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Deploy Drupal Cookbook

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Installs, configures, and bootsraps a Drupal 6/7 site running on MySQL and Apache, and if desired with an Nginx reverse proxy. The cookbook supports two main use cases:

  • You have an existing Drupal site (code base, database SQL dump, and maybe a bash script to run after everything is loaded) and want to configure a server to serve your site.
  • You want to quickly configure a server that serves a fresh installation of Drupal.

To see how you can load an existing code base (from local filesystem or from a git repo) and populate the Drupal database with an existing database dump, refer to the recipes and attributes sections below.


Chef >= 11.0.0


Testing on this cookbook is not yet complete. Currently, the cookbook is tested on:

  • Ubuntu 12.04

Usage with Vagrant

This repository includes an example Vagrantfile that spins up a virtual machine serving Drupal. To use this file, make sure you have Vagrant v2; do not install it as a Ruby gem since Vagrant is not a gem as of version 1.1+ (i.e v2). You will also need to have the Vagrant-Berkshelf plugin installed:

# have Vagrant v2 installed
vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf

Once you have these ready, clone this repository, cd to the repo root, and:

bundle install
vagrant up

For a more detailed description of how to use this cookbook for local development with Vagrant, you can refer to the Vagrant-Drupal project


The cookbook tries to load an existing site and if it fails to do so, it will download a fresh stable release of Drupal 7 from and will configure MySQL and Apache, according to cookbook attributes, to serve a installed site (no manual installation required).

Cookbook attributes are divided to 4 groups (default, install, get_project, and nginx). All attributes mentioned below can be accessed in the cookbook via node['deploy_drupal']['<attribute_group>']['<attribute_name>']:

  • Core attributes (default):
Attribute Name Default Description
apache_port 80 Port to which Apache virtual host for Drupal listens, must be consistent with node['apache']['listen_ports']
dev_group 'root' user group owning drupal codebase files, cookbook does not create the group if it does not exist
project_name 'cooked.drupal' Used as project identifier in configuration files: Apache VHost name, Nginx site name
project_root /var/shared/sites/<project_name> absolute path to project directory
drupal_root r.f attributes/default.rb absolute path to Drupal site, if ['get_project']['git_repo'] or ['get_project']['path'] is set, defaults to <project_root>/X where X is the Drupal root directory in existing project, otherwise defaults to <project_root>/site
writable_dirs [ '/sites/default/files' ] array of relative paths (to drupal_root) to directories in Drupal root to which Apache will be granted write access
ini_directives [ ] hash containing PHP ini directives that will be written to deploy-drupal.ini in the PHP extension directory in the form <key>=<value>

note: The version attribute (not to be confused with 'download_drupal'=>'version' see below) is used internally by the cookbook to workaround certain breaking changes between <= 6 and >= 7 versions. It should not be assigned by the user of the cookbook. If you want a specific version to be _download_ed just specify it as ['deploy-drupal']['download_drupal']['version'].

  • Project attributes (get_project):
Attribute Name Default Description
path '' absolute path to a project directory in filesystem, will be copied to <project_root>, will be ignored if git_repo is specified.
git_repo '' git URL to a project repository, will be cloned to <project_root>
git_branch master branch to checkout from project repository
site_dir site Drupal site directory relative to project path, will be disregarded if no path or git url is specified (Drupal will be downloaded to <project_root>/site
  • Installation attributes (install):
Attribute Name Default Description
db_user drupal Database user for Drupal
db_pass drupal Database password for Drupal user
db_name drupal Drupal Database name
admin_user admin username for Drupal user one
admin_pass admin password for Drupal user one
sql_dump '' path to sql dump file (can be .sql.gz) to populate the database, can be absolute or relative to project root
script '' path to bash script file to be executed after installation, can be absolute or relative to project root
  • Nginx attributes (nginx):
Attribute Name Default Description
port 80 defaults to the same port as Apache, but deploy-drupal::nginx is not included in the default recipe, must update apache_port if setting up Nginx
log_format r.f attributes/nginx.rb log format for the <project_name> Nginx site
extension_block_list r.f attributes/nginx.rb list of PCRE patterns to deny request if any pattern matches the requested file extenstion
location_block_list r.f attributes/nginx.rb list of PCRE patterns to deny request if any pattern matches the entire request location
keyword_block_list r.f attributes/nginx.rb list of pcre patterns to deny request if any pattern matches any part of request location
static_content r.f attributes/nginx.rb list of pcre patterns to serve files if any pattern matches requested file extension (will be matched against [<pattern>](\.gz)? )
custom_site_file '' path to file to be copied to the Nginx site file, can be absolute or relative to project root (if this file exists, the cookbook would not add any content to the site file)
  • APC configuration attributes (apc_directives):
Attribute Name Default Description
shm_size 64M (C.f ini_directives above) hash containing PHP ini directives for APC that will be written to apc.ini in the PHP extension directory in the form apc.<key>=<value>

note: The contents of the APC directives hash are treated in a slightly different fashion from the contents of ini_directives: A <key,value> pair in ini_directives creates the line key=value in deploy-drupal.ini where as a pair in apc_directives create the line apc.key=value. This behavior is inherited from the PHP cookbook (php_pear LWRP) which writes extension directives in the extension.key=value form. Furthermore, as in the case of ini_directives attribute, you can add any APC related directive to this hash.

  • Download drupal attributes (download_drupal):
Attribute Name Default Description
version 7 Version of Drupal to be downloaded.


In what follows, a project is a directory containing a Drupal site root directory (drupal_root), and potentially database dumps, scripts and other configuration files.


Includes dependency cookbooks, installs lamp stack packages to get Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Drush running.


Install APC and configures apc.ini.


Downloads drupal if no existing project is found. This recipe only downloads Drupal if both attributes ['get_project']['path'] and ['get_project']['path'] are left empty (as they are by default). This recipe will simply download and untar Drupal to a temporary directory and assign the path to this directory to ['get_project']['path']. This recipe uses the version attribute which defaults to '7'. To use this attribute, you should provide the recipe with drupal version that

  1. 7 will download the latest recommended Drupal7 release ('7.22' as of now),
  2. 6 will download the latest recommended Drupal6 release ('6.28' as of now),
  3. N.x and N.x.y will try to download the exact provided version.

This recipe does not by any means rely on cookbook dependencies and can be invoked independently (without having deploy-drupal::dependencies preceding it in the run list)


Loads existing project, if any, and makes sure the project directory skeleton is created in deployment. To specify existing projects, the get_project attribute should be used:

# use git repo as project
:git_repo => "url://to/git/repository.git",
:git_branch => "foo" # defaults to "master"

# use project in local file system
:path => "path/to/existing/project"

An existing Drupal site is sought either at the absolute path <get_project_from[:path]> or at git url <get_project_from[:git]>. If such project is found, it will be deployed at <deploy_dir>/<project_name>

This recipes ensures that the directories <deploy_dir>/<project_name> and <deploy_dir>/<project_name>/<drupal_root_dir> are created.


Installs Drupal and utility scripts on the machine: configures apache vhost, if necessary, creates Drupal MySQL user with appropriate privileges, and, populates the database (first, if dump file is provided, otherwise with drush site-install).

This recipe ensures that:

  • MySQL recognizes a user with username <db_user>, identified by <db_pass>. The user is granted all privileges on the database db_name.
  • Apache has a virtual host bound to port <apache_port> with the name <project_name>. The virtual host has its root directory at <drupal_root>.
  • Drupal root directory contains valid credentials to connect to its database. A settings.local.php file is generated according to Drupal version and provided credentials. Note: settings.php is created and configured to include settings.local.php only if the provided code base does not include a settings.php file (typically only happens if Drupal is downloaded).

Additionally, this recipe installs two utility bash scripts under /usr/local/bin/:

  • drupal-perm: fixes the fily system permissions and ownership of the project directory (automatically invoked after database population).
  • drupal-reset: takes a drush archive-dump of the existing Drupal site, and reverts the system back to its state prior to Drupal installation: destroys project directory at <project_root>, drops the Drupal Database <db_name> and MySQL user <db_user>.

Note that drush site-install is used only if the the database <db_name> is entirely empty (no tables) and no database dump file is provided (or the dump file is empty). site-install is not invoked for generating credentials in settings.php. Note: The database dump is used only if the <db_name> MySQL database is entirely empty.

After installation, this recipe will optionally run a bash script that you might provide as the attribute ['deploy-drupal']['install']['script'].

After installation, the expected state is as follows:

  1. The installed Drupal site recognizes <admin_user> (with password <admin_pass>) as "user one".

  2. The following directory structure holds in the provisioned machine:

    • <project_root>
      • <drupal_root>
        • index.php
        • includes
        • modules
        • sites
        • themes
        • ...
      • db
        • dump.sql.gz
      • scripts
  3. Note that db and scripts are just example subdirectories and are not controlled by the cookbook. You will be able to find the entire contents of the <['get_project']['path']> directory, or the <['get_project']['git_repo']> git repo (git_branch will be checked out) <project_root>.

  4. The provided dev_group user group will own the project root directory.

  5. Ownership and permission settings of the deployed project root directory (loated at <project_root>) are set as follows:

  6. Only the group owner of <project_root> is set (<dev_group>).

  7. The user and group owners of all files and subdirectories under <drupal_root> are <node['apache']['user']> and <dev_group>, respectively.

  8. The group owner of all files and subdirectories created in the future will be dev_group (the setgid flag is set for all subdirectories). The user owner of future files and directories will depend on the default behavior of the system (in all major distributions of Linux setuid is ignored, and this cookbook, therefore, does not use it).

  9. The permissions for all files and subdirectories are set to r-- rw- --- and r-x rwx ---, respectively. The only exception is the "files" directories (refer to the drupal_files_dir attribute) and all its contents, which has its permissions set to rwx rwx ---.

  10. node['apache']['user'] will be grant write access (chmod -R u+w) to all directories specified in <writable_dirs>.


  1. The cookbook includes test cases written using the minitest-handler-cookbook. You can add test cases to files/default/test/*_test.rb.

  2. Automated testing of different combinations platforms and existing machine state is done using Test-Kitchen. You can define more tests in the .kitchen.yml file. The existing .kitchen.yml file uses the Vagrant driver for Test-Kitchen, also included in the Gemfile. To get Test-Kitchen to run your tests against the cookbook:

     git clone [this-repo] && cd [this-repo]
     # install and kitchen-vagrant
     bundle install
     kitchen test 
  3. To speed up debugging/testing the included Vagrantfile uses a Vagrant box named precise64-dev which is merely a precise64 VM having had deploy-drupal::dependencies run against it. You can checkout the list of all the packages and gems installed on this box here

  4. Note that the vagrant-berkshelf plugin should be installed using vagrant plugin install and not as an independent Ruby gem.

  5. Right now, Travis-CI is being used only minimally; only foodcritic and knife cookbook test are run against the cookbook. More continuous integrantion to come ...