- Chisha - DevOps / Developer 🖥️
- Jo - User Experience / Developer 🖌️
- Nafisa - Quality Assurance / Developer ✔️
- Chun - Scrum Facilitator / Developer 📋
- TeleGran was created to support elderly people who struggle with the UI of traditional messaging platforms.
✨ 💌
- It's a full stack web application built in React that serves message data from a Slack workspace, using a RESTful API that is built in Express.
By the end of the first build sprint, we had accomplished the following:
- Initial set up of filebase using React
- Wrote UI tests using Cypress
- Set up React router for for the front-end to serve different pages
- Proxy requests from React application to server when running locally.
- Able to write messages to Slack from our app.
- Implement speech-to-text functionality
By the end of the second build sprint, we were able to :
- Deploy frontend and backend from a monorepo
- Use Styled Components for CSS across the app
- Retrieve messages from Slack using our API endpoint
- Send messages to Slack that have been written using the speech-to-text function.
Estimates + Actuals
64 v 135
Initial thoughts: Next.Js vs REACT
Final thoughts: REACT with Node.js
Client side:
- @react-hook/window-size - for the confetti 🎉
- node-fetch - for fetching from our API routes
- react-confetti - for the success page 🎈
- react-router-dom - for changing the URL for different pages
- react-speech-recognition - for the speech-to-text 💬
- styled-components 💅
Server side:
- dotenv - Allows private variables to be added (API)
- nodemon - Restarts the server automatically when you make a change to the code
- express - Our server is written in node
- We created a GET to retrieve messages from Slack using: ==
- We created a POST to send new messages to Slack using: ==
== ==http://localhost:3001/api/speak-message
What can you do?
- You can send a message to a Slack channel ✍️
- You can send an emergency message to a Slack channel 🆘
- You can view the last few messages sent to a Slack channel 👀
There were a few features we were unable to incorporate into the MVP due to time constraints.
- Make the SOS message customizable.
- Upload a profile picture, or fetch the avatar image from Slack
- Read content of an individual message, including the "Send Love" feature.
- Receive and store the user's Slack workspace ID / authentication.
- Video tutorial
- More slack channels associated with different users
- Be able to send audio/voice messages
- React router to serve different pages for diferent users
- A thorough understanding of using package.json, .env and how to alleviate nested package hell!
- Implementing and customising Slack APIs in React
- How to scope an MVP properly and prototype in Figma
--> return this in form handleSubmit function, rather than have a button wrapped in a
We need CORS redirect info in our header to allow requests to come from the same origin
.ENV needed for both client AND server
Node versions- we did
volta install [email protected]
to get us all on the same version -
we were on different npm versions so had to install npm i react-is because we were getting this error
Different npm versions 😖
- make sure your npm packages are installed in the right place
- Having two package.jsons- then one - then two
- Sending via a proxy server
- Built-in linting that comes with the create react app caused errors
- Sending speech to text message to slack, it sends twice right now 🤷
- testing api calls
Thanks to our project mentor @Charlie La Fosse!! ⭐ Massive shout out to Oli too 🧙