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🪐 spaCy Project: Train fastText or floret vectors

This project downloads, extracts and preprocesses texts from a number of sources and trains vectors with floret.

By default, the project trains floret vectors for Korean for use in md and lg spaCy pipelines.


  • linux (it may largely work on osx but this is not tested or maintained)
  • a large amount of hard drive space (e.g. ~100GB total for Korean, which has 15GB of data in OSCAR 21.09; for English, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, etc. you would need multiple TB with the provided defaults)
  • a workstation with a good CPU, or a lot of patience

Adjust the variables n_process_tokenize and vector_thread for your CPU.

For a Python-only cross-platform alternative, try out the simpler pipelines/floret_wiki_oscar_vectors project using Wikipedia and OSCAR 2019.

Text Sources

OpenSubtitles and WMT Newscrawl only contain texts for a small subset of the languages included in Wikipedia or OSCAR, so you may need to remove the assets and adjust/remove related steps to use a subset of the resources.

Source Requirements


Install Wikiparsec:

Choose a current version available at for this language or switch to "latest".

OSCAR 21.09

The dataset oscar-corpus/OSCAR-2109 requires you to:

OSCAR 2019

As an alternative to OSCAR 21.09, you can stream from oscar without authentication.

floret Parameters

floret has a large number of parameters and it's difficult to give advice for all configurations, but the parameters described here are the ones that it makes sense to customize for any new language and to experiment with initially.

Be aware that if you're using more than one thread, the results of each run with fastText or floret will be slightly different.

vector_minn / vector_maxn

The minimum and maximum character n-gram lengths should be adapted for the language and writing system. The n-grams should capture common grammatical affixes like English -ing, without making the number of n-grams per word too large. Very short n-grams aren't meaningful and very long n-grams will be too sparse and won't be useful for cases with misspellings and noise.

A good rule of thumb is that maxn should correspond to the length of the longest common affix + 1, so for many languages with alphabets, minn 4/maxn 5 can be a good starting point, similar to minn 5/maxn 5, which was shown to be a reasonable default for the original fastText vectors.

For writing systems where one character corresponds to a syllable, shorter n-grams are typically more suitable. For Korean, where each (normalized) character is a syllable and most grammatical affixes are 1-2 characters, minn 2/maxn 3 seems to perform well.

vector_bucket_md / vector_bucket_lg

The bucket size is the number of rows in the floret vector table. For tagging and parsing, a bucket size of 50k performs well, but larger sizes may still lead to small improvements. For NER, the performance continues to improve for bucket sizes up to at least 200k.

In a spaCy pipeline package, 50k 300-dim vectors are ~60MB and 200k 300-dim vectors are ~230MB.


The recommended hash count is 2, especially for smaller bucket sizes.

Larger hash counts are slower to train with floret and slightly slower in inference in spaCy, but may lead to slightly improved performance, especially with larger bucket sizes.


You may want to reduce the number of epochs for larger training input sizes.


You may want to increase the minimum word count for larger training input sizes.


You may need to decrease the learning rate for larger training input sizes to avoid NaN errors, see:


Adjust the number of threads for your CPU. With a larger number of threads, you may need more epochs to reach the same performance.


The project does not currently clean up any intermediate files so that it's possible to resume from any point in the workflow. The overall disk space could be reduced by cleaning up files after each step, keeping only the final floret input text file. floret does require the input file to be on disk during training.

floret always writes the full .bin and .vec files after training. These may be 5GB+ each even though the final .floret table is much smaller.

📋 project.yml

The project.yml defines the data assets required by the project, as well as the available commands and workflows. For details, see the spaCy projects documentation.

⏯ Commands

The following commands are defined by the project. They can be executed using spacy project run [name]. Commands are only re-run if their inputs have changed.

Command Description
extract-wikipedia Convert Wikipedia XML to plain text with Wikiparsec
tokenize-wikipedia Tokenize Wikipedia
extract-opensubtitles Extract OpenSubtitles data
tokenize-opensubtitles Tokenize OpenSubtitles
extract-newscrawl Extract newscrawl data
tokenize-newscrawl Tokenize newscrawl
tokenize-oscar Tokenize and sentencize oscar dataset
create-input Concatenate tokenized input texts
compile-floret Compile floret
train-floret-vectors-md Train floret md vectors
train-floret-vectors-lg Train floret lg vectors
train-fasttext-vectors Train fastText vectors

⏭ Workflows

The following workflows are defined by the project. They can be executed using spacy project run [name] and will run the specified commands in order. Commands are only re-run if their inputs have changed.

Workflow Steps
prepare-text extract-wikipediatokenize-wikipediaextract-opensubtitlestokenize-opensubtitlesextract-newscrawltokenize-newscrawltokenize-oscarcreate-input
train-vectors compile-florettrain-floret-vectors-mdtrain-floret-vectors-lg

🗂 Assets

The following assets are defined by the project. They can be fetched by running spacy project assets in the project directory.

File Source Description
software/floret Git
/scratch/vectors/downloaded/wikipedia/kowiki-20220201-pages-articles.xml.bz2 URL
/scratch/vectors/downloaded/opensubtitles/ko.txt.gz URL
/scratch/vectors/downloaded/newscrawl/ko/news.2020.ko.shuffled.deduped.gz URL