From 283d0dc60fbca73d00895a6ec59454fe9f278bbb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Travis Askham <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2023 10:14:59 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] documentation updates to rcip files, working verson of

 chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/IPinit.m     |  6 ++
 chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/Rcompchunk.m | 99 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/SchurBana.m  | 35 ++++++++++-
 chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/myinv.m      |  1 +
 chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/setup.m      | 17 +++++-
 chunkie/@chunker/merge.m         | 27 +++++++--
 chunkie/chunkermat.m             | 11 ++--
 devtools/test/rcipTest.m         | 65 ++++++++++++++++-----
 8 files changed, 213 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

diff --git a/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/IPinit.m b/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/IPinit.m
index c261171..c2828d4 100644
--- a/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/IPinit.m
+++ b/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/IPinit.m
@@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
   function [IP,IPW]=IPinit(T,W)
+  %CHNK.RCIP.IPinit 
+  %
   % construct the prolongation matrix IP that maps function values
   % on n_{gl} Gauss-Legendre nodes on [-1,1] to function values at 
   % 2n_{gl} Gauss-Legendre, with shifted and scaled n_{gl}
   % Gauss-Legendre nodes on each subinterval [-1,0], [0,1], respectively.
   % IPW is the weighted prolongation matrix acted on the left side. 
+  %
+  % author: Johan Helsing (part of RCIP tutorial)
   ngl = length(T);
diff --git a/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/Rcompchunk.m b/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/Rcompchunk.m
index c58483d..c9b3445 100644
--- a/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/Rcompchunk.m
+++ b/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/Rcompchunk.m
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
-function [R]=Rcompchunk(chnkr,iedgechunks,fkern,ndim, ...
-    Pbc,PWbc,nsub,starL,circL,starS,circS,ilist,...
-    glxs,sbcmat,lvmat,u,opts)
+function [R,rcipsav]=Rcompchunk(chnkr,iedgechunks,fkern,ndim, ...
+    Pbc,PWbc,nsub,starL,circL,starS,circS,ilist,starL1,circL1,...
+    sbclmat,sbcrmat,lvmat,rvmat,u,opts)
 %CHNK.RCIP.Rcompchunk carry out the forward recursion for computing
 % the preconditioner R where geometry is described as a chunker
 % This routine is not intended to be user-callable 
-% Adapted from Shidong Jiang's RCIP implementation
 % Function is passed as a handle, number of equations is given by
 % ndim
@@ -15,32 +13,61 @@
 % Note that matrix must be scaled to have identity on the diagonal,
 % will not work with scaled version of identity
+% author: Shidong Jiang
+% modified: Jeremy Hoskins, Manas Rachh
 k = chnkr.k;  
 dim = chnkr.dim;
+nedge = size(iedgechunks,2);
+glxs = chnkr.tstor;
 glws = chnkr.wstor;
-if nargin < 14
+% return what's needed to interpolate from coarse
+rcipsav = [];
+rcipsav.k = k;
+rcipsav.ndim = ndim;
+rcipsav.nedge = nedge;
+rcipsav.Pbc = Pbc;
+rcipsav.PWbc = PWbc;
+rcipsav.starL = starL;
+rcipsav.starL1 = starL1;
+rcipsav.starS = starS;
+rcipsav.circL = circL;
+rcipsav.circL1 = circL1;
+rcipsav.circS = circS;
+rcipsav.ilist = ilist;
+rcipsav.nsub = nsub;
+if (nargin < 15 || isempty(sbclmat) || isempty(sbcrmat) || ...
+        isempty(lvmat) || isempty(rvmat) || isempty(u))
     [sbclmat,sbcrmat,lvmat,rvmat,u] = chnk.rcip.shiftedlegbasismats(k); 
-if nargin < 17
+if nargin < 20
     opts = [];
-nedge = size(iedgechunks,2);
+savedeep = false;
+if isfield(opts,'savedeep')
+    savedeep = opts.savedeep;
-ileftright = zeros(nedge,1);
-nextchunk = zeros(nedge,1);
+rcipsav.savedeep = savedeep;
+if savedeep
+    rcipsav.R = cell(nsub+1,1);
+    rcipsav.MAT = cell(nsub,1);
+    rcipsav.chnkrlocals = cell(nsub,1);
+% grab only those kernels relevant to this vertex
-km1 = k-1;
-rcs = zeros(km1,dim,nedge);
-dcs = zeros(k,dim,nedge);
-d2cs = zeros(k,dim,nedge);
-dscal = zeros(nedge,1);
-d2scal = zeros(nedge,1);
-ctr = zeros(dim,nedge);
     fkernlocal = fkern;
@@ -55,6 +82,20 @@
+rcipsav.fkernlocal = fkernlocal;
+% get coefficients of recentered edge chunks and figure out orientation
+km1 = k-1;
+rcs = zeros(km1,dim,nedge);
+dcs = zeros(k,dim,nedge);
+d2cs = zeros(k,dim,nedge);
+dscal = zeros(nedge,1);
+d2scal = zeros(nedge,1);
+ctr = zeros(dim,nedge);
+ileftright = zeros(nedge,1);
+nextchunk = zeros(nedge,1);
 for i = 1:nedge
     ic = iedgechunks(1,i);
@@ -92,10 +133,19 @@
+rcipsav.ctr = ctr;
+rcipsav.rcs = rcs;
+rcipsav.dcs = dcs;
+rcipsav.d2cs = d2cs;
+rcipsav.dscal = dscal;
+rcipsav.d2scal = d2scal;
+rcipsav.ileftright = ileftright;
+rcipsav.glxs = glxs;
+rcipsav.glws = glws;
 pref = []; 
 pref.k = k;
-pref.nchmax = 5;
+pref.nchstor = 5;
 R = [];
@@ -108,6 +158,9 @@
 ts = cell(nedge,1);
 chnkrlocal(1,nedge) = chunker();
+% begin recursion proper
 for level=1:nsub
     h = h0/2^(nsub-level);
@@ -175,8 +228,16 @@
     if level==1    %  Dumb and lazy initializer for R, for now
         R = inv(MAT(starL,starL));
+        if savedeep
+            rcipsav.R{1} = R;
+        end
+    if savedeep
+        rcipsav.R{level+1} = R;
+        rcipsav.MAT{level} = MAT(starL,circL);
+        rcipsav.chnkrlocals{level} = merge(chnkrlocal);
+    end
diff --git a/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/SchurBana.m b/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/SchurBana.m
index 37643b8..8d02b71 100644
--- a/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/SchurBana.m
+++ b/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/SchurBana.m
@@ -1,10 +1,36 @@
   function A=SchurBana(P,PW,K,A,starL,circL,starS,circS)
-  % use matrix block inversion formula to recursively compute the
+  %CHNK.RCIP.SCHURBANA block inverse used in RCIP
+  % 
+  % uses a matrix block inversion formula to recursively compute the
   % preconditioner R.
+  %
+  % R_{i} =   [PW^T 0] [A^(-1)   U]^(-1) [P  0]
+  %           [ 0   I] [V        D]      [0  I]  
+  %
+  %           2N x 3N      3N x 3N      3N x 2N
+  %
+  % where A = R_{i-1}, U = K(bad,good), V = K(good,bad), D = K(good,good) 
+  % and bad refers to the two close panels on a type b mesh and good the 
+  % larger far panel. 
+  % This routine uses the Schur-Banachiewicz speedup as suggested by
+  % Helsing (see e.g. the RCIP Tutorial eq 31):
+  %
+  % R_{i} =   [M1 M2]
+  %           [M3 M4]
+  %
+  % M1 = PW^T A P + PW^T A U (D - VAU)^(-1) VAP
+  % M2 = -PW^TAU(D-VAU)^(-1) 
+  % M3 = -(D-VAU)^(-1)VAP
+  % M4 = (D-VAU)^(-1)
+  %
+  % this reduces a 3Nx3N matrix inverse to a NxN matrix inverse and
+  % several mat-mats
+  %
   % inputs: 
   % P, PW - nontrivial part (i.e., other than the identity matrices) 
-  %         prolongation and weighted prolongation matrices
+  %         prolongation and weighted prolongation matrices from type c to
+  %         type b meshes
   % K - the system matrix on a type-b mesh along each edge.
   %     the type-b mesh contains three chunks, with two small chunks
   %     close to the corner and one big chunk (twice of the small chunk
@@ -34,10 +60,13 @@
   % output:
   % A - R_{i}, the ith iteration of R.
+  % author: Johan Helsing (part of the RCIP tutorial)
-  DVAUI=chnk.rcip.myinv(K(circL,circL)-VA*K(starL,circL));
+  DVAUI=inv(K(circL,circL)-VA*K(starL,circL));
diff --git a/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/myinv.m b/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/myinv.m
index f3fe439..7ebd1d2 100644
--- a/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/myinv.m
+++ b/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/myinv.m
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
   function Mi=myinv(M)
 % *** equation (9) in Henderson & Searle ***
diff --git a/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/setup.m b/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/setup.m
index 6939737..35d3323 100644
--- a/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/setup.m
+++ b/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/setup.m
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
-  function [Pbc,PWbc,starL,circL,starS,circS,ilist] = setup(ngl,ndim,nedge,isstart) 
+function [Pbc,PWbc,starL,circL,starS,circS,ilist,starL1,circL1] = ...
+      setup(ngl,ndim,nedge,isstart) 
+  %
   % setup for the RCIP forward recursion
   % inputs:
   % ngl - number of Gauss-Legendre nodes
@@ -15,6 +17,7 @@
   % Pbc - prolongation matrix
   % PWbc - weighted prolongation matrix
   % starL, circL - bad and good indices for the local system matrix
+  % starL1, circL1 - bad and good indices for arrays of nodes, normals, etc
   % starS, circS - bad and good indices for the preconditioner R
   [T,W] = lege.exps(ngl);  
@@ -27,20 +30,30 @@
   % circL - good indices for the system matrix M
   starL = [];
   circL = [];
+  starL1 = [];
+  circL1 = [];
   indg1 = 2*ngl*ndim + (1:ngl*ndim);
   indb1 = 1:2*ngl*ndim;
+  indg11 = 2*ngl+ (1:ngl);
+  indb11 = 1:2*ngl;
   indg0 = 1:ngl*ndim;
   indb0 = ngl*ndim + (1:2*ngl*ndim);
+  indg01 = 1:ngl;
+  indb01 = ngl + (1:2*ngl);
   for i=1:nedge
     if isstart(i) 
       starL = [starL indb1+3*(i-1)*ngl*ndim];
       circL = [circL indg1+3*(i-1)*ngl*ndim];
+      starL1 = [starL1 indb11+3*(i-1)*ngl];
+      circL1 = [circL1 indg11+3*(i-1)*ngl];
       ilist(:,i) = [1, 2];
       starL = [starL indb0+3*(i-1)*ngl*ndim];
       circL = [circL indg0+3*(i-1)*ngl*ndim];
+      starL1 = [starL1 indb01+3*(i-1)*ngl];
+      circL1 = [circL1 indg01+3*(i-1)*ngl];
       ilist(:,i) = [2, 3];
diff --git a/chunkie/@chunker/merge.m b/chunkie/@chunker/merge.m
index a500ae5..b7af2a0 100644
--- a/chunkie/@chunker/merge.m
+++ b/chunkie/@chunker/merge.m
@@ -1,19 +1,36 @@
-function chnkrout = merge(chnkrs)
+function chnkrout = merge(chnkrs,pref)
+%MERGE combine array of chunker objects into one chunker
+% input:
+%   chnkrs - array of chunker objects, must all have same order chunks
+%   pref - optional, chunkerpref object 
+% output:
+%   chnkrout - chunker object containing all nodes in chunker array. the
+%       ordering of nodes in chnkrout has the nodes from chnkrs(1) first,
+%       then chnkrs(2), etc. Adjacency information is updated as
+%       appropriate to the new indices. chunker data rows are copied as
+%       well. if chnkrs have different numbers of data rows, then those
+%       with fewer data rows are padded with zeros on merge. 
 if isempty(chnkrs)
   chnkrout = chunker();
 assert(isa(chnkrs,'chunker'), 'input must be of chunker type');
+if nargin < 2
+    pref = [];
-chnkrout = chunker();
-%chnkrout = chnkrs(1);
+% mandatory setting
+pref.k = chnkrs(1).k;
+chnkrout = chunker(pref);
 for i = 1:length(chnkrs)
   chnkrtemp = chnkrs(i);
-  assert(chnkrtemp.dim == chnkrout.dim,...
-      'chunkers to merge must be in same dimension');
+  assert(chnkrtemp.dim == chnkrout.dim && chnkrtemp.k == chnkrout.k,...
+      'chunkers to merge must be in same dimension and same order');
   nch = chnkrtemp.nch;
   nchold = chnkrout.nch;
   istart = nchold+1;
diff --git a/chunkie/chunkermat.m b/chunkie/chunkermat.m
index fb03517..8b922e2 100644
--- a/chunkie/chunkermat.m
+++ b/chunkie/chunkermat.m
@@ -435,6 +435,7 @@
 if(icgrph && isrcip)
+    [sbclmat,sbcrmat,lvmat,rvmat,u] = chnk.rcip.shiftedlegbasismats(k);
     nch_all = horzcat(chnkobj.echnks.nch);
     [~,nv] = size(chnkobj.verts);
     ngl = chnkrs(1).k;
@@ -465,7 +466,7 @@
             fprintf('in chunkermat: rcip: opdims did not match up for for vertex =%d\n',ivert)
-            fprtinf('returning without doing any rcip correction\m');
+            fprintf('returning without doing any rcip correction\n');
         starind = zeros(1,2*ngl*ndim*nedge);
@@ -480,13 +481,13 @@
-        [Pbc,PWbc,starL,circL,starS,circS,ilist] = chnk.rcip.setup(ngl,ndim, ...
-          nedge,isstart);
+        [Pbc,PWbc,starL,circL,starS,circS,ilist,starL1,circL1] = ...
+            chnk.rcip.setup(ngl,ndim,nedge,isstart);
         % this might need to be fixed in triple junction case
         R = chnk.rcip.Rcompchunk(chnkrs,iedgechunks,kern,ndim, ...
-            Pbc,PWbc,nsub,starL,circL,starS,circS,ilist,... 
-            glxs);
+            Pbc,PWbc,nsub,starL,circL,starS,circS,ilist,starL1,circL1,... 
+            sbclmat,sbcrmat,lvmat,rvmat,u,opts);
         sysmat_tmp = inv(R) - eye(2*ngl*nedge*ndim);
         if (~nonsmoothonly)
diff --git a/devtools/test/rcipTest.m b/devtools/test/rcipTest.m
index c517f37..3a80856 100644
--- a/devtools/test/rcipTest.m
+++ b/devtools/test/rcipTest.m
@@ -13,10 +13,7 @@
 % set wave number
 zk = 1.1;
-nch = 5*ones(1,ncurve);
+nch = 8*ones(1,ncurve);
 a = -1.0;
 b = 1.0;
@@ -70,7 +67,7 @@
 fkern = @(s,t) -2*chnk.helm2d.kern(zk,s,t,'D');
 % sources
@@ -86,6 +83,10 @@
 ts = 0.0+2*pi*rand(1,nt);
 targets = [cos(ts);sin(ts)];
 targets = 0.2*targets;
+targets(:,1) = [0.95;0];
+targets(:,2) = [0,0.36];
+targets(:,3) = [-0.95;0];
+targets(:,2) = [0,0.36];
@@ -133,6 +134,8 @@
 ncorner = 2;
 corners= cell(1,ncorner);
 R = cell(1,ncorner);
+rcipsav = cell(1,ncorner);
+starinds = cell(1,ncorner);
 corners{1}.clist = [1,2];
@@ -147,10 +150,11 @@
 ndim = 1;
-nsub = 100;
+nsub = 40;
 opts = [];
 for icorner=1:ncorner
     clist = corners{icorner}.clist;
     isstart = corners{icorner}.isstart;
@@ -170,30 +174,63 @@
+    starinds{icorner} = starind;
-    [Pbc,PWbc,starL,circL,starS,circS,ilist] = chnk.rcip.setup(ngl,ndim, ...
+    [Pbc,PWbc,starL,circL,starS,circS,ilist,starL1,circL1] = chnk.rcip.setup(ngl,ndim, ...
     opts_use = [];
     iedgechunks = corners{icorner}.iedgechunks;
-    tic; R{icorner} = chnk.rcip.Rcompchunk(chnkr,iedgechunks,fkern,ndim, ...
-        Pbc,PWbc,nsub,starL,circL,starS,circS,ilist,... 
-        glxs);
+    optsrcip = [];
+    optsrcip.savedeep = true;
+    tic; [R{icorner},rcipsav{icorner}] = chnk.rcip.Rcompchunk(chnkr,iedgechunks,fkern,ndim, ...
+        Pbc,PWbc,nsub,starL,circL,starS,circS,ilist,starL1,circL1,...,
+        [],[],[],[],[],optsrcip);
     sysmat(starind,starind) = inv(R{icorner}) - eye(2*ngl*nedge*ndim);
 sysmat = sysmat + eye(np);
-sol = gmres(sysmat,ubdry,np,eps*20,np);
+[sol,flag,relres,iter] = gmres(sysmat,ubdry,np,eps*20,np);
+% interpolate to fine grid
+ndepth = 10;
+cor = cell(1,ncorner);
+for icorner = 1:ncorner
+    solhat = sol(starinds{icorner});
+    [solhatinterp,srcinfo,wts] = chnk.rcip.rhohatInterp(solhat,rcipsav{icorner},ndepth);
+    targtemp = targets(:,:) - rcipsav{icorner}.ctr(:,1);
+    targinfo = [];
+    targinfo.r = targtemp;
+    cmat = fkern(srcinfo,targinfo);
+    mu = solhatinterp(:).*wts(:);
+    cor{icorner} = cmat*mu;
+soltemp = sol;
+for icorner = 1:ncorner
+    soltemp(starinds{icorner}) = 0;
+opts = [];
-opts.quadkgparams = {'RelTol',1e-16,'AbsTol',1.0e-16};
-start=tic; Dsol = chunkerkerneval(chnkrtotal,fkern,sol,targets,opts); 
+start=tic; Dsol = chunkerkerneval(chnkrtotal,fkern,soltemp,targets,opts); 
 t1 = toc(start);
 fprintf('%5.2e s : time to eval at targs (slow, adaptive routine)\n',t1)
+for icorner = 1:ncorner
+    Dsol = Dsol + cor{icorner};
 wchnkr = weights(chnkrtotal);

From 3dc989fb7f1a97e1bc7aeef40b534495871ba664 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Travis Askham <>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 13:28:34 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] adding RCIP density interpolation

 chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/rhohatInterp.m | 140 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 140 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/rhohatInterp.m

diff --git a/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/rhohatInterp.m b/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/rhohatInterp.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a573015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chunkie/+chnk/+rcip/rhohatInterp.m
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+function [rhohatinterp,srcinfo,wts] = rhohatInterp(rhohat,rcipsav,ndepth)
+%CHNK.RCIP.RHOHATINTERP interpolate the (weight-corrected) coarse level
+% density rhohat to the requested depth using the backward recursion
+% When using an RCIP preconditioner (in the style of eq 34 of the RCIP 
+% tutorial), the resulting coarse level density is 
+% accurate for interactions separated from the vertex 
+% *at the coarse scale*. 
+% By running the recursion for the RCIP preconditioner backwards, an 
+% equivalent density can be reconstructed on the fine mesh which is 
+% appropriate for closer interactions (at a distance well-separated from
+% the vertex *at the finest level in the mesh*).
+% - Let Gamma_i be the portion of the boundary in the vicinity of
+% the vertex at level i (with level nsub the coarse level portion of the
+% boundary and level 1 the lowest level). 
+% - Let rhohat_i be the weight corrected density on a type c mesh on 
+% Gamma_i 
+% - Let the matrix I+K_i be a discretization of the integral operator on a
+% type b mesh on Gamma_i
+% - Let starL denote the "bad indices" of K_i and circL the "good indices";
+% the bad correspond to the pairs of small close panels on a type b mesh
+% - Let starS denote the "bad indices" of R_i and circS the "good indices";
+% the bad correspond to the close panels on a type c mesh
+% - Let P be the non-trivial part of an interpolator from type c to type b
+% meshes.
+% Then, to high precision 
+% rhohat_{i-1} = R_{i-1}[ [P 0] R_i^(-1) rhohat_i -
+%                            (I+K_i)(starL,circL)rhohat_i(circS)]
+% rhohat - entries of density rhohat corresponding to RCIP block in matrix.
+%          These come from the two nearest chunks to the corner and 
+%          should be ordered so that rhohat(starS) and rhohat(circS)
+%          correspond to the density at the bad and good points (near and
+%          far chunk) in the correct order (accounting for chunk
+%          orientation)
+% rcipsav - the quantities obtained from a previous call to Rcompchunk 
+% ndepth - (default: rcip.nsub) compute up to rhohat_{nsub-ndepth+1} 
+% rhohatinterp - array of interpolated values, 
+% [rhohat_nsub(circS); rhohat_{nsub-1}(circS); rhohat_{nsub-2}(circS) ... 
+%                      rhohat_1(circS); rhohat_1(starS)]
+%                note that these are mostly the "good" indices except at
+%                the lowest level (naturally)
+% srcinfo - struct, containing points (srcinfo.r), normals (srcinfo.n), etc
+%                 in the same order as rhohatinterp.
+% wts - a set of weights for integrating functions sampled at these
+%           points
+rhohatinterp = [];
+srcinfo = [];
+wts = [];
+k = rcipsav.k;
+ndim = rcipsav.ndim;
+nedge = rcipsav.nedge;
+Pbc = rcipsav.Pbc;
+PWbc = rcipsav.PWbc;
+starL = rcipsav.starL;
+starL1 = rcipsav.starL1;
+starS = rcipsav.starS;
+circL = rcipsav.circL;
+circL1 = rcipsav.circL1;
+circS = rcipsav.circS;
+ilist = rcipsav.ilist;
+nsub = rcipsav.nsub;
+if nargin < 3
+    ndepth = nsub;
+if ndepth > nsub
+    msg = "depth requested deeper than RCIP recursion performed\n " + ...
+        "going to depth %d instead";
+    warning(msg,nsub);
+    ndepth = nsub;
+savedeep = rcipsav.savedeep;
+if savedeep
+    % all relevant quantities are stored, just run backward recursion
+    rhohat0 = rhohat;
+    rhohatinterp = [rhohatinterp; rhohat0(circS)];
+    r = [];
+    d = [];
+    d2 = [];
+    n = [];
+    h = [];
+    cl = rcipsav.chnkrlocals{nsub};
+    wt = weights(cl);
+    r = [r, cl.rstor(:,circL1)];
+    d = [d, cl.dstor(:,circL1)];
+    d2 = [d2, cl.d2stor(:,circL1)];
+    n = [n, cl.nstor(:,circL1)];
+    wts = [wts; wt(circL1(:))];
+    R0 = rcipsav.R{nsub+1};
+    for i = 1:ndepth
+        R1 = rcipsav.R{nsub-i+1};
+        MAT = rcipsav.MAT{nsub-i+1};
+        rhotemp = R0\rhohat0;
+        rhohat0 = R1*(Pbc*rhotemp(starS) - MAT*rhohat0(circS));
+        if i == ndepth
+            rhohatinterp = [rhohatinterp; rhohat0];
+            r = [r, cl.rstor(:,starL1)];
+            d = [d, cl.dstor(:,starL1)];
+            d2 = [d2, cl.d2stor(:,starL1)];
+            n = [n, cl.nstor(:,starL1)];
+            wt = weights(cl);
+            wts = [wts; wt(starL1(:))];
+        else
+            cl = rcipsav.chnkrlocals{nsub-i};
+            rhohatinterp = [rhohatinterp; rhohat0(circS)];
+            r = [r, cl.rstor(:,circL1)];
+            d = [d, cl.dstor(:,circL1)];
+            d2 = [d2, cl.d2stor(:,circL1)];
+            n = [n, cl.nstor(:,circL1)];
+            wt = weights(cl);
+            wts = [wts; wt(circL1(:))];
+        end
+        R0 = R1;
+    end
+    srcinfo.r = r;
+    srcinfo.d = d;
+    srcinfo.d2 = d2;
+    srcinfo.n = n;

From 093b8f26e6e1b0d2ea9e7a7e3bba3a3a3b2d724a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jghoskins <>
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2024 16:33:11 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Update buildmat.m

minor bug fixes
 chunkie/+chnk/+quadnative/buildmat.m | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/chunkie/+chnk/+quadnative/buildmat.m b/chunkie/+chnk/+quadnative/buildmat.m
index 262180b..c75873a 100644
--- a/chunkie/+chnk/+quadnative/buildmat.m
+++ b/chunkie/+chnk/+quadnative/buildmat.m
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 targinfo = []; targinfo.r = rt; targinfo.d = dt; targinfo.d2 = d2t; targinfo.n = nt;
 hs = h(j); ht = h(i);
-dsnrms = sqrt(sum(abs(ds).^2,1));
+dsnrms = sqrt(sum((ds).^2,1));
 %taus = bsxfun(@rdivide,ds,dsnrms);
 %dtnrms = sqrt(sum(abs(dt).^2,1));