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Gem Version Build Status Maintainability


⚠️ No longer maintained ⚠️

This repository is no longer actively maintained. Feel free to contact us to discuss transfer of the repo if you want to take over.

Current API Version

This gem is compatible with the SIX API version: 1.20


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'six_saferpay'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install six_saferpay


Please configure your gem:

SixSaferpay.configure do |config|
  config.customer_id = YOUR_SIX_SAFERPAY_CUSTOMER_ID
  config.terminal_id = YOUR_SIX_SAFERPAY_TERMINAL_ID
  config.username = YOUR_SIX_SAFERPAY_USERNAME
  config.password = YOUR_SIX_SAFERPAY_PASSWORD
  config.success_url = YOUR_SIX_SAFERPAY_SUCCESS_URL
  config.fail_url = YOUR_SIX_SAFERPAY_FAIL_URL
  config.base_url = YOUR_SIX_SAFERPAY_BASE_URL
  config.css_url = YOUR_SIX_SAFERPAY_CSS_URL


SIX Saferpay provides multiple interfaces. We give you a short introduction in the usage of the gem by showing you two examples for the initialize requests.

SIX Saferpay Payment Page

The SIX Saferpay Payment Page is a simple implementation of the payment gateway of SIX.

PaymentPage Initialize

Before we start we have to create a two basic objects. The first object is the SixSaferpay::Amount. This object represents the value of your cart in the currency you sell your products. The second object is the SixSaferpay::Payment. This object represents the payment a user of your shop will do. As you can see, the amount object is includes in this object.

amount = 100, currency_code: "CHF")
payment = amount, order_id: 1234, description: 'Order #1234')

After we create those two objects, we can create the initialize object for the SIX Saferpay Payment Page.

initialize = payment)

Now we can send the initialize request to the API. We can use the client object to send a post request to the API.

initialize_response =

The client will return a response object. After an initialize request, the client will return you a initialize response object (SixSaferpay::InitializeResponse).

If the request goes wrong the client raises a SixSaferpay::Error

Other Requests

You will find for all the other requests an predefined object. Feel free to use this according the SIX Saferpay API documentation.

SIX Saferpay Transaction


SIX Secure PayGate API

If you want to use the SIX Secure PayGate API, you have to use an other Client:

create_offer_request =
create_offer_response =




After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/six_saferpay.

Implementation Status

SIX Payment Page

  • Initialize
  • Assert

SIX Transaction

  • Initialize
  • Authorize
  • QueryPaymentMeans
  • AdjustAmount
  • AuthorizeDirect
  • AuthorizeReferenced
  • Capture
  • MultipartCapture
  • AssertCapture
  • MultipartFinalize
  • Refund
  • AssertRefund
  • RefundDirect
  • Cancel
  • RedirectPayment (Deprecated)
  • AssertRedirectPayment (Deprecated)
  • Inquire

SIX Secure Card Data

  • Insert
  • AssertInsert
  • InsertDirect
  • Delete

SIX Batch

  • Close

SIX OmniChannel

  • InsertAlias
  • AcquireTransaction

Secure PayGate API

  • CreateOffer


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.