Most common APIs of AKS and EKS have been implemented in Java are as below:
AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) APIs:
- Create cluster
- Get cluster status
- List cluster
- Update cluster
- Delete cluster
- Add node group to cluster
- Add fargated compute to cluster
- Get status of fargated compute
- Update node group
- Delete node group
- Create security group
- Configure inbound rules for security group
- Configure outbound rules for security groups
- List security group
- List roles
- List VPC
- List subnet from VPC
- List kubernentes version
Azure Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) APIs:
- Create cluster
- List cluster
- Get cluster by id
- Create node pool
- Scale node pool
- Delete node pool
- Delete resource group
- List vNet
- List kubernentes version
- List network security group
- Add inbound rule to network security group
- Add outbound rule to network security group
- List regions
- List subscriptions
How to run:
- git clone
- To run AKS tests:
- Go to and set tenentId,clientId and secret and run test method
- To run EKS tests:
- Go to and set accessKey,secretKey and run test method
- Run 'mvn clean install' to build the code and run tests