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215 lines (189 loc) · 40.6 KB

Results vs. base

  • fork: python
  • ref: cf4c4ecc26c7e3b89f2e
  • machine: linux-x86_64
  • commit hash: cf4c4ec
  • commit date: 2025-02-01
  • overall geometric mean: 1.133x slower
  • HPT reliability: 100.00%
  • HPT 99th percentile: 1.13x slower
  • Memory change: 1.19x

Benchmarks with tag 'apps':

Benchmark results/bm-20250201-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec/bm-20250201-linux-x86_64-python-cf4c4ecc26c7e3b89f2e-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec.json results/bm-20250201-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec-NOGIL/bm-20250201-linux-x86_64-python-cf4c4ecc26c7e3b89f2e-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec.json
2to3 461 ms 562 ms: 1.22x slower
docutils 3.54 sec 4.07 sec: 1.15x slower
html5lib 84.0 ms 98.6 ms: 1.17x slower
sphinx 1.54 sec 1.70 sec: 1.11x slower
Geometric mean (ref) 1.16x slower

Benchmarks with tag 'asyncio':

Benchmark results/bm-20250201-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec/bm-20250201-linux-x86_64-python-cf4c4ecc26c7e3b89f2e-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec.json results/bm-20250201-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec-NOGIL/bm-20250201-linux-x86_64-python-cf4c4ecc26c7e3b89f2e-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec.json
async_tree_io_tg 909 ms 801 ms: 1.13x faster
async_tree_cpu_io_mixed_tg 732 ms 648 ms: 1.13x faster
async_tree_io 890 ms 838 ms: 1.06x faster
async_tree_none 386 ms 406 ms: 1.05x slower
async_generators 535 ms 564 ms: 1.05x slower
async_tree_memoization_tg 467 ms 506 ms: 1.08x slower
coroutines 31.0 ms 34.3 ms: 1.11x slower
asyncio_websockets 724 ms 817 ms: 1.13x slower
async_tree_cpu_io_mixed 682 ms 795 ms: 1.17x slower
asyncio_tcp 966 ms 1.21 sec: 1.25x slower
asyncio_tcp_ssl 2.77 sec 3.50 sec: 1.26x slower
Geometric mean (ref) 1.05x slower

Benchmark hidden because not significant (2): async_tree_none_tg, async_tree_memoization

Benchmarks with tag 'math':

Benchmark results/bm-20250201-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec/bm-20250201-linux-x86_64-python-cf4c4ecc26c7e3b89f2e-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec.json results/bm-20250201-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec-NOGIL/bm-20250201-linux-x86_64-python-cf4c4ecc26c7e3b89f2e-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec.json
nbody 126 ms 194 ms: 1.54x slower
Geometric mean (ref) 1.16x slower

Benchmark hidden because not significant (2): pidigits, float

Benchmarks with tag 'regex':

Benchmark results/bm-20250201-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec/bm-20250201-linux-x86_64-python-cf4c4ecc26c7e3b89f2e-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec.json results/bm-20250201-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec-NOGIL/bm-20250201-linux-x86_64-python-cf4c4ecc26c7e3b89f2e-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec.json
regex_effbot 4.29 ms 4.48 ms: 1.04x slower
regex_dna 268 ms 310 ms: 1.15x slower
regex_compile 164 ms 211 ms: 1.29x slower
Geometric mean (ref) 1.12x slower

Benchmark hidden because not significant (1): regex_v8

Benchmarks with tag 'serialize':

Benchmark results/bm-20250201-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec/bm-20250201-linux-x86_64-python-cf4c4ecc26c7e3b89f2e-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec.json results/bm-20250201-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec-NOGIL/bm-20250201-linux-x86_64-python-cf4c4ecc26c7e3b89f2e-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec.json
pickle_list 7.83 us 7.27 us: 1.08x faster
pickle_dict 48.1 us 45.5 us: 1.06x faster
json_dumps 16.0 ms 16.8 ms: 1.05x slower
unpickle 19.4 us 21.2 us: 1.09x slower
xml_etree_parse 195 ms 230 ms: 1.18x slower
tomli_loads 2.61 sec 3.13 sec: 1.20x slower
unpickle_pure_python 297 us 357 us: 1.20x slower
json_loads 37.4 us 47.2 us: 1.26x slower
xml_etree_process 79.4 ms 101 ms: 1.27x slower
xml_etree_generate 112 ms 147 ms: 1.31x slower
Geometric mean (ref) 1.10x slower

Benchmark hidden because not significant (4): xml_etree_iterparse, unpickle_list, pickle, pickle_pure_python

Benchmarks with tag 'startup':

Benchmark results/bm-20250201-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec/bm-20250201-linux-x86_64-python-cf4c4ecc26c7e3b89f2e-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec.json results/bm-20250201-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec-NOGIL/bm-20250201-linux-x86_64-python-cf4c4ecc26c7e3b89f2e-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec.json
python_startup 28.0 ms 31.6 ms: 1.13x slower
python_startup_no_site 16.0 ms 19.6 ms: 1.23x slower
Geometric mean (ref) 1.18x slower

Benchmarks with tag 'template':

Benchmark results/bm-20250201-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec/bm-20250201-linux-x86_64-python-cf4c4ecc26c7e3b89f2e-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec.json results/bm-20250201-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec-NOGIL/bm-20250201-linux-x86_64-python-cf4c4ecc26c7e3b89f2e-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec.json
django_template 51.1 ms 56.1 ms: 1.10x slower
genshi_xml 71.9 ms 87.5 ms: 1.22x slower
genshi_text 29.1 ms 38.3 ms: 1.32x slower
mako 16.6 ms 23.5 ms: 1.42x slower
Geometric mean (ref) 1.26x slower

All benchmarks:

Benchmark results/bm-20250201-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec/bm-20250201-linux-x86_64-python-cf4c4ecc26c7e3b89f2e-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec.json results/bm-20250201-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec-NOGIL/bm-20250201-linux-x86_64-python-cf4c4ecc26c7e3b89f2e-3.14.0a4+-cf4c4ec.json
gc_traversal 8.19 ms 3.76 ms: 2.18x faster
create_gc_cycles 3.68 ms 3.04 ms: 1.21x faster
async_tree_io_tg 909 ms 801 ms: 1.13x faster
async_tree_cpu_io_mixed_tg 732 ms 648 ms: 1.13x faster
bench_mp_pool 96.1 ms 85.5 ms: 1.12x faster
pickle_list 7.83 us 7.27 us: 1.08x faster
async_tree_io 890 ms 838 ms: 1.06x faster
pickle_dict 48.1 us 45.5 us: 1.06x faster
regex_effbot 4.29 ms 4.48 ms: 1.04x slower
async_tree_none 386 ms 406 ms: 1.05x slower
json_dumps 16.0 ms 16.8 ms: 1.05x slower
async_generators 535 ms 564 ms: 1.05x slower
json 7.47 ms 8.00 ms: 1.07x slower
pyflate 698 ms 750 ms: 1.07x slower
deepcopy_reduce 4.07 us 4.38 us: 1.08x slower
coverage 132 ms 143 ms: 1.08x slower
deepcopy 373 us 403 us: 1.08x slower
pathlib 30.2 ms 32.6 ms: 1.08x slower
async_tree_memoization_tg 467 ms 506 ms: 1.08x slower
unpickle 19.4 us 21.2 us: 1.09x slower
django_template 51.1 ms 56.1 ms: 1.10x slower
k_core 4.07 sec 4.47 sec: 1.10x slower
connected_components 841 ms 927 ms: 1.10x slower
coroutines 31.0 ms 34.3 ms: 1.11x slower
generators 39.7 ms 44.0 ms: 1.11x slower
sphinx 1.54 sec 1.70 sec: 1.11x slower
scimark_lu 160 ms 180 ms: 1.12x slower
python_startup 28.0 ms 31.6 ms: 1.13x slower
asyncio_websockets 724 ms 817 ms: 1.13x slower
telco 10.5 ms 12.0 ms: 1.14x slower
docutils 3.54 sec 4.07 sec: 1.15x slower
many_optionals 1.11 ms 1.27 ms: 1.15x slower
mdp 3.66 sec 4.21 sec: 1.15x slower
shortest_path 896 ms 1.03 sec: 1.15x slower
sqlite_synth 3.53 us 4.06 us: 1.15x slower
regex_dna 268 ms 310 ms: 1.15x slower
pprint_safe_repr 930 ms 1.08 sec: 1.16x slower
async_tree_cpu_io_mixed 682 ms 795 ms: 1.17x slower
go 160 ms 187 ms: 1.17x slower
logging_silent 135 ns 158 ns: 1.17x slower
html5lib 84.0 ms 98.6 ms: 1.17x slower
scimark_fft 455 ms 536 ms: 1.18x slower
xml_etree_parse 195 ms 230 ms: 1.18x slower
pylint 411 ms 490 ms: 1.19x slower
tomli_loads 2.61 sec 3.13 sec: 1.20x slower
unpickle_pure_python 297 us 357 us: 1.20x slower
meteor_contest 152 ms 183 ms: 1.20x slower
logging_simple 7.68 us 9.29 us: 1.21x slower
richards 63.2 ms 76.4 ms: 1.21x slower
genshi_xml 71.9 ms 87.5 ms: 1.22x slower
richards_super 71.2 ms 86.8 ms: 1.22x slower
2to3 461 ms 562 ms: 1.22x slower
python_startup_no_site 16.0 ms 19.6 ms: 1.23x slower
sqlglot_transpile 2.36 ms 2.90 ms: 1.23x slower
spectral_norm 128 ms 158 ms: 1.23x slower
hexiom 8.73 ms 10.8 ms: 1.23x slower
sqlglot_normalize 140 ms 173 ms: 1.24x slower
nqueens 110 ms 136 ms: 1.24x slower
pprint_pformat 1.86 sec 2.32 sec: 1.24x slower
asyncio_tcp 966 ms 1.21 sec: 1.25x slower
sqlalchemy_imperative 24.6 ms 30.8 ms: 1.25x slower
sympy_expand 587 ms 741 ms: 1.26x slower
json_loads 37.4 us 47.2 us: 1.26x slower
asyncio_tcp_ssl 2.77 sec 3.50 sec: 1.26x slower
fannkuch 521 ms 660 ms: 1.27x slower
xml_etree_process 79.4 ms 101 ms: 1.27x slower
thrift 1.13 ms 1.45 ms: 1.28x slower
subparsers 33.0 ms 42.3 ms: 1.28x slower
regex_compile 164 ms 211 ms: 1.29x slower
sympy_integrate 27.9 ms 36.2 ms: 1.30x slower
scimark_monte_carlo 84.6 ms 110 ms: 1.30x slower
scimark_sor 151 ms 198 ms: 1.31x slower
bpe_tokeniser 5.78 sec 7.57 sec: 1.31x slower
xml_etree_generate 112 ms 147 ms: 1.31x slower
genshi_text 29.1 ms 38.3 ms: 1.32x slower
sqlalchemy_declarative 178 ms 235 ms: 1.32x slower
typing_runtime_protocols 211 us 280 us: 1.32x slower
sympy_str 364 ms 483 ms: 1.33x slower
comprehensions 21.4 us 28.6 us: 1.34x slower
scimark_sparse_mat_mult 6.10 ms 8.26 ms: 1.35x slower
chaos 79.5 ms 108 ms: 1.36x slower
sqlglot_optimize 71.4 ms 97.0 ms: 1.36x slower
crypto_pyaes 92.8 ms 128 ms: 1.38x slower
mako 16.6 ms 23.5 ms: 1.42x slower
logging_format 8.87 us 12.6 us: 1.42x slower
raytrace 339 ms 480 ms: 1.42x slower
bench_thread_pool 3.14 ms 4.49 ms: 1.43x slower
sqlglot_parse 1.72 ms 2.55 ms: 1.48x slower
deepcopy_memo 38.8 us 58.3 us: 1.50x slower
deltablue 4.62 ms 7.02 ms: 1.52x slower
nbody 126 ms 194 ms: 1.54x slower
Geometric mean (ref) 1.16x slower

Benchmark hidden because not significant (13): unpack_sequence, xml_etree_iterparse, async_tree_none_tg, async_tree_memoization, regex_v8, pidigits, float, unpickle_list, pickle, sympy_sum, pickle_pure_python, pycparser, dulwich_log

  • Geometric mean (including insignificant results): 1.133x slower

HPT report

  • Reliability score: 100.00% likely to be slow
  • 90% likely to have a slowdown of 1.15x
  • 95% likely to have a slowdown of 1.14x
  • 99% likely to have a slowdown of 1.13x


  • memory change: 1.19x