- This file ^_^
- Fixed issue #595
- None
- Dropped support for Python 3.5
- Added content_tag support to the library
- Added tests for those changes
- Fixed issue #633
- CONTRIBUTING.md (Better descriptions)
- Regenerated classes
- Generating classes now congnizant of execution context to facilitate generation
- Added method to delete an uploaded attachment from its token id
- Added method to redact a ticket comment attachment
- Added tests covering those two actions
- Fixed issue #350
- README.md (New actions)
- Added method to preflight payload
- Fixed issue #647
- Help centre article creation parameter to squelch notifications to subscribers
- Added warning when using password, or error based on configuration
- Fixed issue #651
- ZenPy initializer will emit warning or error based on constructor configuration
- Fixed issue #658
- ZenPy Chat API now going through API v2 and NOT zopim.
- Fixed issue #662
- ZenPy JIRA Links API now works on writes and base class supports singular/plural object deserialization.
- Fixed issue #668
- Updates error message and build process and documentation of that build process.