Created by Farhan Rahman Arnob on 5-Jul-2017.
Keep My Task – Sample note keeping app for Android
It’s a Simple note keeping app for Android, using SQLite Database and Content Provider.
This application has – Two activities:
- TaskListActivity
- TaskEditorActivity
One Cursor Adapter:
- TaskCursorAdapter
One Content Provider:
- TaskProvider
One SQLiteOpenHelper Class:
- TaskDBHelper
And, One Data Model
- TaskContract
In TaskListActivity, it gets data of all tasks from SQLite Database using content provider. Then data is processed and showed in Grid View using Cursor Adapter.
This activity has a fab button, which is used to create a new task.
In grid View, we can click single task and go to the edit option.
In this activity, there has a menu item by which one can delete all tasks.
In TaskEditorActivity, it has two works.
Create a task: One can write the task name and give a description (optional). Then by clicking “✔” menu button one can create a task
View/Edit a task: By clicking a task of grid view in the main activity (TaskListActivity), one can enter an extended view of that task. In here, one can read his task details, modify, delete and save. After editing one, it will show a warning message if he wants to discard changes.