A tool for managing config profiles at org levels, etc.
~ profilerz
Profile manager for config directories (AWS, kubectl, DigitalOcean, etc.)
profilerz [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
init Initialize profilerz by creating default profile with current configs
profile Manage profiles (add, set, list, delete)
-h, --help help for profilerz
Use "profilerz [command] --help" for more information about a command.
~ profilerz profile -h
Manage profiles (add, set, list, delete)
profilerz profile [command]
Available Commands:
add Add a new profile
delete Delete a profile
list List all profiles
set Set a profile as active
-h, --help help for profile
Use "profilerz profile [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Run the following commands:
$ make build install
Building profilerz...
go build -o profilerz ./cmd
Installing profilerz...
go install
Initialize - and copy current configs to "default profile
$ profilerz init
Initializing profilerz...
$ profilerz profile add personal
Profile 'personal' created.
$ ls -las ~/.profilerz.d/
cbas/ default/ personal/
$ ls -als ~ | grep $HOME/.profilerz.d
.aws -> /home/user/.profilerz.d/cbas/aws
.kube -> /home/user/.profilerz.d/cbas/kubectl
.ssh -> /home/user/.profilerz.d/cbas/ssh
$ profilerz profile set personal
Profile 'personal' is now active.
$ ls -als ~ | grep $HOME/.profilerz.d
.aws -> /home/user/.profilerz.d/personal/aws
.kube -> /home/user/.profilerz.d/personal/kubectl
.ssh -> /home/user/.profilerz.d/personal/ssh