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Add overlays for your pull requests in this directory

Overlays let you test pull requests that break the base version of external projects by applying PRs of the external project during CI testing (1 PR per broken external project). Once Coq CI's tests of the external projects pass, the Coq PR can be merged, then the assignee must ask the external projects to merge their PRs (for example by commenting in the external PRs). External projects are then expected to merge their PRs promptly.

An overlay file specifies the external PRs that should be applied during CI. A single file can cover multiple external projects. Create your overlay file in the dev/ci/user-overlays directory. The name of the overlay file should start with a five-digit pull request number, followed by a dash, anything (by convention, your GitHub nickname and the branch name), then an .sh extension ([0-9]{5}-[a-zA-Z0-9-_]

The file must contain a call to the overlay function for each affected external project:

overlay <project> <giturl> <ref> <prnumber> [<prbranch>]

Each call creates an overlay for project using a given giturl and ref which is active for prnumber or prbranch (prbranch defaults to ref).

For example, an overlay for the project elpi that uses the branch noinstance from the fork of SkySkimmer and is active for pull request 13128:

overlay elpi noinstance 13128

The github URL and base branch name for each external project are listed in For example, the entry for elpi is

project elpi "" "master"

But substitute the name of your fork into the URL, e.g. SkySkimmer/coq-elpi rather than LPCIC/coq-elpi. Use # to mark any comments.

If the branch name in the external project differs from the Coq branch name, include the external branch name as [prbranch] to apply it when you run the test suite locally, e.g. make ci-elpi.

Overlay files can be created automatically using the script

Branching conventions

We suggest you use the convention of identical branch names for the Coq branch and the CI project branch used in the overlay. For example, if your Coq PR is in your branch more_efficient_tc and breaks ltac2, we suggest you create an ltac2 overlay with a branch named more_efficient_tc.

Typical workflow

  • Observe that your changes breaks some external projects in CI
  • Compile your PR.
  • For each broken project, run make <job name>, e.g. make ci-elpi, which checks out, builds and runs the project in the _build_ci/<job name> directory.
  • Make necessary changes, then rerun the script to verify they work.
  • From the <job name> subdirectory, commit your changes to a new branch, based on the base branch name listed in, for example master for elpi.
  • If necessary, fork the external project from the project's github page. (Only needs to be done once, ever.)
  • Push to the external project and create a new PR. Make sure you pick the correct base branch in the github GUI for the comparison (e.g. master for elpi).
  • Create the overlay file, add to your Coq PR, push the updated version and verify that the external projects now pass.
  • When your PR is merged, the assignee notifies the maintainers of the external project to merge the changes you submitted. This should happen promptly; the external project's CI will fail until the change is merged.
  • Beer.