Alicia Grullon - artist, curator, and organizer.
- How might storytelling be connected to history?
- How are people’s experiences necessary to storytelling?
- In what ways might storytelling be significant to who gets to write history?
- How might storytelling and oral traditions change who has access to keeping history and what is remembered and how?
In this workshop we will analyze personal experiences as important to understanding access⎼ the impact of lacking it and what having full access looks like in communities in 2019. Our goal is to create a short podcast on our findings in our workshop. We will critically connect our stories and interviews framing them to questions on US history and social justice issues. Together, we will explore how our stories are part of the larger narrative in US history.
Ages 14 to 22 Great for all levels and participants interested in learning the basics to creating podcasts and doing interviews. Comfortable working with a partner. Interested in social justice.
In this workshop students will be able to analyze, access, organize, synthesize and explain the purpose of oral history in considering what access looks like in contemporary society. Participants will learn the basics of using audio editing applications and recording equipment. They will leave the workshop understanding how to conduct interviews as well as the fundamentals of creating a podcast.
4 hours
- Class will begin with general check ins and introduction of the course (5 mins)
- Warm up/ice breaker (10 mins)
- Class agreements (10 mins)
- State workshop objective (10 mins)
- Listen to past work created with high students on gun violence (15 mins)
- Preliminary exercise/ writing reflection (15 mins)
- Share reflections (15 mins)
- Assign partners. Demonstration use of audio equipment (15 mins)
- Create questions we want to ask each other on access (10 mins)
- Interview each other (30 mins)
- Break (10 mins)
- Demonstrate Audacity. Import audio. Basic editing dos and don’ts. Create 3-5 min recording. (65 mins)
- Wrap up and sharing (30 mins)
Notepads, pencils, recorders, headphones, laptops (One laptop for each 2-student team. So if 10 students, 5 laptops), Audacity, reliable wifi, projector and speakers.
32-bit, 48-bit, access, ambience, audacity, audio, audio editing, au, aiff, back-up, boost, clip, cross fade, cut, compressor, effects, equalizer, envelope, export, fade in, fade out, gain, Hertz (Hz), hum, import, level, open source, oral history, podcast, mic, mix, mixer, mp3, mono, noise, ripping, signal, storytelling, stereo, sync, trim, wav
Presentation: Students will be able to upload their podcasts to Soundcloud to share.
Keep Listening!