Created by Ed Sandor. September 2011 - 2012, 2020-2023.
Fly by Knight is an amateur chess engine currently implementing the xboard chess protocol with the UCI protocol in mind. This chess engine leverages my Farewell to King C chess library.
Fly by Knight is mainly developed and tested on Linux compiled with GCC and CI jobs are maintained to verify compilation under Debian (x86_64/arm64), Ubuntu, and Fedora environments. Dependencies are kept to a minimum so Fly by Knight may ideally be compiled on Windows (MinGW) or macOS, but these environments are not actively maintained.
- Farewell to King Chess Library:
- POSIX Thread (pthread) Library.
- zlib Compression Library.
// Inside the 'fly-by-knight' project folder
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
# make install
$ flybyknight
Fly by Knight supports the xboard chess protocol compatible with many popular chess GUIs including xboard.