All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Public: Added support for Fallback Option OnfidoFaceCaptureOptions - MOTION:
- Public: Fixed the Workflow result handling crash
- Public: Updated underlying Onfido native SDKs versions:
- iOS 28.3.x (up from 28.1.x)
- Android 16.3.x (up from 16.1.x)
- Public: Updated underlying Onfido native SDKs versions:
- iOS 28.1.0 (up from 28.0.0)
- Android 16.1.0 (up from 16.0.1)
- Underlying Onfido native SDKs versions are now less strict and will allow patch versions updates
- Public: Updated underlying Onfido native SDKs versions:
- iOS 28.0.0 (up from 27.4.0)
- Android 16.0.1 (up from 15.4.0)
- Public: Updated underlying Onfido native SDKs versions:
- iOS 27.4.0 (up from 27.3.0)
- Android 15.4.0 (up from 15.3.0)
- Public: Updated underlying Onfido native SDKs versions:
- iOS 27.3.0 (up from 27.2.0)
- Android 15.3.0 (up from 15.1.0)
- Public: Extended localisation support to 44 languages
- Public: Added RTL languages support
- Public: Update underlying Onfido native SDK versions:
- iOS 27.2.0 (up from 27.0.0)
- Android 15.1.0 (up from 14.0.0)
- Public: Remove NFC dependencies from the SDK. They should be added in your app when utilizing NFC.
- Public: Added NFC support
- Public: Added support for new OnfidoCaptureType - MOTION
- Public: Update underlying Onfido native SDK versions:
- iOS 27.0.0 (up from 26.1.1)
- Android 14.0.0 (up from 13.0.0)
- Public: Fixes on Typescript issues
- Public: Upgrade min supported version to 0.68.2 (up from 0.60.0)
- Public: Update underlying Onfido native SDK versions:
- iOS 26.1.1 (up from 26.0.1)
- Public: Start supporting Typescript
- Public: Fix iOS build on older Xcode versions
- Public: Update underlying Onfido native SDK versions:
- Android 13.0.0 (up from 12.2.0)
- iOS 26.0.1 (up from 25.1.0)
- Public: Update supported React version to latest
- Public: Fixed Android build with Java issues
- Public:
- Public: Update underlying Onfido native SDK versions:
- Android 12.2.0 (up from 11.5.0)
- iOS 25.1.0 (up from 24.6.0)
- Public: Update underlying Onfido native SDK versions:
- Android 11.5.0 (up from 11.4.1)
- iOS 24.6.0 (up from 24.5.0)
- Public: Updated underlying Onfido native SDKs versions:
- Android 11.4.1 (up from 11.3.0)
- iOS 24.5.0 (up from 24.3.0)
- Public: Upgraded to React v17.0.1 and React Native v0.64.3
- Public: Updating Country Code list to match iOS SDK
- Public: Updated underlying Onfido iOS SDK to version 24.3.0 (up from 23.1.0). For more information visit the Onfido iOS SDK releases on Github NOTE: This version of SDK will only support building your app with Xcode 13 due to lack of backward compatibility introduced by Apple with Xcode 13.
- Public: Updated underlying Onfido Android SDK to version 11.3.0 (up from 10.3.2). For more information visit the Onfido Android SDK releases on Github
- Public: Fixed compile time issue that happened on Android due to wrong parsing of the author payload from
file - Public: Removed the final screen from being always shown at the end of the flow steps on Android
- Public: Upgraded the Gradle version of the Onfido's React Native SDK to v7.0.2
- Public: Upgraded the Android Gradle Plugin to v7.0.4
- Public: Updated underlying Onfido iOS SDK to version 23.1.0 (up from 22.3.0). For more information visit the Onfido iOS SDK releases on Github NOTE: This version of SDK will only support building your app with Xcode 13 due to lack of backward compatibility introduced by Apple with Xcode 13.
- Public: Updated underlying Onfido Android SDK to version 10.3.2 (up from 10.1.0). For more information visit the Onfido Android SDK releases on Github
- Public: Removed the final screen from being always shown at the end of the flow steps on Android
- Public: Updated underlying Onfido iOS SDK to version 22.3.0 (up from 21.4.0). For more information visit the Onfido iOS SDK releases on Github
- Public: Updated underlying Onfido Android SDK to version 10.1.0 (up from 9.3.1). For more information visit the Onfido Android SDK releases on Github
- Public: Fixed script that added Onfido bintray link to users'
to now addmavenCentral()
instead, if not already present. - Public: Fixed sample Localizable file to match newest iOS string keys.
- Public: Updated React peer dependency to include up to versions 17.0.x
- Public: Updated error messages to propagate more info from underlying native SDKs.
- Public: Added support for enabling the user consent screen for iOS and Android.
- Public: Updated underlying Onfido iOS SDK to version 21.4.0 (up from 20.1.0). For more information visit the Onfido iOS SDK releases on Github
- Public: Updated underlying Onfido Android SDK to version 9.3.1 (up from 9.0.0). For more information visit the Onfido Android SDK releases on Github
- Public: Updated README with troubleshooting information and okhttp3 resolution guide.
- Public: Updated error responses to be more descriptive.
- Public: Apply okhttp3 fix to SampleApp.
- Public: Add fix for XCode 12.5 to SampleApp Podfile.
- Public: Fix an iOS bug where the Onfido flow isn't presented to user if the rootViewController is not at the top of the view hierarchy.
- Public: Fix for bug with Android proguard rules
- Public: Added support for hide logo and cobranding enterprise features
- UI: Fixed iOS crash problem on Xcode12 simulator
- UI: Fixed iOS custom appearance problem on real device
- Public: Upgraded android SDK version to 7.2.0
- Public: Added fix in Github Repository filter
- Public: Added custom localisation support for ios
- Public: Upgraded iOS SDK version
- Public: Added fix for bug where npm install in SampleApp is deleting files in SampleApp directory.
- Public: MVP release of React Native SDK.