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Brief Introduction

fastHan is developed based on fastNLP and pytorch. It is as convinient to use as spacy.

Its core is a Bert-based joint model, which is trained in 15 corpora and can handle Chinese word segmentation, part-of-speech tagging, dependency analysis and named entity recognition.

Starting from fastHan2.0, fastHan added the processing of ancient Chinese word segmentation and POS tagging on the basis of the original. In addition, fastHan can handle Chinese AMR tasks. fastHan performed well in each of its tasks, approaching or even surpassing the SOTA model on some datasets.

Finally, if you are very interested in ancient Chinese word segmentation and POS tagging, you can also pay attention to another work in the laboratory, bert-ancient-chinese(paper).


If you use the fastHan toolkit in your work, you can cite this paper: Zhichao Geng, Hang Yan, Xipeng Qiu and Xuanjing Huang, fastHan: A BERT-based Multi-Task Toolkit for Chinese NLP, ACL, 2021.

  author = {Geng, Zhichao and Yan, Hang and Qiu, Xipeng and Huang, Xuanjing},
  title = {fastHan: A BERT-based Multi-Task Toolkit for Chinese NLP},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations},
  year = {2021},
  pages = {99--106}, 
  url = {}


To install fastHan, the environment has to satisfy requirements below:

  • torch>=1.8.0
  • fastNLP>=1.0.0
    • Note: Before version 2.0, fastHan relied on fastNLP less than version 1.0.0.
  • transformers>=4.0.0

You can execute the following command to complete the installation:

pip install fastHan

Or you can install fastHan from github:

git clone [email protected]:fastnlp/fastHan.git
cd fastHan
python install

Quick Start

It is quite simple to use FastHan. There are two steps: load the model, call the model.

Load the model

Execute the following code to load the model fastHan:

from fastHan import FastHan

If this is the first time to load the model, fastHan will download parameters from our server automatically.

The fastHan2.0 model is based on a 12-layer BERT model. If you need to use a smaller model, you can download versions prior to fastHan2.0.

Execute the following code to load the **FastCAMR model ** :

from fastHan import FastCAMR

If this is the first time to load the model, fastHan will download parameters from our server automatically.

Besides, for users download parameters manually, load the model by path is also allowed. e.g.:


Call the model

An example of calling the model is shown below:


and the output will be:

[['郭靖', '是', '金庸', '笔', '下', '的', '男', '主角', '。']]
[[['郭靖', 2, 'top', 'NR'], ['是', 0, 'root', 'VC'], ['金庸', 4, 'nn', 'NR'], ['笔', 5, 'lobj', 'NN'], ['下', 8, 'assmod', 'LC'], ['的', 5, 'assm', 'DEG'], ['男', 8, 'amod', 'JJ'], ['主角', 2, 'attr', 'NN'], ['。', 2, 'punct', 'PU']]]
[[['郭靖', 'NR'], ['金庸', 'NR']]]

arg list:

  • target: the value can be set in ['CWS', 'POS', 'CWS-guwen', 'POS-guwen', 'NER', 'Parsing'], and the default value is 'CWS'
    • fastHan uses CTB label set for POS、Parsing, uses MSRA label set for NER.
  • use_dict: whether to use user lexicon,default by False.
  • return_list:whether to return as list, default by True.
  • return_loc: whether to return the start position of words, deault by False. It can be used in spanF metric

A simple example of model CAMR for sentences in Chinese is as follows:

sentence = "这样 的 活动 还 有 什么 意义 呢 ?"
answer = camr_model(sentence)
for ans in answer:

The model will output the following information:


In particular, the sentences entered into the fastCAMR model must be sentences with participles separated by Spaces. If the original sentence does not have a word segmentation, you can use fastHan's word segmentation function to do the segmentation first, and then enter the sentence with the words separated by Spaces into the fastCAMR sentence.

Change device

Users can use set_device function to change the device of model:


Advanced Features


Users can finetune fastHan on their own dataset. An example of finetuning fastHan is shown as follows:

from fastHan import FastHan


# train data file path


By calling set_device, the finetuning proceed can be accelarated using GPU. When fine-tuning, the data used for training needs to be formatted into a file.

For CWS, ene line corresponds to one piece of data, and each word is separated by a space.


上海 浦东 开发 与 法制 建设 同步
新华社 上海 二月 十日 电 ( 记者 谢金虎 、 张持坚 )

For NER, we use the format and label set same as MSRA dataset.


札 B-NS
幌 E-NS
雪 O
国 O
庙 O
会 O
。 O

主 O
道 O
上 O
的 O
雪 O


For POS and dependency parsing, we use the format and label set same as CTB9 dataset.


1       印度    _       NR      NR      _       3       nn      _       _
2       海军    _       NN      NN      _       3       nn      _       _
3       参谋长  _       NN      NN      _       5       nsubjpass       _       _
4       被      _       SB      SB      _       5       pass    _       _
5       解职    _       VV      VV      _       0       root    _       _

1       新华社  _       NR      NR      _       7       dep     _       _
2       新德里  _       NR      NR      _       7       dep     _       _
3       12月  _       NT      NT      _       7       dep     _       _

arg list:

  • data_path:str,the path of the file containing training data.
  • task:str,the task to be finetuned,can be set from 'CWS','POS','Parsing','NER'.
  • lr:float,learning rate, 1e-5 by default.
  • n_epochs:int, umber of finetuning epochs, 1 by default.
  • batch_size:int, batch size, 8 by default.
  • save:bool, whether to save the model after finetunine, False by default.
  • save_url:str, the path to save the model, None by default.

**camr_model also has a fine tuning function **, an example of a fine tuning is shown below:

from fastHan import FastCAMR


# train data file path


Setting the set_device function before fine tuning is useful for GPU acceleration. Fine-tuning involves formatting the training data into a file.

The format of data set file should follow the format of Chinese AMR corpus CAMR1.0, as shown below.


# ::id export_amr.1322 ::2017-01-04
# ::snt 这样 的 活动 还 有 什么 意义 呢 ?
# ::wid x1_这样 x2_的 x3_活动 x4_还 x5_有 x6_什么 x7_意义 x8_呢 x9_? x10_

# ::id export_amr.1327 ::2017-01-04
# ::snt 并且 还 有 很多 高层 的 人物 哦 !
# ::wid x1_并且 x2_还 x3_有 x4_很多 x5_高层 x6_的 x7_人物 x8_哦 x9_! x10_

For the meaning of relevant formats, please refer to CAMR1.0 standard of Chinese AMR Corpus.

This function takes the following arguments:

  • :param str data_path: The path to the data set file for fine tuning.

  • :param float lr: Fine-tune the learning rate. The default value is 1e-5.

  • :param int n_epochs: The number of iterations of fine tuning is set to 1 by default.

  • :param int batch_size: Number of data in each batch. The default value is 8.

  • :param bool save: Whether to save the fine-tuned mode. The default value is False.

  • :param str save_url: If the model is saved, this value is the path to save the model.

User lexicon

Users can use add_user_dict to add their own lexicon, which will affect the weight put into CRF. The arg of this function can be list consist of words, or the path of lexicon file. (In the file,words are split by '\n').

Users can use set_user_dict_weight to set the weight coefficient of user lexicon, which is default by 0.05. Users can optimize the value by construct dev set.

Users can use remove_user_dict to remove the lexicon added before.


The output will be:

[['奥利', '奥利奥']]

segmentation style

Segmentation style refers to 10 CWS corpus used in our training phase. Our model can distinguish the corpus and follow the criterion of the corpora. So the segmentation style is related to the critetion of each corpora. Users can use set_cws_style to change the style. e.g.:


the output will be:

[['一', '个', '苹果', '。']]
[['一个', '苹果', '。']]

our corpus include SIGHAN2005(MSR,PKU,AS,CITYU),SXU,CTB6,CNC,WTB,ZX,UD.

Input and Output

Input of the model can be string or list consist of strings. If the input is list, model will process the list as one batch. So users need to control the batch size.

Output of the model can be list, or Sentence and Token defined in fastHan. Model will output list by default.

if "return_list" is False, fastHan will output a list consist of Sentence, and Sentence is consist of Token. Each token represents a word after segmentation, and have attributes: pos, head, head_label, ner and loc.

An example is shown as follows:

for i,sentence in enumerate(answer):
    for token in sentence:

the output will be:

我 PN 2 nsubj
爱 VV 0 root
踢 VV 2 ccomp
足球 NN 3 dobj
。 PU 2 punct
林丹 NR 2 top
是 VC 0 root
冠军 NN 2 attr
! PU 2 punct


Generalization test

Generalization is the most important attribute for a NLP toolkit. We conducted a CWS test on the dev set and test set of the Weibo dataset, and compared fastHan with jieba, THULAC, LTP4.0, SnowNLP. The results are as follows (spanF metric):

dataset SnowNLP jieba THULAC LTP4.0 base fastHan large fastHan (fine-tuned)
Weibo devset 0.7999 0.8319 0.8649 0.9182 0.9314 0.9632
Weibo testset 0.7965 0.8358 0.8665 0. 9205 0.9338 0.9664

fastHan's performance is much better than SnowNLP, jieba and THULAC. Compared with LTP-4.0, fastHan's model is much smaller(262MB:492MB) and the scores is 1.3 percentage points higher.

Accuracy test

We use following corpus to train fastHan and implement accucacy test:

  • NER:MSRA、OntoNotes
  • POS & Parsing:CTB9

We also perform speed test with Intel Core i5-9400f + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660ti, and batch size is set to 8.

Results are as follows:

更多操作test CWS POS NER MSRA CWS-guen POS-guwen NER OntoNotes Parsing speed(sent/s),cpu speed(sent/s),gpu
SOTA 97.1 93.15 96.09 —— —— 81.82 81.71 —— ——
base 97.27 94.88 94.33 —— —— 82.86 76.71 25-55 22-111
large 97.41 95.66 95.50 —— —— 83.82 81.38 14-28 21-97
FastHan2.0 97.50 95.92 95.79 93.29 86.53 82.76 81.31 2-10 20-60

In fastHan2.0, relevant ancient Chinese processing has reached a very high level. If you pursue better performance and have a certain understanding of BERT and transformers library, please feel free to learn about another work of the laboratorybert-ancient-chinese

The SOTA results come from following papers:

  1. Huang W, Cheng X, Chen K, et al. Toward Fast and Accurate Neural Chinese Word Segmentation with Multi-Criteria Learning.[J]. arXiv: Computation and Language, 2019.
  2. Hang Yan, Xipeng Qiu, and Xuanjing Huang. "A Graph-based Model for Joint Chinese Word Segmentation and Dependency Parsing." Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 8 (2020): 78-92.
  3. Meng Y, Wu W, Wang F, et al. Glyce: Glyph-vectors for Chinese Character Representations[J]. arXiv: Computation and Language, 2019.
  4. Xiaonan Li, Hang Yan, Xipeng Qiu, and XuanjingHuang. 2020. FLAT: Chinese NER using flat-latticetransformer.InProceedings of the 58th AnnualMeeting of the Association for Computational Lin-guistics, pages 6836–6842, Online. Association forComputational Linguisti