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Notes for deploying resources into AZURE, hopefully this will help me to take and pass the

"Micosoft Azure Administrator AZ-103"


Create a ResourceGroup > Virtual Networks > Global Network > Subnets > Network Security Group(Under Network Interfaces) > Public IP > VM

I am using the Az moduels are they are build on .Net core and Powerrshell core and are cross-platform but there are

Azure(old powershell modules), AzureRM(new modules), and then Az(newest modules based on .net core and PS core)

Let's log into our Azure account


Get-AzVM ###If you have 1 resourcegroup this is fine

Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName "Test"

Get-AzVM -Status

##Create a resource Group
New-AzResourceGroup -Name TestResourceGroup -Location centralus

####Let's delete a VM#####
Remove-AzVM -ResourceGroupName "Test" -Name "MYVM" -Confirm:$false -Force

###Let's logout####

Get all our resources from a resource group

Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName "Test" | ft

##Get network resources


##Now let's remove a network interface
Remove-AzNetworkInterface -ResourceGroupName "Test" -Name WebServers -Confirm:$false -Force

##Get our security group(s)

##Get our Virtual Network
Get-AzVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName "Test"

##Get all image publishers in the central region###
Get-AzVMImagePublisher -Location "CentralUS"

##From East US etc...
Get-AzVMImagePublisher -Location "EastUS"

##Get Image offer publisher name is required but you get that from the above command##
##Note for Microsoft they have a ton so look around####

Get-AzVMImageOffer -Location "CentralUS" -PublisherName MicrosoftWindowsServer 

###Now let's get our SKU#####

Get-AzVMImageSku -PublisherName MicrosoftWindowsServer -Location "centralus" -Offer WindowsServer

Now we can deploy a VM with the below

$cred = Get-Credential

New-AzVm `
    -ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroupVM" `
    -Name "myVM2" `
    -Location "CentralUS" `
    -VirtualNetworkName "myVnet" `
    -SubnetName "mySubnet" `
    -SecurityGroupName "myNetworkSecurityGroup" `
    -PublicIpAddressName "myPublicIpAddress2" `
    -ImageName "MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2016-Datacenter-with-Containers:latest" `
    -Credential $cred `
New-AzVm `
    -ResourceGroupName "Lab" `
    -Name "PBCJMP01" `
    -Location "EastUS" `
    -VirtualNetworkName "LabNetwork" `
    -SubnetName "Jumphosts" `
    -SecurityGroupName "jumphostsRDP" `
    -PublicIpAddressName "jumphost" `
    -ImageName "MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2016-Datacenter-with-Containers:latest" `
    -Credential $cred `

Create a new empty resource group and tag it

New-AzResourceGroup -Name "Lab" -Location "eastus" -Tag @{Name="Lab"} 

$mgmtsubnet = New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name "Jumphosts" -AddressPrefix ""

$infrasubnet = New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name "Infra" -AddressPrefix ""

New-AzVirtualNetwork -Name "LabNetwork" -ResourceGroupName "Lab" -Location "eastus" -AddressPrefix "" -Subnet $mgmtsubnet,$infrasubnet

##View public IP addresses

Get-AzPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName "Alexander" 

Get-AzPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName "Alexander" -Name *Web*

##View the IPprefix this only works if you have running VM's as they will have public IP's assigned

Get-AzPublicIpPrefix -ResourceGroupName "Alexander" -Name *Web*

Get-AzPublicIpPrefix -ResourceGroupName "Alexander"

##New public IP address
New-AzPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName "Lab" -Name "jumphost"  -Location "eastus" -IpAddressVersion "IPv4" -AllocationMethod Dynamic 

###See all network security groups##

Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup -ResourceGroupName "Alexander"

Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup -ResourceGroupName "Alexander" -Name *Mgmt*

build one

##First let's define a rule#####
$RuleRDP = New-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig -Name rdp-rule -Description "Allow RDP from my IP only" -Access Allow -Protocol Tcp -Direction Inbound -Priority 100 -SourceAddressPrefix "72.82.
60.19/32" -SourcePortRange * -DestinationAddressPrefix * -DestinationPortRange 3389

##Then we can apply it to our Network Security Group
##Note the -SecurityRules can accept a comma separated list of rules

New-AzNetworkSecurityGroup -ResourceGroupName "Lab" -Location "eastus" -Name "jumphostsRDP" -SecurityRules $RuleRDP

Get VM sizes in a region

Get-AzVMSize -Location "eastus"

Azure cli(aka azure bash)

PowerShell vs CLI in Azure

PS                                                  CLI
—                                                   —-
Get-Az					                            az verb list
New-Az					                            az verb create
Delete-Az                                           az verb delete

Also we can have verbs that are sub of something else like

az network vnet list vnet is a sub of network
az —help will get you help
#az returns JSON
#You can also do 

az group list ##Note group is the top level to see all resource groups, or to delete

##az group

az group list —help

az group list -o table

az resource list -o table ###resource is below group

az resource list --resource-group LAB -o table
The above will return everything in table format
-o or —output can be json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml. Default is json

Now let's delete a resource group and all it's resources

Our resource group name is Lab

az group delete -n Lab --yes

Azure works under a premise of Resource providers in order to use some services you must have that resource provider registered with your account

GUI can be used as well
Get-AzResourceProvider | ft
See what location support the Microsoft.Web provider###
((Get-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Web).ResourceTypes | Where-Object ResourceTypeName -eq sites).Locations

##Get supported API version
((Get-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Web).ResourceTypes | Where-Object ResourceTypeName -eq sites).ApiVersions

##Let's register the Microsoft CDN Provider to our account

Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Cdn

Azure CLI

az aks commands

az provider list -o table

##Register Microsoft CDN
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Cdn

##using cli to list VM skus available to you####

az vm image list -o table

az vm image list -o table --all ##Note the --all will download the latest list, and take a while

az vm image list --all --offer WindowsServer -o table

az group create -l eastus -n rg1

az group list

az aks list --resource-group my_resource_group | jq .

az aks delete --name fb-azure-tap --resource-group TAP --no-wait --yes

az aks get-os-options --location westus2

az aks get-versions --location westus2

az aks create -g TAP -n fb-tap-azure-1 --ssh-key-value /Users/joe/.ssh/ \
--kubernetes-version 1.25.6 --nodepool-name tapworkers --node-count 3 --os-sku Ubuntu --node-osdisk-size 100 \
--node-vm-size Standard_D4_v3 --location westus2 \
--network-plugin kubenet \
--network-policy calico

az aks get-credentials --name fb-tap-azure-1 -g TAP --admin

Remove Network security rule

$nsg = Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup -Name "NSG-DevOPS" -ResourceGroupName "DevOPS"    

Remove-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig -Name "rdp-rule" -NetworkSecurityGroup $nsg | Set-AzNetworkSecurityGroup
Make all Windows VM's "B2s" "Standard_B2s" if available in the region I am deploying in(2vCPUs, 4GB RAM Also a "Standard_B1MS" is a another low cost option(1vCPUs, 2GB RAM)


azure RHOS

az aro list-credentials --name MY_CLUSTER_NAME --resource-group MY_RG_NAME

az aro show --name MY_CLUSTER_NAME --resource-group MY_RG_NAME --query "consoleProfile.url" -o tsv

az aro show -g MY_RG_NAME  -n MY_CLUSTER_NAME --query apiserverProfile.url -o tsv

apiServer=$(az aro show -g MY_RG_NAME  -n MY_CLUSTER_NAME --query apiserverProfile.url -o tsv)

oc login $apiServer -u kubeadmin -p <kubeadmin password>

Azure PS

Make sure you install the correct PS module

Install-Module -Name Az


Also let's connect to Azure prior to running our scripts and make sure we connect to the correct Subscription

Connect-AzAccount -SubscriptionId 'yyyyyyyy-yyyyyyyyyy-yyyyyyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy-yyyyyyyyyyy'


Connect-AzAccount -Tenant 'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx' -SubscriptionId 'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx' ## Make sure we connect to the correct tenant and subscription

Agent Pools

I would say the directions from the URL got me 90% of the way, I did have a few hiccups

Make sure in Azure Devops(ADO) that you add your users under ORG Settings > Agent Pools > Security I made my users "Administrators" probably not a good idea but...

The one gotcha is you can't be logged in as yourself and add yourself to any roles, so log in as another admin and assign it as that user, I also used a PAT for authentication

A few other things, when you install the agent it will ask for a working directory I left mine as the default _work so that's where everything will be and a good place to look when troubleshooting

Also under Default the "New Agent" Button is how you download the agent and it also has some instructions for you to follow

Setting up ADO Pipeline

This also had some gotchas but the error messages were pretty good, below you will find a pipeline sample that will connect to the Default pool where I have a Windows VM waiting to accept jobs

And I have the Java JDK, Maven, and Git installed(actually a bunch more dev stuff is installed on the machine) and we are going to build our Java APP and push it to an APP Service

You also have to add a a Capability manually to your agent this is under Agent Pools > Default > Agents > YOUR_AGENT > Capabilities I had to add Name: maven Value: maven

This will be under "User-defined capabilities" just hit the "+" and add it, again this came from the pretty useful error message from the failed build


# Starter pipeline
# Start with a minimal pipeline that you can customize to build and deploy your code.
# Add steps that build, run tests, deploy, and more:

- main

  name: Default
  demands: Agent.Name -equals wus-apipeline

#- script: echo Hello, world!
#  displayName: 'Run a one-line script'

#- script: |
#    echo Add other tasks to build, test, and deploy your project.
#    echo See
#  displayName: 'Run a multi-line script'
- task: Maven@4
    mavenPomFile: 'pom.xml'
    publishJUnitResults: true
    testResultsFiles: '**/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'
    javaHomeOption: 'JDKVersion'
    mavenVersionOption: 'Default'
    mavenAuthenticateFeed: false
    effectivePomSkip: false
    sonarQubeRunAnalysis: false
    sqMavenPluginVersionChoice: 'pom'

- task: AzureRmWebAppDeployment@4
    ConnectionType: 'AzureRM'
    azureSubscription: 'Lab-Subscription (91f9999999-d832-9999-9999-99999999)-9999'
    appType: 'webApp'
    WebAppName: 'tanzu-java-web'
    packageForLinux: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/*.jar.'

The - task you see was written by little builder tool in Azure Pipelines, it was pretty helpful, another issue I ran into was the Subscription, it had multiple entries with the same name

I checked picked one until the tanzu-java-web populated, also the packageForLinux was an odd name, because this ran on a Windows machine, the example above is for a maven build that produces a .jar file

If you run a build that produces .war files, then you need to change that

Useful PWSH Commands

Login-AzAccount -UseDeviceAuthentication
Connect-AzAccount -SubscriptionId 'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx'
Connect-AzAccount -Tenant 'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx' -SubscriptionId 'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx'
Set-AzContext -Subscription 'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx'(You can use the second command to do the same and save a step)
New-AzResourceGroup -Name arm-test -Location "eastus"
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -Name "deployment1" -ResourceGroup "arm-test" -TemplateFile .\myfile.json
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -Name spot-deploy -ResourceGroupName Lab-West -TemplateFile .\template.json -TemplateParameterFile .\parameters.json

Useful CLI commands

az login
az logout
az account show
az account list -o table
az account set --subscription 'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx'
az deployment group create --name 'bicep-demo' -g 'arm-test' --template-file ./storage.bicep --parameters part=bicep