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A schwarzschild blackhole visualizer. It's essentially a raytracer for schwarzschild spacetime.


No Accretion Disk

Chessboard background

Astrophysics Simulation

I'm not good at math, and certainly not at physics. I just admire the beauty of physics. So I wrote this blackhole exterior raytracer for fun.

I hope I got the equation right. It's simply a null geodesic of schwarzschild(non-rotating, non-charged) blackhole. And numerical integrate it to get the path of a light ray.

Notes and prototype are in the other repo.

I tried to use GPU to accelerate the render. But it turns out slower. Probably because GPU's low freq and slow when deal with float64.


download prebuilt binary from releases.

This is a GUI program, and has a commandline interface(incomplete, mainly focus on gui).


Here are some parameters on the right panel of the program.

  • You can choose Image mode or Video mode.
  • The checkbox for Blackhole and Accretion Disk is to choose whether to have those objects in the scene.
  • The skybox folder is the background image. Default is a chessboard skybox. The folder must contain six skybox images whose name contains "front", "up", "top", "bottom", "right", "left". Or just a folder contain one image, for all six faces of skybox
  • The disk texture part is a single disk texture file. Span the whole area of the accretion disk. See resources/disk for example. The texture doesn't support alpha channel for background blending at the moment.
  • Disk radius is just like what the name implies. It specify the inner radius and outer radius of the accretion disk.
  • Width and height are the resolution of the final generated image(or video). It doesn't support non-square scene yet, might implement it later.
  • samples setting is the multi-sample sample count. Don't set it too high, it's proportional to the render time.
  • Theads is the concurrent threads for rendering. Just set it to your core number. You might experience computer hang if you utilize all cores of your computer.
  • Camera position and Camera Lookat is the position and lookat point in 3D cartesian space. The blackhole is set on (0,0,0).
  • Post-processing is still a bit buggy. Use it when the rendering is finished.
  • When the image is finished, use top left save as action to save the result image.

Video Generating

You can combine sequence of image to a video. Use the video mode on the top right.

Camera position is specify by the Camera Position setting.

The file is constructed as follow:

  • every line is camera setting for one frame
  • one line has three component: position vector, camera-front vector, camera-up vector

see resources/position/circular.txt for example

Video generating output path is currently hard-coded. It will save automatically in the program directory with extension "mp4".


I use vcpkg for thrid party library management, follow the cmake file for the dependencies.


Thanks for eigenchris for amazing tensor calculus courses.

Thanks for apc-llc's code for encoding video.