2.1.0-beta.10 (2025-03-04)
- remove ESL peerDependencies, add to dependencies (1b3dad4)
2.1.0-beta.9 (2025-02-11)
- remove comment on the issues during release (f9f8c96)
2.1.0-beta.8 (2025-01-31)
- style tag omitted on the root level of html snippet (34f317e)
2.1.0-beta.7 (2024-06-17)
- ability to use more than one option value (3a1b6aa)
2.1.0-beta.6 (2024-05-15)
- uip-settings: fix UIPSettings does not move UIPSetting-s to proper container (2d2d143)
2.1.0-beta.5 (2024-05-13)
- change grid rows template, update and add note.less to registration (5a21892)
- make
hideable (1a31e8e) - uip-snippets: add a marker of isolated snippets items (117c295)
2.1.0-beta.4 (2024-04-15)
- uip-editor: fix editor is not editable in FF due to
partial support (e2858f7), closes #722 - update horizontal editor animation (7f17967)
2.1.0-beta.3 (2024-04-05)
- preview: fix min-height animation of preview area, simplify animation control (4d73468)
2.1.0-beta.2 (2024-04-04)
- core: isolated content rendering fixes (0468bfe)
- core: rework refresh animation and behaviour (embedded async flow) + remove redundant normalization for HTML (f673588)
- add readonly mode for js editor (161190d)
- changed snippet js declaration; added snippet not declaration (65985df)
2.1.0-beta.1 (2024-03-18)
- preview: removed 'isolation' marker from preview plugin (4361dfb)
- snippet: added 'uip-isolated' marker on snippet to track if it should render in iframe; (60991eb)
2.0.1-beta.1 (2024-02-16)
2.0.0 (2024-02-16)
- add empty value check when it's changing (5256743)
- add LTR icon (05120e0)
- arrow animation due to re-rendering after collapsed state change (dc08727)
- copy: incorrect content to copy from JS editor (f2081d5)
- core: a11y of hidden panel (df30bfd)
- core: add embedded normalization utils for UIPModel to resolve multiple extra refreshes (0fc8891)
- core: fix
dependency to be main dependency (instead of dev one) (b0de47d) - core: fix css/less output of the project (82d88d4)
- core: fix layout according to marker change (ad91915)
- core: lazy update and alternative re-size control for
(50fdf15) - editor: fix extra actions of editor module, fix flow. Reduce risks of extra reinitialization without content change (6319288)
- editor: inline dark-theme styles (39bac5d)
- editor: make editor update only if corresponding change was made (a735e2f)
- editor: pr fix (697370a)
- editor: rework editor type marker -
bollean marker replaced withsource
attribute (85fc641) - fix build-files and peer dependency declaration (557541a)
- fix dropdown control dark theme coloring (cc35b47)
- fix esl version for consumption up to 6th (ad18d67)
- fix multiple playground options missing (efbb8bf)
- fix resize feature / resize internal API ; (792ac98)
- fix vertical resize divider line (196231b)
- fix visual accessibility, rework copy button icon (c4eb87d)
- fixed collapsed settings blinking during resize (dabe412)
- main module peer dependency esl restrictions actualized (e77c6df)
- options: specify click event target (be10ce9)
- panel: fix panel header width in vertical mode (d7855dd)
- pr fixes (aa5938d)
- preview: fix isolated content rendering problems (2f9b628)
- remove ESL styles from the main output / create
with full import (345a32e) - remove extra divider lines, rename some of the global properties (96feca0)
- remove setting inconsistent value change from updateFrom of Base Setting (3dd80d1)
- remove unnecessary imports (387d436)
- restructuring to separate site module; style fixes (62bebc2)
- settings: make setting update only if corresponding change was made (2d77e97)
- snippets: dropdown doesn't open if ESL 5.0.0 is being used (c72371e)
- styles: remove unused dark theme styles (a972a53)
- uip-root default height (8c0e691)
- ability to set active snippet by anchor (75dad49)
- add ability to use dummy text comments, refactor processors services (696c4b7)
- add copy svg to OptionIcons class, fix click events (c0438fb)
- add inactive class to base setting (e669223)
- add resize feature for plugin panels (45d5bf9)
- add script support to isolated template (including formatting, rendering, store and snippets support) (1c0aac8)
- add settings state change handler and state marker (bfca95c)
- add type import (033e362)
- complete UX API rework of panel-plugins (d2b6884)
- create OptionIcons class, update options config and styles (f906155)
- editor: add script editor mode (d35fdc5)
- editor: implement wrap attribute (8f9f204)
- editor: replace ace with jar editor (3cbfd6d)
- editor: update editor's docs (15798b4)
- introduce uip-header reimplementation (7c63ba5)
- plugin structure and API rework (new abstraction layer and events) (318668f)
- pr fixes (474cf20)
- pr fixes (90cfbaf)
- pr fixes (3462491)
- preview: add isolated (iframe) mod support for preview area (e435b3c)
- replace browser scroll with esl scrollbar (11f2935)
- simplify processors and split instances for each source type (c6fceb0)
- snippets: add manual root detection for plugins (ff6ddf7)
- snippets: add tab mode (24ee727)
- theme: add dark theme to jar editor (f03e35f)
- uip-copy: create separate
plugin (38de6ba) - uip-editor:
reworked to use latest version of CodeJar and Prism without producing side-effects (8216d2a) - uip-editor: rework
plugin with self UI state management and header section support (4330698) - uip-preview: add preview plugin smooth content change animation (aaeb33d)
- uip-preview: fix resize feature, add scrollbars for preview area (46a99de)
- uip-settings: new
tag API (b4e5622) - uip-snippets: totally rework header and snippets modules (ebeb66b)
- uip-toggle-dir: separate uip-toggle-dir widget to control uip-preview direction (d778ec8)
- uip-toggle-theme: separate uip-toggle-theme widget to control UIP instance theme (52a4bd2)
are removed. Useuip-snippets
), or combine it with buttons (uip-copy
)- uip-option:
plugin removed - #512, #519 - Replace ACE editor with CodeJar + PrismJs
- #525 - rework UIP general livecycle
2.0.0-beta.12 (2024-01-29)
- preview: fix isolated content rendering problems (2f9b628)
2.0.0-beta.11 (2024-01-26)
- remove setting inconsistent value change from updateFrom of Base Setting (3dd80d1)
- ability to set active snippet by anchor (75dad49)
- add script support to isolated template (including formatting, rendering, store and snippets support) (1c0aac8)
- editor: add script editor mode (d35fdc5)
- preview: add isolated (iframe) mod support for preview area (e435b3c)
- simplify processors and split instances for each source type (c6fceb0)
2.0.0-beta.10 (2024-01-16)
- add settings state change handler and state marker (bfca95c)
2.0.0-beta.9 (2024-01-11)
- add inactive class to base setting (e669223)
2.0.0-beta.8 (2024-01-04)
- arrow animation due to re-rendering after collapsed state change (dc08727)
- fix vertical resize divider line (196231b)
- remove ESL styles from the main output / create
with full import (345a32e) - remove extra divider lines, rename some of the global properties (96feca0)
- snippets: dropdown doesn't open if ESL 5.0.0 is being used (c72371e)
2.0.0-beta.7 (2023-12-28)
- fix build-files and peer dependency declaration (557541a)
2.0.0-beta.6 (2023-12-28)
- main module peer dependency esl restrictions actualized (e77c6df)
- restructuring to separate site module; style fixes (62bebc2)
- uip-root default height (8c0e691)
2.0.0-beta.5 (2023-12-28)
- fix esl version for consumption up to 6th (ad18d67)
2.0.0-beta.4 (2023-12-27)
- panel: fix panel header width in vertical mode (d7855dd)
2.0.0-beta.3 (2023-12-27)
- fix resize feature / resize internal API ; (792ac98)
- fix visual accessibility, rework copy button icon (c4eb87d)
- add ability to use dummy text comments, refactor processors services (696c4b7)
2.0.0-beta.2 (2023-12-13)
- uip-option:
removed (86d52f0)
- add resize feature for plugin panels (45d5bf9)
- complete UX API rework of panel-plugins (d2b6884)
- introduce uip-header reimplementation (7c63ba5)
- plugin structure and API rework (new abstraction layer and events) (318668f)
- snippets: add manual root detection for plugins (ff6ddf7)
- snippets: add tab mode (24ee727)
- uip-copy: create separate
plugin (38de6ba) - uip-editor: rework
plugin with self UI state management and header section support (4330698) - uip-preview: add preview plugin smooth content change animation (aaeb33d)
- uip-preview: fix resize feature, add scrollbars for preview area (46a99de)
- uip-settings: new
tag API (b4e5622) - uip-snippets: totally rework header and snippets modules (ebeb66b)
- uip-toggle-dir: separate uip-toggle-dir widget to control uip-preview direction (d778ec8)
- uip-toggle-theme: separate uip-toggle-theme widget to control UIP instance theme (52a4bd2)
are removed. Useuip-snippets
), or combine it with buttons (uip-copy
)- uip-option:
plugin removed
2.0.0-beta.1 (2023-09-26)
core: add embedded normalization utils for UIPModel to resolve multiple extra refreshes (0fc8891)
core: fix css/less output of the project (82d88d4)
editor: fix extra actions of editor module, fix flow. Reduce risks of extra reinitialization without content change (6319288)
remove unnecessary imports (387d436)
feat!: finalizing update
- #512, #519 - Replace ACE editor with CodeJar + PrismJs
- #525 - rework UIP general livecycle
1.1.0-beta.4 (2023-09-21)
- core: fix
dependency to be main dependency (instead of dev one) (b0de47d)
- uip-editor:
reworked to use latest version of CodeJar and Prism without producing side-effects (8216d2a)
1.1.0-beta.3 (2023-09-04)
- replace browser scroll with esl scrollbar (11f2935)
1.1.0-beta.2 (2023-08-25)
- add LTR icon (05120e0)
- editor: inline dark-theme styles (39bac5d)
- editor: pr fix (697370a)
- fix dropdown control dark theme coloring (cc35b47)
- fix multiple playground options missing (efbb8bf)
- fixed collapsed settings blinking during resize (dabe412)
- pr fixes (aa5938d)
- styles: remove unused dark theme styles (a972a53)
- add type import (033e362)
- editor: implement wrap attribute (8f9f204)
- editor: replace ace with jar editor (3cbfd6d)
- editor: update editor's docs (15798b4)
- pr fixes (474cf20)
- pr fixes (90cfbaf)
- pr fixes (3462491)
- theme: add dark theme to jar editor (f03e35f)
1.1.0-beta.1 (2023-07-03)
- options: specify click event target (be10ce9)
- add copy svg to OptionIcons class, fix click events (c0438fb)
- create OptionIcons class, update options config and styles (f906155)
- add es5 output (96fabbb)
- add js-beautify types to dependencies, specify npm css path (4477ad8)
- add src (temporary) and README.md to npm package (7eccbc4)
- array-utils: rename ArrayUtils to TokenListUtils (404cfcd)
- async-components: fix linter issues (14ab990)
- bool-setting: remove console.log (72f3c8d)
- collapsed editor init added (7f5b1a1)
- copy-icon: update icon sizes (cc3e3a3)
- demo-content: pr fix (e1daa8d)
- docs: pr fix (9e1a22c)
- editor: fix editor change callback naming (d08874b)
- editor: linting error (4f15789)
- editor: pr fix (be7930f)
- editor: replace brace with ace-builds dependency (7f9d9fd)
- editor: wrap overflowing lines (1d888aa)
- eleventy: update urls with base path (56c365a)
- events: stop playground events bubbling after processing (a6405dd)
- external dropdown menu is under internal dropdown menu (possible fixes) (ea695c2)
- fix path to typing file in package.json (fe9e2f7)
- fix paths (e285361)
- fix typing path in package.json (3b4e211)
- fix webpack.config.prod (361cfa9)
- fixed snippet dropdown scrollbar blinking (17bc2a5)
- icons: optimize svg icons (0d71d2a)
- imports: fix esl imports path (913d6bf)
- jsdoc: fix settings case (2191910)
- jsdoc: pr fix (37cc4c0)
- jsdoc: pr fix (21c2ba6)
- jsdoc: pr fix (586894a)
- jsdoc: pr fix (9d870cc)
- jsdoc: remove empty comments (ca1db7f)
- less build (08d78d1)
- options: fix displaying active options (12abac8)
- options: fix options layout (1169f4a)
- options: lint fix (5d71196)
- options: pr fix (31cdd93)
- options: remove margin-left for options (d7d240c)
- option: style dark-theme options (2c70b58)
- package-lock: update lock.json (bdd9606)
- page: remove global .main styles from example (a03212d)
- path: rename sample styles file (f049ea8)
- plugins: add UIPSettings to exports (35b4507)
- pr fixes (3603cb9)
- pr images (a60fba8)
- registration: lint fix (05b43e4)
- remove webpack noParse configuration (ce0dc38)
- replace double quotes with single quotes (b52a735)
- replace-links: replace 'replaceAll' with 'replace' to support 14th node (c74ef33)
- root: refactor uip-root attributes' docs (1cf7791)
- rtl-option: add text-alignment to rtl option (b97617c)
- rtl-option: change 'dir' target (4c9a2d5)
- select-setting: fix empty option processing (d1b9760)
- select-setting: fix ESLSelect display (573b546)
- select-setting: fix options processing (bc9c8b8)
- select-setting: fix styles path (314370c)
- select-setting: lint fix (1d07ee6)
- select-setting: lint fix (c6f9b79)
- select-setting: listen closest root only for theme changes (148987e)
- select-setting: pr fix (ab525c4)
- select-setting: refactor theme listener (f840316)
- select-setting: reset select class on light theme (a1d749e)
- select: fix theme change event name for listener (2b19b39)
- select: remove memoize() from values getter (0246fa1)
- separated root and options attribute update (546ca5c)
- settings/editor: rollback (ab8f18b)
- settings/editor: rollback (897d619)
- settings: change settings register order (033df78)
- settings: fix collapse animation on mobile (603379b)
- settings: fix collapse animation on mobile (ef17a6e)
- settings: remove unused class settings (bb208c1)
- slider-setting: cosmetic fix (383d950)
- slider-setting: lint fix (6d6110b)
- slider-setting: lint fix (359b8ce)
- slider-setting: pr fix (3ef3dcf)
- style: apply styles for child uip elements only (19107b4)
- uip-bool-setting: fix bool setting inconsistent state (3b551e9)
- uip-bool-setting: fix bool setting styles (bbe3be6)
- uip-editor: fix bug with horizontal scroll (62efbf5)
- uip-plugin: set right 'state:change' listener (e3755f1)
- uip-preview: fix clearing innerHTML (d5f7159)
- uip-select-setting: fix esl-select styles (5ecc868)
- uip-setting: fix adding extra whitespace when changing value (9d47b91)
- uip-setting: fix creating multiple setting's fields (1e2b816)
- uip-setting: fix labels styles (c877198)
- uip-setting: js-ling fix (85caef2)
- uip-setting: lint fix (8520c68)
- uip-setting: pr fix (25a3e65)
- uip-setting: pr fix (0c578ad)
- uip-setting: prioritize setting's target over settings target (1702b7a)
- uip-setting: rename inconsistency message (6a5dfb7)
- uip-settings: fix settings display (803256b)
- added memoization (cf8b948)
- added optional resizable attribute for preview (de49cf0)
- added optional resizable attribute for preview (c714aad)
- added sub/unsub for resize observer (84c657b)
- alert: style alert for copy event (f43ce4e)
- change fired markup instance (5c8984f)
- changed layout; added editor/settings collapsing feat; added header (cd27806)
- core: add jsdoc for core elements (bf75dec)
- demo-content: add more demo content (88cf696)
- dependencies: update esl version (97eabdc)
- dependencies: update esl version (a78c9b8)
- docs-links: add plugin to replace links domains (872a7b6)
- docs: pr fix (44d1e28)
- docs: update components docs (2106d71)
- editor: editor height matches content (a5b7719)
- editor: move ace only related logic to separate module (13c44b3)
- editor: move ace only related logic to separate module (1583e5e)
- editor: move editor to dynamic components (0b31c10)
- editor: update jsdocs (0eb1eaa)
- gh-actions: add gh action for deploying to gh pages (6680ef2)
- gh-actions: update actions version (b94b56a)
- gh-pages: add sitemap (94fb6de)
- icons: add icons for options (9d9154f)
- ie11 support and autoprefixer config (4da38bb)
- introduce UIPOptions component and html refactoring (a68a9d0)
- jsdoc: update docs with new theme/mode change strategy (5274605)
- landing-page: add core and general sections (81e2250)
- landing-page: add UIPSetting docs to landing page (0c660f7)
- markdown: update markdown links (2a1faa9)
- move UIP options to attributes, rework uip-editor themes control (7942a5a), closes #122
- option: implement uip-option (f363889)
- options: add attributes for hiding options (3556108)
- options: add icon hiding/appearing on attribute change (ea1f67b)
- options: add SPACE key handling for options (4c456b9)
- options: fix map incorrect options map reinitialization (1b3d174)
- options: fix option active state on inserting to dom (fe24ff4)
- options: pr fixes (6ddf72f)
- options: refactor option config styles (c32a1e6)
- options: replace svg with inline background (eb8170c)
- options: update options svg styles (e4686ba)
- playground: create example with two uiproots (0c66e7c)
- rtl-option: cosmetic fixes (4f2f86c)
- rtl-option: implement rtl switcher option (6ca2a31)
- rtl-option: replace dir attribute with styles (53f915f)
- select-setting: add dark-theme styling (6269d31)
- setting: disable setting when there are no targets (7297748)
- setting: move disable logic to setter (fd1b479)
- settings: create state model class (191afe7)
- setting: style disabled settings (f769a18)
- slider-setting: create docs/update examples for slider setting (10f9768)
- slider-setting: implement slider setting (96eb2b5)
- snippets: method name fix (38a4c5e)
- state-model as observable (48caeeb)
- state-model: add setting/getting attributes from root (4966f7d)
- state: fire state changing as microtask (1d16afe)
- state: rename method (1f7917a)
- state: rename method (e51f653)
- state: set fire state changing for several state modifications (58c8304)
- uip elements: add jsdoc for UIPPreview, UIPOptions and UIPSnippets (4dfb265)
- uip-bool-setting: implement uip-setting interface (118e2e4)
- uip-editor: add jsdoc for UIPEditor (a7fe18f)
- uip-editor: make wrapping on reaching editor's width by default (95e8647)
- uip-elements: reduce token-list-utils methods complexity (e60276d)
- uip-elements: tech review changes (ea2f084)
- uip-model: add ability to identify last state modifier; add model shorthand to uip-plugin (bdd846a)
- uip-model: merge setAttribute & transformAttribute methods (c192ae2)
- uip-preview: add an ability to center preview content (0491d8e)
- uip-root: move StateModel from settings to root (259ecae)
- uip-select-setting: implement uip-setting interface (98a311f)
- uip-setting: add message to setInconsistency() (a2be1da)
- uip-setting: add rendering settings labels (11a087e)
- uip-setting: create array-utils class (5f66996)
- uip-setting: create demo settings (d05ecac)
- uip-setting: eslint fix (d230de1)
- uip-setting: implement applyTo/updateFrom (50badf4)
- uip-setting: implement new setInconsistency() logic (1b7a9b7)
- uip-setting: implement setInconsistency for select setting (6f3883c)
- uip-setting: move $field initiation in a separate method (85e4498)
- uip-settings: add jsdoc for UIPSettings, UIPSetting (01678d2)
- uip-settings: add UIPModel, apply new setting methods to handle changes (ad46e3b)
- uip-setting: setting interface (a9eacf3)
- uip-setting: setting interface methods (e682aab)
- uip-settings: reorganize uip-settings to the new model (61cd265)
- uip-snippets: hide uip-snippets when there is only one snippet (3556008)
- uip-text-setting: implement uip-setting interface (6852aa6)
- uip-utils: add jsdoc utils (7692fc8)
- update header (78adb8c)
- update header (change selectors) (c60ed14)
- update header (remove unnecessary comments) (d043d73)
1.0.0-beta.12 (2022-08-19)
- options: remove margin-left for options (d7d240c)
- registration: lint fix (05b43e4)
- rtl-option: add text-alignment to rtl option (b97617c)
- select-setting: lint fix (1d07ee6)
- select-setting: lint fix (c6f9b79)
- select-setting: listen closest root only for theme changes (148987e)
- select-setting: refactor theme listener (f840316)
- select-setting: reset select class on light theme (a1d749e)
- select: fix theme change event name for listener (2b19b39)
- settings: change settings register order (033df78)
- select-setting: add dark-theme styling (6269d31)
1.0.0-beta.11 (2022-06-27)
1.0.0-beta.10 (2022-06-15)
- external dropdown menu is under internal dropdown menu (possible fixes) (ea695c2)
- fix paths (e285361)
- icons: optimize svg icons (0d71d2a)
- page: remove global .main styles from example (a03212d)
- path: rename sample styles file (f049ea8)
- pr fixes (3603cb9)
- pr images (a60fba8)
- options: add SPACE key handling for options (4c456b9)
- options: replace svg with inline background (eb8170c)
- playground: create example with two uiproots (0c66e7c)
- update header (78adb8c)
- update header (change selectors) (c60ed14)
- update header (remove unnecessary comments) (d043d73)
1.0.0-beta.9 (2022-04-22)
- fixed snippet dropdown scrollbar blinking (17bc2a5)
- options: lint fix (5d71196)
- options: pr fix (31cdd93)
- option: style dark-theme options (2c70b58)
- package-lock: update lock.json (bdd9606)
- plugins: add UIPSettings to exports (35b4507)
- replace-links: replace 'replaceAll' with 'replace' to support 14th node (c74ef33)
- root: refactor uip-root attributes' docs (1cf7791)
- rtl-option: change 'dir' target (4c9a2d5)
- select-setting: fix empty option processing (d1b9760)
- select-setting: fix options processing (bc9c8b8)
- select-setting: fix styles path (314370c)
- select-setting: pr fix (ab525c4)
- slider-setting: cosmetic fix (383d950)
- slider-setting: lint fix (6d6110b)
- slider-setting: lint fix (359b8ce)
- slider-setting: pr fix (3ef3dcf)
- changed layout; added editor/settings collapsing feat; added header (cd27806)
- docs-links: add plugin to replace links domains (872a7b6)
- icons: add icons for options (9d9154f)
- option: implement uip-option (f363889)
- options: add attributes for hiding options (3556108)
- options: update options svg styles (e4686ba)
- rtl-option: cosmetic fixes (4f2f86c)
- rtl-option: implement rtl switcher option (6ca2a31)
- rtl-option: replace dir attribute with styles (53f915f)
- slider-setting: create docs/update examples for slider setting (10f9768)
- slider-setting: implement slider setting (96eb2b5)
- snippets: method name fix (38a4c5e)
- state: fire state changing as microtask (1d16afe)
- state: rename method (1f7917a)
- state: rename method (e51f653)
- state: set fire state changing for several state modifications (58c8304)
1.0.0-beta.8 (2021-11-16)
- gh-actions: add gh action for deploying to gh pages (6680ef2)
- gh-actions: update actions version (b94b56a)
- gh-pages: add sitemap (94fb6de)
- landing-page: add core and general sections (81e2250)
- landing-page: add UIPSetting docs to landing page (0c660f7)
- markdown: update markdown links (2a1faa9)
- uip-snippets: hide uip-snippets when there is only one snippet (3556008)
1.0.0-beta.7 (2021-08-24)
- separated root and options attribute update (546ca5c)
- jsdoc: pr fix (37cc4c0)
- fix typing path in package.json (3b4e211)
- jsdoc: fix settings case (2191910)
- jsdoc: pr fix (21c2ba6)
- jsdoc: pr fix (586894a)
- jsdoc: pr fix (9d870cc)
- jsdoc: remove empty comments (ca1db7f)
- core: add jsdoc for core elements (bf75dec)
- jsdoc: update docs with new theme/mode change strategy (5274605)
- uip elements: add jsdoc for UIPPreview, UIPOptions and UIPSnippets (4dfb265)
- uip-editor: add jsdoc for UIPEditor (a7fe18f)
- uip-settings: add jsdoc for UIPSettings, UIPSetting (01678d2)
- uip-utils: add jsdoc utils (7692fc8)
1.0.0-beta.6 (2021-07-30)
- remove webpack noParse configuration (ce0dc38)
1.0.0-beta.5 (2021-07-29)
1.0.0-beta.4 (2021-07-29)
- add js-beautify types to dependencies, specify npm css path (4477ad8)
1.0.0-beta.3 (2021-07-27)
- fix path to typing file in package.json (fe9e2f7)
1.0.0-beta.2 (2021-07-20)
- add src (temporary) and README.md to npm package (7eccbc4)
- demo-content: pr fix (e1daa8d)
- events: stop playground events bubbling after processing (a6405dd)
- options: fix displaying active options (12abac8)
- options: fix options layout (1169f4a)
- style: apply styles for child uip elements only (19107b4)
- uip-bool-setting: fix bool setting styles (bbe3be6)
- uip-preview: fix clearing innerHTML (d5f7159)
- uip-setting: fix creating multiple setting's fields (1e2b816)
- demo-content: add more demo content (88cf696)
- uip-elements: reduce token-list-utils methods complexity (e60276d)
- uip-elements: tech review changes (ea2f084)
- uip-model: add ability to identify last state modifier; add model shorthand to uip-plugin (bdd846a)
- uip-model: merge setAttribute & transformAttribute methods (c192ae2)
- change fired markup instance (5c8984f)
- state-model as observable (48caeeb)
- uip-preview: add an ability to center preview content (0491d8e)
- less build (08d78d1)
- array-utils: rename ArrayUtils to TokenListUtils (404cfcd)
- editor: replace brace with ace-builds dependency (7f9d9fd)
- select-setting: fix ESLSelect display (573b546)
- settings: remove unused class settings (bb208c1)
- uip-bool-setting: fix bool setting inconsistent state (3b551e9)
- uip-editor: fix bug with horizontal scroll (62efbf5)
- uip-plugin: set right 'state:change' listener (e3755f1)
- uip-select-setting: fix esl-select styles (5ecc868)
- uip-setting: fix adding extra whitespace when changing value (9d47b91)
- uip-setting: fix labels styles (c877198)
- uip-setting: js-ling fix (85caef2)
- uip-setting: lint fix (8520c68)
- uip-setting: pr fix (25a3e65)
- uip-setting: pr fix (0c578ad)
- uip-setting: prioritize setting's target over settings target (1702b7a)
- uip-setting: rename inconsistency message (6a5dfb7)
- uip-settings: fix settings display (803256b)
- replace double quotes with single quotes (b52a735)
- dependencies: update esl version (97eabdc)
- dependencies: update esl version (a78c9b8)
- settings: create state model class (191afe7)
- state-model: add setting/getting attributes from root (4966f7d)
- uip-bool-setting: implement uip-setting interface (118e2e4)
- uip-editor: make wrapping on reaching editor's width by default (95e8647)
- uip-root: move StateModel from settings to root (259ecae)
- uip-select-setting: implement uip-setting interface (98a311f)
- uip-setting: add message to setInconsistency() (a2be1da)
- uip-setting: add rendering settings labels (11a087e)
- uip-setting: create array-utils class (5f66996)
- uip-setting: create demo settings (d05ecac)
- uip-setting: eslint fix (d230de1)
- uip-setting: implement applyTo/updateFrom (50badf4)
- uip-setting: implement new setInconsistency() logic (1b7a9b7)
- uip-setting: implement setInconsistency for select setting (6f3883c)
- uip-setting: move $field initiation in a separate method (85e4498)
- uip-setting: setting interface (a9eacf3)
- uip-setting: setting interface methods (e682aab)
- uip-settings: add UIPModel, apply new setting methods to handle changes (ad46e3b)
- uip-settings: reorganize uip-settings to the new model (61cd265)
- ie11 support and autoprefixer config (4da38bb)
- introduce UIPOptions component and html refactoring (a68a9d0)
- uip-text-setting: implement uip-setting interface (6852aa6)