Library for telegram bot based on Oop
This is a telegram bot library that includes all telegram APIs, and some methods to help you.
You can use this library in both long polling and webhook method
long polling example:
- $this->method = 'long_polling'
webhook example:
- $this->method = 'webhook'
The state of the user will be saved in the database.
To save the state of the user, you need to create a "states" table
- Table Name: states
- id: Primary Key, Auto Increament
- chat_id: INT, UNIQUE
- state: VARCHAR
And there are some methods you can use to handle the state of the user in a conversation:
- saveState();
- getState();
- updateState();
- deleteState();
- updateOrSaveState();
Also, the bot creates a file for each user which stores data that the user sends in any step of conversations.
To handle the data that is sent by user in conversation, you can use these methods:
- saveConversationData()
- getConversationData()
- deleteConversationData()