diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 0f05627..8efb051 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ Special thanks to [Matthias Tretter](https://twitter.com/myell0w) for coming up
sigh is part of fastlane: connect all deployment tools into one streamlined workflow.
+### spaceship version
+If you're feeling adventurous and want to test the new `sigh` beta with [spaceship](https://spaceship.airforce), update using `sudo gem update sigh --pre`. More information in the [release notes](https://github.com/KrauseFx/sigh/releases/tag/1.0.0.beta5).
# Features
@@ -175,6 +178,8 @@ Choose signing certificate to use:
- `SIGH_CERTIFICATE_ID` (The ID of the certificate)
- `SIGH_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRE_DATE` (The expire date of the certificate)
+As always, run `sigh --help` to get a list of all variables.
If you're using [cert](https://github.com/KrauseFx/cert) in combination with [fastlane](https://github.com/KrauseFx/fastlane) the signing certificate will automatically be selected for you. (make sure to run `cert` before `sigh`)
`sigh` will store the `UDID` of the generated provisioning profile in the environment: `SIGH_UDID`.
diff --git a/lib/sigh.rb b/lib/sigh.rb
index 149abe5..7a1923b 100644
--- a/lib/sigh.rb
+++ b/lib/sigh.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
require 'sigh/version'
require 'sigh/dependency_checker'
-require 'sigh/developer_center'
require 'sigh/resign'
require 'fastlane_core'
diff --git a/lib/sigh/developer_center.rb b/lib/sigh/developer_center.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f1a5620..0000000
--- a/lib/sigh/developer_center.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-require 'fastlane_core/developer_center/developer_center'
-require 'sigh/developer_center_signing'
-module Sigh
- class DeveloperCenter < FastlaneCore::DeveloperCenter
- # Types of certificates
- APPSTORE = "AppStore"
- ADHOC = "AdHoc"
- DEVELOPMENT = "Development"
- PROFILES_URL_DEV = "https://developer.apple.com/account/ios/profile/profileList.action?type=limited"
- def run
- @type = Sigh::DeveloperCenter::APPSTORE
- @type = Sigh::DeveloperCenter::ADHOC if Sigh.config[:adhoc]
- @type = Sigh::DeveloperCenter::DEVELOPMENT if Sigh.config[:development]
- cert = maintain_app_certificate # create/download the certificate
- if @type == APPSTORE # both enterprise and App Store
- type_name = "Distribution"
- elsif @type == ADHOC
- type_name = "AdHoc"
- else
- type_name = "Development"
- end
- cert_name ||= "#{type_name}_#{Sigh.config[:app_identifier]}.mobileprovision" # default name
- cert_name += '.mobileprovision' unless cert_name.include?'mobileprovision'
- output_path = File.join(TMP_FOLDER, cert_name)
- File.open(output_path, "wb") do |f|
- f.write(cert)
- end
- store_provisioning_id_in_environment(output_path)
- return output_path
- end
- def store_provisioning_id_in_environment(path)
- require 'sigh/profile_analyser'
- udid = Sigh::ProfileAnalyser.run(path)
- ENV["SIGH_UDID"] = udid if udid
- end
- def maintain_app_certificate(force = nil)
- force = Sigh.config[:force] if (force == nil)
- begin
- if @type == DEVELOPMENT
- else
- end
- @list_certs_url = wait_for_variable('profileDataURL')
- # list_certs_url will look like this: "https://developer.apple.com/services-account/..../account/ios/profile/listProvisioningProfiles.action?content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded&accept=application/json&requestId=id&userLocale=en_US&teamId=xy&includeInactiveProfiles=true&onlyCountLists=true"
- Helper.log.info "Fetching all available provisioning profiles..."
- has_all_profiles = false
- page_index = 1
- page_size = 500
- until has_all_profiles do
- bundle_id = Sigh.config[:app_identifier]
- certs = post_ajax(@list_certs_url, "{pageNumber: #{page_index}, pageSize: #{page_size}, sort: 'name%3dasc', search: ''}")
- if certs
- profile_name = Sigh.config[:provisioning_name]
- profile_count = certs['provisioningProfiles'].count
- Helper.log.info "Checking if profile is available. (#{profile_count} profiles found on page #{page_index})"
- required_cert_types = (@type == DEVELOPMENT ? ['iOS Development'] : ['iOS Distribution', 'iOS UniversalDistribution'])
- certs['provisioningProfiles'].each do |current_cert|
- next unless required_cert_types.include?(current_cert['type'])
- details = profile_details(current_cert['provisioningProfileId'])
- if details['provisioningProfile']['appId']['identifier'] == bundle_id
- next if profile_name && details['provisioningProfile']['name'] != profile_name
- # that's an Ad Hoc profile. I didn't find a better way to detect if it's one ... skipping it
- next if @type == APPSTORE && details['provisioningProfile']['deviceCount'] > 0
- # that's an App Store profile ... skipping it
- next if @type != APPSTORE && details['provisioningProfile']['deviceCount'] == 0
- # We found the correct certificate
- if force
- renew_profile(current_cert['provisioningProfileId']) # This one needs to be forcefully renewed
- return maintain_app_certificate(false) # recursive
- elsif current_cert['status'] == 'Active'
- return download_profile(details['provisioningProfile']['provisioningProfileId']) # this one is already finished. Just download it.
- elsif ['Expired', 'Invalid'].include? current_cert['status']
- # Broken profile
- begin
- renew_profile(current_cert['provisioningProfileId']) # This one needs to be renewed
- return maintain_app_certificate(false) # recursive
- rescue
- # Something went wrong, just create a new one instead
- end
- end
- break
- end
- end
- if page_size <= profile_count
- page_index += 1
- else
- has_all_profiles = true
- end
- end
- end
- Helper.log.info "Could not find existing profile. Trying to create a new one."
- # Certificate does not exist yet, we need to create a new one
- create_profile
- # After creating the profile, we need to download it
- return maintain_app_certificate(false) # recursive
- rescue => ex
- error_occured(ex)
- end
- end
- def create_profile
- app_identifier = Sigh.config[:app_identifier]
- Helper.log.info "Creating new profile for app '#{app_identifier}' for type '#{@type}'.".yellow
- certificates = code_signing_certificates(@type)
- create_url = "https://developer.apple.com/account/ios/profile/profileCreate.action"
- visit create_url
- # 1) Select the profile type (AppStore, Adhoc)
- enterprise = false
- begin
- wait_for_elements('#type-production')
- rescue => ex
- wait_for_elements('#type-inhouse') # enterprise accounts
- enterprise = true
- end
- value = enterprise ? 'inhouse' : 'store'
- value = 'limited' if @type == DEVELOPMENT
- value = 'adhoc' if @type == ADHOC
- first(:xpath, "//input[@type='radio' and @value='#{value}']").click
- click_next
- # 2) Select the App ID
- sleep 1 while !page.has_content? "Select App ID"
- # example:
- identifiers = all(:xpath, "//option[contains(text(), '.#{app_identifier})')]")
- if identifiers.count == 0
- puts "Couldn't find App ID '#{app_identifier}'\nonly found the following bundle identifiers:".red
- all(:xpath, "//option").each do |current|
- puts "\t- #{current.text}".yellow
- end
- raise "Could not find App ID '#{app_identifier}'.".red
- else
- identifiers.first.select_option
- end
- click_next
- # 3) Select the certificate
- sleep 1 while !page.has_content? "Select certificates"
- sleep 3
- Helper.log.info "Using certificates: #{certificates.map { |c| "#{c['ownerName']} (#{c['certificateId']})" } }"
- # example: (production)
- clicked = false
- certificates.each do |cert|
- cert_id = cert['certificateId']
- input = if @type == DEVELOPMENT
- # development uses a checkbox and has no [] around the value
- first(:xpath, "//input[@type='checkbox' and @value='#{cert_id}']")
- else
- break if clicked
- # production uses radio and has a [] around the value
- first(:xpath, "//input[@type='radio' and @value='[#{cert_id}]']")
- end
- if input
- input.click
- clicked = true
- end
- end
- if !clicked
- raise "Could not find certificate in the list of available certificates."
- end
- click_next
- if @type != APPSTORE
- # 4) Devices selection
- wait_for_elements('.selectAll.column')
- sleep 3
- first(:xpath, "//div[@class='selectAll column']/input").click # select all the devices
- click_next
- end
- # 5) Choose a profile name
- wait_for_elements('.distributionType')
- profile_name = Sigh.config[:provisioning_name]
- profile_name ||= [app_identifier, @type].join(' ')
- fill_in "provisioningProfileName", with: profile_name
- click_next
- if page.has_content?"Multiple profiles found with the name"
- fill_in "provisioningProfileName", with: (profile_name + " sigh")
- click_next
- end
- wait_for_elements('.row-details')
- end
- def renew_profile(profile_id)
- certificate = code_signing_certificates(@type).first
- details_url = "https://developer.apple.com/account/ios/profile/profileEdit.action?type=&provisioningProfileId=#{profile_id}"
- Helper.log.info "Renewing provisioning profile '#{profile_id}' using URL '#{details_url}'"
- visit details_url
- Helper.log.info "Using certificate ID '#{certificate['certificateId']}' from '#{certificate['ownerName']}'"
- wait_for_elements('.selectCertificates')
- certs = all(:xpath, "//input[@type='radio' and @value='#{certificate["certificateId"]}']")
- if certs.count == 1
- certs.first.click
- if @type != APPSTORE
- # Add all devices
- wait_for_elements('.selectAll.column')
- sleep 3
- unless first(:xpath, "//div[@class='selectAll column']/input")["checked"]
- first(:xpath, "//div[@class='selectAll column']/input").click # select all the devices
- end
- end
- click_next
- wait_for_elements('.row-details')
- click_on "Done"
- else
- if @type != APPSTORE
- # Add all devices
- wait_for_elements('.selectAll.column')
- sleep 3
- unless all(:xpath, "//div[@class='selectAll column']/input").last["checked"]
- all(:xpath, "//div[@class='selectAll column']/input").last.click # select all the devices
- end
- click_next
- wait_for_elements('.row-details')
- click_on "Done"
- else
- Helper.log.info "Looking for certificate: #{certificate}."
- raise "Could not find certificate in the list of available certificates."
- end
- end
- end
- def download_profile(profile_id)
- download_cert_url = "/account/ios/profile/profileContentDownload.action?displayId=#{profile_id}"
- return download_file(download_cert_url)
- end
- private
- def profile_details(profile_id)
- # We need to build the URL to get the App ID for a specific certificate
- current_profile_url = @list_certs_url.gsub('listProvisioningProfiles', 'getProvisioningProfile')
- current_profile_url += "&provisioningProfileId=#{profile_id}"
- # Helper.log.debug "Fetching URL: '#{current_profile_url}'"
- result = post_ajax(current_profile_url)
- # Example response, see bottom of file
- if result['resultCode'] == 0
- return result
- else
- raise "Error fetching details for provisioning profile '#{profile_id}'".red
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sigh/developer_center_signing.rb b/lib/sigh/developer_center_signing.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index abc3067..0000000
--- a/lib/sigh/developer_center_signing.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-module Sigh
- class DeveloperCenter < FastlaneCore::DeveloperCenter
- # Returns a array of hashes, that contains information about the iOS certificate
- # @example
- # [{"certRequestId"=>"B23Q2P396B",
- # "name"=>"SunApps GmbH",
- # "statusString"=>"Issued",
- # "expirationDate"=>"2015-11-25T22:45:50Z",
- # "expirationDateString"=>"Nov 25, 2015",
- # "ownerType"=>"team",
- # "ownerName"=>"SunApps GmbH",
- # "ownerId"=>"....",
- # "canDownload"=>true,
- # "canRevoke"=>true,
- # "certificateId"=>"....",
- # "certificateStatusCode"=>0,
- # "certRequestStatusCode"=>4,
- # "certificateTypeDisplayId"=>"...",
- # "serialNum"=>"....",
- # "typeString"=>"iOS Distribution"},
- # {another sertificate...}]
- def code_signing_certificates(type)
- certs_url = "https://developer.apple.com/account/ios/certificate/certificateList.action?type="
- certs_url << (type == DEVELOPMENT ? 'development' : 'distribution')
- visit certs_url
- certificateDataURL = wait_for_variable('certificateDataURL')
- certificateRequestTypes = wait_for_variable('certificateRequestTypes')
- certificateStatuses = wait_for_variable('certificateStatuses')
- # Setup search criteria
- certificate_name = Sigh.config[:cert_owner_name]
- cert_date = Sigh.config[:cert_date]
- cert_id = Sigh.config[:cert_id]
- # The other profiles are push profiles
- certificate_type = type == DEVELOPMENT ? 'iOS Development' : 'iOS Distribution'
- url = [certificateDataURL, certificateRequestTypes, certificateStatuses].join('')
- # https://developer.apple.com/services-account/.../account/ios/certificate/listCertRequests.action?content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded&accept=application/json&requestId=...&userLocale=en_US&teamId=...&types=...&status=4&certificateStatus=0&type=distribution
- has_all_certificates = false
- page_index = 1
- page_size = 500
- matched_certificates = []
- until has_all_certificates do
- certs = post_ajax(url, "{pageNumber: #{page_index}, pageSize: #{page_size}, sort: 'name%3dasc'}")['certRequests']
- if certs
- certificates_count = certs.count
- Helper.log.info "Attempting to locate certificate. (#{certificates_count} certificates found on page #{page_index})"
- # New profiles first
- certs.sort! do |a, b|
- Time.parse(b['expirationDate']) <=> Time.parse(a['expirationDate'])
- end
- certs.each do |current_cert|
- next unless current_cert['typeString'] == certificate_type
- if cert_date || certificate_name || cert_id
- if current_cert['expirationDateString'] == cert_date
- Helper.log.info "Certificate ID '#{current_cert['certificateId']}' with expiry date '#{current_cert['expirationDateString']}' located".green
- matched_certificates << current_cert
- end
- if current_cert['name'] == certificate_name
- Helper.log.info "Certificate ID '#{current_cert['certificateId']}' with name '#{certificate_name}' located".green
- matched_certificates << current_cert
- end
- if current_cert['certificateId'] == cert_id
- Helper.log.info "Certificate ID '#{current_cert['certificateId']}' with name '#{current_cert['name']}' located".green
- matched_certificates << current_cert
- end
- else
- matched_certificates << current_cert
- end
- end
- end
- if page_size <= certificates_count
- page_index += 1
- else
- has_all_certificates = true
- end
- end
- return matched_certificates unless matched_certificates.empty?
- predicates = []
- predicates << "name: #{certificate_name}" if certificate_name
- predicates << "expiry date: #{cert_date}" if cert_date
- predicates << "certificate ID: #{cert_id}" if cert_id
- predicates << "type: #{(type == DEVELOPMENT ? 'development' : 'distribution')}"
- predicates_str = " with #{predicates.join(', ')}"
- raise "Could not find a Certificate#{predicates_str}. Please open #{current_url} and make sure you have a signing profile created, which matches the given filters".red
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sigh/manager.rb b/lib/sigh/manager.rb
index 2fe89ef..530543f 100644
--- a/lib/sigh/manager.rb
+++ b/lib/sigh/manager.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
require 'plist'
+require 'sigh/spaceship/runner'
module Sigh
class Manager
def self.start
- path = Sigh::DeveloperCenter.new.run
+ start = Time.now
+ path = Sigh::Runner.new.run
return nil unless path
@@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ def self.install_profile(profile)
(FileUtils.copy profile, destination rescue nil) # if the directory doesn't exist yet
if File.exists? destination
- Helper.log.info "Profile installed at \"#{destination}\""
+ Helper.log.info "Profile successfully installed".green
raise "Failed installation of provisioning profile at location: #{destination}".red
diff --git a/lib/sigh/options.rb b/lib/sigh/options.rb
index 27ad958..b25baed 100644
--- a/lib/sigh/options.rb
+++ b/lib/sigh/options.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
require 'fastlane_core'
+require 'credentials_manager'
module Sigh
class Options
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ def self.available_options
default_value: false),
FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :force,
env_name: "SIGH_FORCE",
- description: "Renew non-development provisioning profiles regardless of its state",
+ description: "Renew provisioning profiles regardless of its state",
is_string: false,
default_value: false),
FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :app_identifier,
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ def self.available_options
short_option: "-u",
env_name: "SIGH_USERNAME",
description: "Your Apple ID Username",
- default_value: CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:apple_id),
+ default_value: ENV["DELIVER_USER"] || CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:apple_id),
verify_block: Proc.new do |value|
@@ -43,9 +44,19 @@ def self.available_options
env_name: "SIGH_TEAM_ID",
description: "The ID of your team if you're in multiple teams",
optional: true,
+ default_value: CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:team_id),
verify_block: Proc.new do |value|
+ FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :team_name,
+ short_option: "-l",
+ env_name: "SIGH_TEAM_NAME",
+ description: "The name of your team if you're in multiple teams",
+ optional: true,
+ default_value: CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:team_name),
+ verify_block: Proc.new do |value|
+ end),
FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :provisioning_name,
short_option: "-n",
@@ -62,7 +73,7 @@ def self.available_options
FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :cert_id,
short_option: "-i",
- description: "The ID of the certificate to use",
+ description: "The ID of the code signing certificate to use (e.g. 78ADL6LVAA) ",
optional: true),
FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :cert_owner_name,
short_option: "-c",
@@ -82,6 +93,7 @@ def self.available_options
verify_block: Proc.new do |value|
raise "The output name must end with .mobileprovision".red unless value.end_with?".mobileprovision"
diff --git a/lib/sigh/profile_analyser.rb b/lib/sigh/profile_analyser.rb
index 03c9280..ae94207 100644
--- a/lib/sigh/profile_analyser.rb
+++ b/lib/sigh/profile_analyser.rb
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ class ProfileAnalyser
def self.run(path)
plist = Plist::parse_xml(`security cms -D -i '#{path}'`)
if plist.count > 10
- Helper.log.info("Provisioning profile of app '#{plist['AppIDName']}' with the name '#{plist['Name']}' successfully generated and analysed.".green)
+ Helper.log.info("Provisioning profile of app '#{plist['AppIDName']}' with the name '#{plist['Name']}' successfully analysed.".green)
return plist["UUID"]
Helper.log.error("Error parsing provisioning profile at path '#{path}'".red)
diff --git a/lib/sigh/spaceship/runner.rb b/lib/sigh/spaceship/runner.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c238fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sigh/spaceship/runner.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+require 'spaceship'
+module Sigh
+ class Runner
+ attr_accessor :spaceship
+ # Uses the spaceship to create or download a provisioning profile
+ # returns the path the newly created provisioning profile (in /tmp usually)
+ def run
+ Helper.log.info "Starting login"
+ Spaceship.login(Sigh.config[:username], nil)
+ Spaceship.select_team
+ Helper.log.info "Successfully logged in"
+ profiles = fetch_profiles # download the profile if it's there
+ if profiles.count > 0
+ Helper.log.info "Found #{profiles.count} matching profile(s)".yellow
+ profile = profiles.first
+ if Sigh.config[:force]
+ unless profile_type == Spaceship.provisioning_profile::AppStore
+ Helper.log.info "Updating the profile to include all devices".yellow
+ profile.devices = Spaceship.device.all
+ else
+ Helper.log.info "Updating the provisioning profile".yellow
+ end
+ profile = profile.update! # assign it, as it's a new profile
+ end
+ else
+ Helper.log.info "No existing profiles found, creating a new one for you".yellow
+ profile = create_profile!
+ end
+ raise "Something went wrong fetching the latest profile".red unless profile
+ path = download_profile(profile)
+ store_provisioning_id_in_environment(path)
+ return path
+ end
+ # The kind of provisioning profile we're interested in
+ def profile_type
+ return @profile_type if @profile_type
+ @profile_type = Spaceship.provisioning_profile.app_store
+ @profile_type = Spaceship.provisioning_profile.ad_hoc if Sigh.config[:adhoc]
+ @profile_type = Spaceship.provisioning_profile.development if Sigh.config[:development]
+ @profile_type = Spaceship.provisioning_profile.in_house if Spaceship.client.in_house?
+ @profile_type
+ end
+ # Fetches a profile matching the user's search requirements
+ def fetch_profiles
+ profile_type.find_by_bundle_id(Sigh.config[:app_identifier])
+ end
+ # Create a new profile and return it
+ def create_profile!
+ cert = certificate_to_use
+ bundle_id = Sigh.config[:app_identifier]
+ name = Sigh.config[:provisioning_name] || [bundle_id, profile_type.pretty_type].join(' ')
+ if Spaceship.provisioning_profile.all.find { |p| p.name == name }
+ Helper.log.error "The name '#{name}' is already taken, using another one."
+ name += " #{Time.now.to_i}"
+ end
+ Helper.log.info "Creating new provisioning profile for '#{Sigh.config[:app_identifier]}' with name '#{name}'".yellow
+ profile = profile_type.create!(name: name,
+ bundle_id: bundle_id,
+ certificate: cert)
+ profile
+ end
+ # Certificate to use based on the current distribution mode
+ def certificate_to_use
+ if profile_type == Spaceship.provisioning_profile.Development
+ certificates = Spaceship.certificate.development.all
+ elsif profile_type == Spaceship.provisioning_profile.InHouse
+ certificates = Spaceship.certificate.in_house.all
+ else
+ certificates = Spaceship.certificate.production.all # Ad hoc or App Store
+ end
+ # Filter them
+ certificates = certificates.find_all do |c|
+ if Sigh.config[:cert_id]
+ next unless (c.id == Sigh.config[:cert_id].strip)
+ end
+ if Sigh.config[:cert_owner_name]
+ next unless (c.owner_name.strip == Sigh.config[:cert_owner_name].strip)
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ if certificates.count > 1
+ Helper.log.info "Found more than one code signing identity. Choosing the first one. Check out `sigh --help` to see all available options.".yellow
+ Helper.log.info "Available Code Signing Identities for current filters:".green
+ certificates.each do |c|
+ Helper.log.info ("\t- Name: " + c.owner_name + " - ID: " + c.id + " - Expires: " + c.expires.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")).green
+ end
+ end
+ if certificates.count == 0
+ filters = ""
+ filters << "Owner Name: '#{Sigh.config[:cert_owner_name]}' " if Sigh.config[:cert_owner_name]
+ filters << "Certificate ID: '#{Sigh.config[:cert_id]}' " if Sigh.config[:cert_id]
+ Helper.log.info "No certificates for filter: #{filters}".yellow if filters.length > 0
+ raise "Could not find a matching code signing identity for #{profile_type}. You can use cert to generate one (https://github.com/fastlane/cert)".red
+ end
+ return certificates.first
+ end
+ # Downloads and stores the provisioning profile
+ def download_profile(profile)
+ Helper.log.info "Downloading provisioning profile...".yellow
+ profile_name ||= "#{profile.class.pretty_type}_#{Sigh.config[:app_identifier]}.mobileprovision" # default name
+ profile_name += '.mobileprovision' unless profile_name.include?'mobileprovision'
+ output_path = File.join('/tmp', profile_name)
+ dataWritten = File.open(output_path, "wb") do |f|
+ f.write(profile.download)
+ end
+ Helper.log.info "Successfully downloaded provisioning profile...".green
+ return output_path
+ end
+ # Store the profile ID into the environment
+ def store_provisioning_id_in_environment(path)
+ require 'sigh/profile_analyser'
+ udid = Sigh::ProfileAnalyser.run(path)
+ ENV["SIGH_UDID"] = udid if udid
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/sigh/version.rb b/lib/sigh/version.rb
index f4d1e4b..1703e95 100644
--- a/lib/sigh/version.rb
+++ b/lib/sigh/version.rb
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
module Sigh
- VERSION = "0.5.2"
+ VERSION = "0.6.0"
diff --git a/sigh.gemspec b/sigh.gemspec
index 0b65b3f..ab9f2f4 100644
--- a/sigh.gemspec
+++ b/sigh.gemspec
@@ -21,8 +21,9 @@ Gem::Specification.new do |spec|
spec.test_files = spec.files.grep(%r{^(test|spec|features)/})
spec.require_paths = ["lib"]
- spec.add_dependency 'fastlane_core', '>= 0.7.2' # all shared code and dependencies
+ spec.add_dependency 'fastlane_core', '>= 0.7.6' # all shared code and dependencies
spec.add_dependency 'plist', '~> 3.1.0' # for reading the provisioning profile
+ spec.add_dependency 'spaceship', '>= 0.0.6' # communication with Apple
# Development only
spec.add_development_dependency 'bundler'