the NPM request
framework to interact with both the Star Wars and
JSONplaceholder API's.
I was introduced to Javascript web scraping using the request
and fs
0. Readme
- 0-readme.js: JavaScript script that reads and prints the contents of a file.
- Usage:
./0-readme.js <file path>
1. Write me
- 1-writeme.js: JavaScript script that writes a string to a file.
- Usage:
./1-writeme.js <file path> <string to write>
2. Status code
- 2-statuscode.js: JavaScript script that displays the
stauts code of a
request using therequest
framework. - Usage:
./2-statuscode.js <URL to GET>
. - Output:
code: <status code>
- 2-statuscode.js: JavaScript script that displays the
stauts code of a
3. Star wars movie title
- 3-starwars_title.js: JavaScript script that uses the Star Wars API to print the title of the Star Wars movie with a given integer episode number.
- Usage:
./3-starwars_title.js <3-starwars_title.js>
4. Star wars Wedge Antilles
- 4-starwars_count.js: JavaScript script that uses the Star Wars API to print the number of movies featuring the character "Wedge Antilles".
- Usage:
5. Loripsum
- 5-request_store.js: JavaScript script that stores the contents of a webpage in a file.
- Usage:
./5-request_store.js <URL to get> <file path to store content in>
6. How many completed?
- 6-completed_tasks.js: JavaScript script that uses the JSONPlaceholder API to compute the number of tasks completed per user ID.
- Usage:
7. Who was playing in this movie?
- 100-starwars_characters.js: JavaScript script that uses the Star Wars API to print all characters featured in a given movie.
- Usage:
./100-starwars_characters.js <movie ID>
8. Right order
- 101-starwars_characters.js: JavaScript script
that uses the Star Wars API to print all characters featured in a given movie in
the same order as they are listed in the
list of the/films/
response. - Usage:
./101-starwars_characters.js <movie ID>
- 101-starwars_characters.js: JavaScript script
that uses the Star Wars API to print all characters featured in a given movie in
the same order as they are listed in the