- A place for devs to sell their vintage clothing!
- Builiding it for fun!
How will you ensure your project is accessible to as many users as possible?
- Semantic html
- Mobile first approach
- Accessible form validation
- Lighthouse (to be done).
Did your team work effectively?
- Yes, mostly! :sparkles What would you do differently next time?
- Need to take more breaks, to allow us to be more productive during tough problems.
- Promise handling.
- Consider the flow of the user experience.
What features would you prioritise to build next?
- delete feature
- uploading an image
- authenticated access newsfeed if logged in.
- Yes, we felt we learnt more about cookies especially.
- We prioritised group learning over project completion which we think of as a win!
- As a user, I want to: submit information to your site for anyone to see
- As a user, I want to: come back to your site later and see what I posted is still there
- As a user, I want to: be the only person allowed to delete my stuff
- Forms for users to sign up and log in
- A form for users to submit data only accessible to logged in users
- A page showing all the data
- A way for logged in users to delete their own data
- Semantic form elements with correctly associated labels
- A Postgres database hosted on Heroku
- Hidden environment variables (i.e. not on GitHub)
- Tests for all routes
- A user page that shows everything posted by a single user
- GitHub Actions CI setup to run your tests when you push
- Scrum Facilitator - Miah
- UX Design - Orian
- DevOps - Milly
- Quality Assurance - Juliette