Our Calendar
component has a list of props that make it easy to plug and play UI for your calendars.
Prop | Type | Description | Default |
contentContainerStyle |
ViewStyle? |
ViewStyle` for calendar's parent view component | undefined |
customStateCreator |
((stateInputParams: StateInputParams, defaultState?: DayState) => object)? |
Function for extending/customizing calendar day state |
undefined |
DayComponent |
React.ComponentType<InnerDayProps<T>> |
Custom component to render each day of month on the calendar;_ |
undefined |
firstDayOfWeek |
DayIndex? |
DayIndex which is used to determine the first day of the week for this date according to local time, where 0 represents Sunday |
0 |
locale |
string? |
Locale string used to localize calendar content | en-US |
markedDates |
string[] |
Selected day(s) on the calendar to be highlighted Format [YYYY-MM-DD,...] |
[] |
maxDate |
string? |
Maximum selectable date on the calendar example: 2024-12-31 Format YYYY-MM-DD |
undefined |
minDate |
string? |
Minimum selectable date on the calendar example: 2024-01-01 Format YYYY-MM-DD |
undefined |
MonthAnimatedTransitionComponent |
React.ComponentType<{ React.PropsWithChildren }>? |
Custom component to wrap monthly calendar view useful when you need to animate entry and exit transitions of monthly calendar component during toggle of viewAs |
React.Fragment |
MonthNameComponent |
React.ComponentType<{ month: Date; locale?: string }> |
Custom component to render calendar's month title; example: August, 2024 |
undefined |
onDayPress |
((dateString: string) => void)? |
Function for adding press listener to calendar day |
undefined |
showDayNames |
boolean? |
Show week day names on the calendar | true |
showExtraDays |
boolean? |
Show extra days from previous and next month in the current month's calendar | true |
showMonthName |
boolean? |
Show calendar's month title | true |
viewAs |
<"week","month">? |
Toggle calendar view between weeks list or full month | month |
WeekAnimatedTransitionComponent |
React.ComponentType<{ React.PropsWithChildren }>? |
Custom component to wrap weekly calendar view useful when you need to animate entry and exit transitions of weekly calendar component during toggle of viewAs |
React.Fragment |
weekContainerStyle |
ViewStyle? |
ViewStyle for each week row on the calendar |
undefined |
WeekDayNameComponent |
React.ComponentType<{ weekDays:string[] }> |
Custom component to render calendar's week day names | undefined |
weekdaysFormat |
<"long","short","narrow"> short = ['Mon', 'Tue', ..., 'Sun'] long = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', ..., 'Sunday'] narrow = ['M', 'T', ..., 'S'] |
Format option for week day names | undefined |
weekdaysShort |
string[]? |
Custom names for week days |
undefined |
weeksContainerStyle |
ViewStyle? |
ViewStyle for parent view component of all week rows on the calendar. Useful when you need to apply styling to all weeks in the calendar |
undefined |
inherits all props of Calendar
except contentContainerStyle
& date
props. It also comes with unique props to help you build performant list of calendars whiles using @shopify/flashlist
under the hood.
Prop | Type | Description | Default |
calendarContentContainerStyle |
ViewStyle? |
ViewStyle for each calendar's parent view component. This is same as contentContentContainerStyle prop for Calendar component |
undefined |
CalendarSeparator |
React.ComponentType? |
A component rendered between calendars in the listcalendarVerticalGap when defined |
undefined |
calendarSize |
{width?:number, height?: number}? |
Visible width and height of the CalendarList. This is not the scroll content size. | { width, height } = Dimensions.get("window") |
calendarVerticalGap |
number? |
Space (px) between calendars in the list CalendarSeparator when it is defined |
32 |
currentDate |
string? |
Initial date to focus or scroll to when the CalendarList mountsFormat YYYY-MM-DD |
undefined |
estimatedCalendarSize |
{fiveWeekCalendarSize: number, monthTitleSize?: number, weekDayNamesSize?: number} |
fiveWeekCalendarSize is height of each calendar when using vertical calendar lists, this is required .monthTitleSize is height of the MonthNameComponent componentweekDayNamesSize is the height of the WeekDayNameComponent It is recommended to provide a accurate value if you use custom components for weekDayNames and/or monthTitle . 💡 FlashList uses this information to decide how many calendar months it needs to draw on the screen before initial load and while scrolling. Since calendar months have 5 and 6 weeks, you need to find the height of a month with five weeks, and use that number as fiveWeekCalendarSize . A quick look at Element Inspector can help you determine this. See understanding calendar components |
required |
futureMonthsCount |
number? |
Number of months to render after minDate |
12 |
horizontal |
boolean? |
Toggle horizontal scrollable list | false |
minDate |
string? |
Date in your starred month on the calendar. A starred month is the month in calendar list used to determined past and future months of the list.Example: If you need to render daily events 6 months before and after date 2024-02-10 . Then 2024-02 becomes the starred monthFormat YYYY-MM-DD |
today's date |
onActiveMonthChange |
((activeMonthDatestring: string) => void)? |
Callback to get the first visible month of the calendar list; param is a date string. This is useful when you only need the first visible month for rendering Format YYYY-MM-DD |
undefined |
onEndReachedThreshold |
number? |
How far from the end (in units of visible length of the list) the trailing edge of the list must be from the end of the content to trigger the onEndReached callback. Thus, a value of 0.5 will trigger onEndReached when the end of the content is within half the visible length of the list. | 2 |
onListEndReached |
(() => void)? |
Callback for calendar list scroll reach end of list event. | undefined |
onScroll |
((visibleMonths: string[]) => void)? |
Callback for calendar list scroll events; param is an array of visible months on the list ordered according to appearance on the list. Format [YYYY-MM-DD,...] |
undefined |
pastMonthsCount |
number? |
Number of months to render before minDate |
0 |
showDayNamesOnTop |
boolean? |
Show week day names on top of list instead of in each calendar | false |
showScrollIndicator |
boolean? |
Toggle on scroll indicators for vertical calendar list |
true |
To give accurate height of a calendar in a calendar list, we need to understand what makes a calendar in a calendar list. The image below has three sections;
- Red Section: This is the
section, this is whereMonthNameComponent
is rendered whenshowMonthName=true
is equal to the height of this component ifshowMonthName=true
- Blue Section: This is the
section, this is whereWeekDayNameComponent
is rendered whenshowDayNames=true
is equal to the height of this component ifshowDayNames=true
- Green Section: This is entire calendar height, and it is made of the height of
. Since a calendar may have5
weeks, we use the height of a calendar with5
weeks forestimatedCalendarSize.fiveWeekCalendarSize