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488 lines (488 loc) · 40.9 KB


sizeFactor: float;  # Factor to scale the size of the cartoon representation.
visuals: list (available values are "polymer-trace", "polymer-gap", "nucleotide-ring", "nucleotide-block", "direction-wedge");  # List of visual elements to include in the cartoon representation.
bumpFrequency: float;  # Frequency of the bump mapping, affecting surface texture.
unitKinds: list (available values are "spheres", "gaussians", "atomic");  # Types of units used in the representation.
includeParent: bool;  # Whether to include the parent structure in the representation.
doubleSided: bool;  # If true, renders both sides of the polygons.
flipSided: bool;  # If true, flips the normal direction of the polygons.
flatShaded: bool;  # If true, enables flat shading (no smoothing between polygons).
ignoreLight: bool;  # If true, the representation will not be affected by the scene's lighting.
xrayShaded: bool;  # If true, applies an X-ray shading effect to the representation.
transparentBackfaces: string;  # Determines how transparent backfaces are rendered.
bumpAmplitude: float;  # Amplitude of the bump mapping, affecting the depth of surface texture.
alpha: float;  # Transparency level of the representation.
quality: string (available values are "auto", "medium", "high", "low", "custom", "highest", "higher", "lower", "lowest");  # Quality level of the representation.
material: dict;  # Material properties of the cartoon representation.
    metalness: float;  # Reflective property of the material, mimicking metal.
    roughness: float;  # Roughness of the material surface.
    bumpiness: float;  # Bumpiness of the material, affecting the texture.
clip: dict;  # Clipping properties for the representation.
    variant: string (available values are "instance", "pixel");  # Type of clipping variant used.
    objects: dict;  # Dict of clipping objects with various properties.
        type: any;  # Type of the clipping object.
        invert: any;  # Whether to invert the clipping region.
        position: any;  # Position of the clipping object.
        rotation: any;  # Rotation of the clipping object.
        scale: any;  # Scale of the clipping object.
instanceGranularity: bool;  # If true, enables granularity at the instance level.
radialSegments: float;  # Number of radial segments used in tubular representations.
detail: float;  # Level of detail in the representation.
aspectRatio: float;  # Aspect ratio of the cartoon elements.
arrowFactor: float;  # Factor affecting the size of arrows in directional representations.
tubularHelices: bool;  # If true, renders helices as tubular structures.
helixProfile: string (available values are "square", "elliptical", "rounded");  # Profile shape of helices.
linearSegments: float;  # Number of linear segments used in the representation.

backbone: sizeAspectRatio: float; # Aspect ratio of the backbone elements. visuals: list (available values are "polymer-gap", "polymer-backbone-cylinder", "polymer-backbone-sphere"); # List of visual elements to include in the backbone representation. bumpFrequency: float; # Frequency of the bump mapping, affecting surface texture. sizeFactor: float; # Factor to scale the size of the backbone representation. radialSegments: float; # Number of radial segments used in tubular representations. unitKinds: list (available values are "spheres", "gaussians", "atomic"); # Types of units used in the representation. includeParent: bool; # Whether to include the parent structure in the representation. doubleSided: bool; # If true, renders both sides of the polygons. flipSided: bool; # If true, flips the normal direction of the polygons. flatShaded: bool; # If true, enables flat shading (no smoothing between polygons). ignoreLight: bool; # If true, the representation will not be affected by the scene's lighting. xrayShaded: bool; # If true, applies an X-ray shading effect to the representation. transparentBackfaces: string; # Determines how transparent backfaces are rendered. bumpAmplitude: float; # Amplitude of the bump mapping, affecting the depth of surface texture. alpha: float; # Transparency level of the representation. quality: string (available values are "auto", "medium", "high", "low", "custom", "highest", "higher", "lower", "lowest"); # Quality level of the representation. material: dict; # Material properties of the backbone representation. metalness: float; # Reflective property of the material, mimicking metal. roughness: float; # Roughness of the material surface. bumpiness: float; # Bumpiness of the material, affecting the texture. clip: dict; # Clipping properties for the representation. variant: string (available values are "instance", "pixel"); # Type of clipping variant used. objects: dict; # Dict of clipping objects with various properties. type: any; # Type of the clipping object. invert: any; # Whether to invert the clipping region. position: any; # Position of the clipping object. rotation: any; # Rotation of the clipping object. scale: any; # Scale of the clipping object. instanceGranularity: bool; # If true, enables granularity at the instance level. tryUseImpostor: bool; # If true, attempts to use impostor rendering for improved performance. solidInterior: bool; # If true, ensures the interior of the backbone elements is solid. detail: float; # Level of detail in the representation. ball-and-stick: includeParent: bool; # Whether to include the parent structure in the representation. unitKinds: list (available values are "spheres", "gaussians", "atomic"); # Types of units used in the representation. sizeFactor: float; # Factor to scale the size of the ball-and-stick representation. sizeAspectRatio: float; # Aspect ratio of the ball-and-stick elements. visuals: list (available values are "element-sphere", "intra-bond", "inter-bond"); # List of visual elements to include in the ball-and-stick representation. bumpFrequency: float; # Frequency of the bump mapping, affecting surface texture. tryUseImpostor: bool; # If true, attempts to use impostor rendering for improved performance. adjustCylinderLength: bool; # If true, adjusts the cylinder length to better fit bond distances. includeTypes: list (available values are "covalent", "metal-coordination", "hydrogen-bond", "disulfide", "aromatic", "computed"); # Types of bonds to include in the representation. excludeTypes: list (available values are "covalent", "metal-coordination", "hydrogen-bond", "disulfide", "aromatic", "computed"); # Types of bonds to exclude from the representation. ignoreHydrogens: bool; # If true, ignores hydrogen atoms in the representation. ignoreHydrogensVariant: string (available values are "all", "non-polar"); # Determines which hydrogen atoms to ignore based on type. aromaticBonds: bool; # If true, emphasizes aromatic bonds in the representation. multipleBonds: string (available values are "offset", "off", "symmetric"); # Style for rendering multiple bonds. linkScale: float; # Scale factor for the size of bonds in the representation. linkSpacing: float; # Spacing between bonds, particularly for multiple bonds. linkCap: bool; # If true, adds caps to the ends of bonds. aromaticScale: float; # Scale factor for aromatic bonds. aromaticSpacing: float; # Spacing between segments in aromatic bonds. aromaticDashCount: float; # Number of dashes used for representing aromatic bonds. dashCount: float; # Number of dashes used in dashed bonds. dashScale: float; # Scale factor for the size of dashes in dashed bonds. dashCap: bool; # If true, adds caps to the ends of dashed bonds. stubCap: bool; # If true, adds caps to the ends of stub bonds (short bonds). radialSegments: float; # Number of radial segments used in tubular representations. doubleSided: bool; # If true, renders both sides of the polygons. ignoreLight: bool; # If true, the representation will not be affected by the scene's lighting. xrayShaded: bool; # If true, applies an X-ray shading effect to the representation. transparentBackfaces: string; # Determines how transparent backfaces are rendered. solidInterior: bool; # If true, ensures the interior of the bonds and atoms is solid. bumpAmplitude: float; # Amplitude of the bump mapping, affecting the depth of surface texture. alpha: float; # Transparency level of the representation. quality: string (available values are "auto", "medium", "high", "low", "custom", "highest", "higher", "lower", "lowest"); # Quality level of the representation. material: dict; # Material properties of the ball-and-stick representation. metalness: float; # Reflective property of the material, mimicking metal. roughness: float; # Roughness of the material surface. bumpiness: float; # Bumpiness of the material, affecting the texture. clip: dict; # Clipping properties for the representation. variant: string (available values are "instance", "pixel"); # Type of clipping variant used. objects: dict; # Dict of clipping objects with various properties. type: any; # Type of the clipping object. invert: any; # Whether to invert the clipping region. position: any; # Position of the clipping object. rotation: any; # Rotation of the clipping object. scale: any; # Scale of the clipping object. instanceGranularity: bool; # If true, enables granularity at the instance level. flipSided: bool; # If true, flips the normal direction of the polygons. flatShaded: bool; # If true, enables flat shading (no smoothing between polygons). traceOnly: bool; # If true, only traces the backbone without rendering atoms. detail: float; # Level of detail in the representation. carbohydrate: visuals: list (available values are "carbohydrate-symbol", "carbohydrate-link", "carbohydrate-terminal-link"); # The different visual elements to include in the carbohydrate representation. bumpFrequency: float; # Frequency of bump mapping, affecting the texture of the surface. terminalLinkSizeFactor: float; # Size scaling factor for terminal carbohydrate links. linkScale: float; # Scale factor for the size of carbohydrate links. linkSpacing: float; # Spacing between carbohydrate links. linkCap: bool; # If true, adds caps to the ends of carbohydrate links. aromaticScale: float; # Scale factor for aromatic features in the carbohydrate structure. aromaticSpacing: float; # Spacing between segments in aromatic features. aromaticDashCount: float; # Number of dashes used for representing aromatic bonds. dashCount: float; # Number of dashes used in dashed links. dashScale: float; # Scale factor for the size of dashes in dashed links. dashCap: bool; # If true, adds caps to the ends of dashed links. stubCap: bool; # If true, adds caps to the ends of stub links (short links). radialSegments: float; # Number of radial segments used in tubular representations of links. unitKinds: list (available values are "spheres", "gaussians", "atomic"); # Types of units used in the representation. includeParent: bool; # Whether to include the parent structure in the representation. doubleSided: bool; # If true, renders both sides of the polygons. flipSided: bool; # If true, flips the normal direction of the polygons. flatShaded: bool; # If true, enables flat shading (no smoothing between polygons). ignoreLight: bool; # If true, the representation will not be affected by the scene's lighting. xrayShaded: bool; # If true, applies an X-ray shading effect to the representation. transparentBackfaces: string; # Determines how transparent backfaces are rendered. bumpAmplitude: float; # Amplitude of the bump mapping, affecting the depth of surface texture. alpha: float; # Transparency level of the representation. quality: string (available values are "auto", "medium", "high", "low", "custom", "highest", "higher", "lower", "lowest"); # Quality level of the representation. material: dict; # Material properties of the carbohydrate representation. metalness: float; # Reflective property of the material, mimicking metal. roughness: float; # Roughness of the material surface. bumpiness: float; # Bumpiness of the material, affecting the texture. clip: dict; # Clipping properties for the representation. variant: string (available values are "instance", "pixel"); # Type of clipping variant used. objects: dict; # Dict of clipping objects with various properties. type: any; # Type of the clipping object. invert: any; # Whether to invert the clipping region. position: any; # Position of the clipping object. rotation: any; # Rotation of the clipping object. scale: any; # Scale of the clipping object. instanceGranularity: bool; # If true, enables granularity at the instance level. linkSizeFactor: float; # Size scaling factor for carbohydrate links. detail: float; # Level of detail in the representation. sizeFactor: float; # Overall size scaling factor for the carbohydrate representation. ellipsoid: includeParent: bool; # Whether to include the parent structure in the representation. adjustCylinderLength: bool; # If true, adjusts the length of cylinders to better fit the ellipsoid shape. unitKinds: list (available values are "spheres", "gaussians", "atomic"); # Types of units used in the representation. sizeFactor: float; # Overall size scaling factor for the ellipsoid representation. sizeAspectRatio: float; # Aspect ratio for scaling the size of the ellipsoids. linkCap: bool; # If true, adds caps to the ends of bonds or links. visuals: list (available values are "intra-bond", "inter-bond", "ellipsoid-mesh"); # The different visual elements to include in the ellipsoid representation. bumpFrequency: float; # Frequency of bump mapping, affecting the texture of the surface. tryUseImpostor: bool; # If true, attempts to use impostors for rendering performance optimization. includeTypes: list (available values are "covalent", "metal-coordination", "hydrogen-bond", "disulfide", "aromatic", "computed"); # Types of bonds or interactions to include. excludeTypes: list (available values are "covalent", "metal-coordination", "hydrogen-bond", "disulfide", "aromatic", "computed"); # Types of bonds or interactions to exclude. ignoreHydrogens: bool; # If true, hydrogen atoms are ignored in the representation. ignoreHydrogensVariant: string (available values are "all", "non-polar"); # Specifies which hydrogen atoms to ignore. aromaticBonds: bool; # If true, renders aromatic bonds differently. multipleBonds: string (available values are "offset", "off", "symmetric"); # Defines how to represent multiple bonds. linkScale: float; # Scale factor for the size of links. linkSpacing: float; # Spacing between bonds or links. aromaticScale: float; # Scale factor for aromatic bonds or features. aromaticSpacing: float; # Spacing between segments in aromatic features. aromaticDashCount: float; # Number of dashes used for representing aromatic bonds. dashCount: float; # Number of dashes used in dashed links. dashScale: float; # Scale factor for the size of dashes in dashed links. dashCap: bool; # If true, adds caps to the ends of dashed links. stubCap: bool; # If true, adds caps to the ends of stub links (short links). radialSegments: float; # Number of radial segments used in tubular representations of links. doubleSided: bool; # If true, renders both sides of the polygons. ignoreLight: bool; # If true, the representation will not be affected by the scene's lighting. xrayShaded: bool; # If true, applies an X-ray shading effect to the representation. transparentBackfaces: string; # Determines how transparent backfaces are rendered. solidInterior: bool; # If true, renders the interior of the ellipsoid as solid. bumpAmplitude: float; # Amplitude of the bump mapping, affecting the depth of surface texture. alpha: float; # Transparency level of the representation. quality: string (available values are "auto", "medium", "high", "low", "custom", "highest", "higher", "lower", "lowest"); # Quality level of the representation. material: dict; # Material properties of the ellipsoid representation. metalness: float; # Reflective property of the material, mimicking metal. roughness: float; # Roughness of the material surface. bumpiness: float; # Bumpiness of the material, affecting the texture. clip: dict; # Clipping properties for the representation. variant: string (available values are "instance", "pixel"); # Type of clipping variant used. objects: dict; # Dict of clipping objects with various properties. type: any; # Type of the clipping object. invert: any; # Whether to invert the clipping region. position: any; # Position of the clipping object. rotation: any; # Rotation of the clipping object. scale: any; # Scale of the clipping object. instanceGranularity: bool; # If true, enables granularity at the instance level. flipSided: bool; # If true, flips the normal direction of the polygons. flatShaded: bool; # If true, enables flat shading (no smoothing between polygons). detail: float; # Level of detail in the representation. gaussian-surface: visuals: list (available values are "gaussian-surface-mesh", "structure-gaussian-surface-mesh", "gaussian-surface-wireframe"); # The different visual elements to include in the Gaussian surface representation. bumpFrequency: float; # Frequency of bump mapping, affecting the texture of the surface. sizeFactor: float; # Overall size scaling factor for the Gaussian surface representation. lineSizeAttenuation: bool; # If true, enables attenuation of line size based on distance. ignoreHydrogens: bool; # If true, hydrogen atoms are ignored in the representation. ignoreHydrogensVariant: string (available values are "all", "non-polar"); # Specifies which hydrogen atoms to ignore. includeParent: bool; # Whether to include the parent structure in the representation. traceOnly: bool; # If true, the representation only traces the backbone or main chain. resolution: float; # The resolution of the Gaussian surface, affecting the level of detail. radiusOffset: float; # Offset applied to the atomic radii in the surface calculation. smoothness: float; # The smoothness of the Gaussian surface, affecting how smooth or jagged it appears. unitKinds: list (available values are "spheres", "gaussians", "atomic"); # Types of units used in the representation. alpha: float; # Transparency level of the representation. quality: string (available values are "auto", "medium", "high", "low", "custom", "highest", "higher", "lower", "lowest"); # Quality level of the representation. material: dict; # Material properties of the Gaussian surface representation. metalness: float; # Reflective property of the material, mimicking metal. roughness: float; # Roughness of the material surface. bumpiness: float; # Bumpiness of the material, affecting the texture. clip: dict; # Clipping properties for the representation. variant: string (available values are "instance", "pixel"); # Type of clipping variant used. objects: dict; # Dict of clipping objects with various properties. type: any; # Type of the clipping object. invert: any; # Whether to invert the clipping region. position: any; # Position of the clipping object. rotation: any; # Rotation of the clipping object. scale: any; # Scale of the clipping object. instanceGranularity: bool; # If true, enables granularity at the instance level. tryUseGpu: bool; # If true, attempts to use GPU acceleration for rendering the Gaussian surface. smoothColors: mapped; # Determines how colors are smoothed across the surface. auto: default; # Automatically determines whether to smooth colors. on: dict; # Enables color smoothing with specific parameters. resolutionFactor: float; # Resolution factor for color smoothing. sampleStride: float; # Stride for sampling during color smoothing. off: default; # Disables color smoothing. doubleSided: bool; # If true, renders both sides of the polygons. flipSided: bool; # If true, flips the normal direction of the polygons. flatShaded: bool; # If true, enables flat shading (no smoothing between polygons). ignoreLight: bool; # If true, the representation will not be affected by the scene's lighting. xrayShaded: bool; # If true, applies an X-ray shading effect to the representation. transparentBackfaces: string; # Determines how transparent backfaces are rendered. bumpAmplitude: float; # Amplitude of the bump mapping, affecting the depth of surface texture. gaussian-volume: jumpLength: float; # The length of jumps within the Gaussian volume representation. visuals: list (available values are "gaussian-volume", "units-gaussian-volume"); # The visual elements to include in the Gaussian volume representation. ignoreHydrogens: bool; # If true, hydrogen atoms are ignored in the representation. ignoreHydrogensVariant: string (available values are "all", "non-polar"); # Specifies which hydrogen atoms to ignore. includeParent: bool; # Whether to include the parent structure in the representation. traceOnly: bool; # If true, the representation only traces the backbone or main chain. resolution: float; # The resolution of the Gaussian volume, affecting the level of detail. radiusOffset: float; # Offset applied to the atomic radii in the volume calculation. smoothness: float; # The smoothness of the Gaussian volume, affecting how smooth or jagged it appears. unitKinds: list (available values are "spheres", "gaussians", "atomic"); # Types of units used in the representation. ignoreLight: bool; # If true, the representation will not be affected by the scene's lighting. xrayShaded: bool; # If true, applies an X-ray shading effect to the representation. controlPoints: LineGraph; # Defines control points for custom adjustments within the volume. stepsPerCell: float; # Number of steps per cell, affecting the resolution of the volume grid. alpha: float; # Transparency level of the representation. quality: string (available values are "auto", "medium", "high", "low", "custom", "highest", "higher", "lower", "lowest"); # Quality level of the representation. material: dict; # Material properties of the Gaussian volume representation. metalness: float; # Reflective property of the material, mimicking metal. roughness: float; # Roughness of the material surface. bumpiness: float; # Bumpiness of the material, affecting the texture. clip: dict; # Clipping properties for the representation. variant: string (available values are "instance", "pixel"); # Type of clipping variant used. objects: dict; # Dict of clipping objects with various properties. type: any; # Type of the clipping object. invert: any; # Whether to invert the clipping region. position: any; # Position of the clipping object. rotation: any; # Rotation of the clipping object. scale: any; # Scale of the clipping object. instanceGranularity: bool; # If true, enables granularity at the instance level. label: visuals: list (available values are "label-text"); # The visual elements to include in the label representation. background: bool; # If true, a background is rendered behind the label text. backgroundMargin: float; # The margin size around the label background. backgroundColor: Color; # The color of the label background. backgroundOpacity: float; # The opacity level of the label background. borderWidth: float; # The width of the border around the label. level: string (available values are "element", "residue", "chain"); # The level at which the label is applied (e.g., element, residue, or chain). chainScale: float; # Scaling factor for labels at the chain level. residueScale: float; # Scaling factor for labels at the residue level. elementScale: float; # Scaling factor for labels at the element level. unitKinds: list (available values are "spheres", "gaussians", "atomic"); # Types of units used in the representation. includeParent: bool; # Whether to include the parent structure in the representation. sizeFactor: float; # Factor by which to scale the label size. borderColor: Color; # The color of the border around the label. offsetX: float; # The X-axis offset for the label position. offsetY: float; # The Y-axis offset for the label position. offsetZ: float; # The Z-axis offset for the label position. tether: bool; # If true, a tether is drawn from the label to the structure. tetherLength: float; # Length of the tether connecting the label to the structure. tetherBaseWidth: float; # Base width of the tether. attachment: string (available values are "bottom-left", "bottom-center", "bottom-right", "middle-left", "middle-center", "middle-right", "top-left", "top-center", "top-right"); # The attachment point of the label relative to the text. fontFamily: string (from FontFamily); # Font family used for the label text. fontQuality: int; # Quality setting for the font rendering. fontStyle: string (from FontStyle); # Font style (e.g., normal, italic) used for the label text. fontVariant: string (from FontVariant); # Font variant used for the label text. fontWeight: string (from FontWeight); # Font weight (e.g., normal, bold) used for the label text. alpha: float; # Transparency level of the label text. quality: string (available values are "auto", "medium", "high", "low", "custom", "highest", "higher", "lower", "lowest"); # Quality level of the label representation. material: dict; # Material properties of the label representation. metalness: float; # Reflective property of the material, mimicking metal. roughness: float; # Roughness of the material surface. bumpiness: float; # Bumpiness of the material, affecting the texture. clip: dict; # Clipping properties for the label representation. variant: string (available values are "instance", "pixel"); # Type of clipping variant used. objects: dict; # Dict of clipping objects with various properties. type: any; # Type of the clipping object. invert: any; # Whether to invert the clipping region. position: any; # Position of the clipping object. rotation: any; # Rotation of the clipping object. scale: any; # Scale of the clipping object. instanceGranularity: bool; # If true, enables granularity at the instance level. line: pointStyle: string (available values are "circle", "square", "fuzzy") # Style of points used in the line representation. multipleBonds: string (available values are "offset", "off", "symmetric") # How multiple bonds are represented (e.g., offset, off, symmetric). includeParent: bool # Whether to include the parent structure in the representation. sizeFactor: float # Factor by which to scale the size of the lines. unitKinds: list (available values are "spheres", "gaussians", "atomic") # Types of units used in the representation. visuals: list (available values are "intra-bond", "inter-bond", "element-point", "element-cross") # Visual elements to include in the line representation. lineSizeAttenuation: bool # Whether the size of the lines should attenuate with distance. ignoreHydrogens: bool # If true, hydrogen atoms are ignored in the representation. ignoreHydrogensVariant: string (available values are "all", "non-polar") # How hydrogen atoms are ignored (e.g., all, non-polar). traceOnly: bool # If true, only the trace of the structure is used. crosses: string (available values are "all", "lone") # Specifies how crosses are used in the representation (e.g., all, lone). crossSize: float # The size of the crosses in the representation. alpha: float # Transparency level of the line representation. quality: string (available values are "auto", "medium", "high", "low", "custom", "highest", "higher", "lower", "lowest") # Quality level of the line representation. material: dict # Material properties of the line representation. metalness: float; # Reflective property of the material, mimicking metal. roughness: float; # Roughness of the material surface. bumpiness: float; # Bumpiness of the material, affecting the texture. clip: dict # Clipping properties for the line representation. variant: string (available values are "instance", "pixel"); # Type of clipping variant used. objects: dict; # Dict of clipping objects with various properties. type: any;
invert: any;
position: any;
rotation: any;
scale: any; instanceGranularity: bool # If true, enables granularity at the instance level. pointSizeAttenuation: bool # Whether the size of points should attenuate with distance. includeTypes: list (available values are "covalent", "metal-coordination", "hydrogen-bond", "disulfide", "aromatic", "computed") # Types of interactions to include in the representation. excludeTypes: list (available values are "covalent", "metal-coordination", "hydrogen-bond", "disulfide", "aromatic", "computed") # Types of interactions to exclude from the representation. aromaticBonds: bool # Whether to specifically render aromatic bonds. linkScale: float # Scaling factor for links in the representation. linkSpacing: float # Spacing between links in the representation. aromaticDashCount: float # Number of dashes used to represent aromatic bonds. dashCount: float # Number of dashes used to represent dashed lines in bonds. molecular-surface: visuals: list (available values are "molecular-surface-mesh", "structure-molecular-surface-mesh", "molecular-surface-wireframe") # Defines the visual styles to be used in the molecular surface representation. bumpFrequency: float # Controls the frequency of bumps on the surface, affecting its texture. sizeFactor: float # Factor by which to scale the size of the surface. ignoreHydrogens: bool # If true, hydrogen atoms are ignored in the surface calculation. ignoreHydrogensVariant: string (available values are "all", "non-polar") # Specifies how hydrogen atoms are ignored (e.g., all, non-polar). traceOnly: bool # If true, only the trace of the molecular structure is used to generate the surface. includeParent: bool # Whether to include the parent structure in the representation. probeRadius: float # Radius of the probe used to calculate the molecular surface. resolution: float # Controls the resolution of the surface mesh. probePositions: float # Determines the positioning of probes on the surface. unitKinds: list (available values are "spheres", "gaussians", "atomic") # Types of units used in the surface representation. lineSizeAttenuation: bool # Whether the size of lines should attenuate with distance. alpha: float # Transparency level of the surface representation. quality: string (available values are "auto", "medium", "high", "low", "custom", "highest", "higher", "lower", "lowest") # Quality level of the surface representation. material: dict # Material properties for the molecular surface. metalness: float; # Reflective property of the material, mimicking metal. roughness: float; # Roughness of the material surface. bumpiness: float; # Bumpiness of the material, affecting the texture. clip: dict # Clipping properties for the molecular surface. variant: string (available values are "instance", "pixel"); # Type of clipping variant used. objects: dict; # Dict of clipping objects with various properties. type: any;
invert: any;
position: any;
rotation: any;
scale: any; instanceGranularity: bool # If true, enables granularity at the instance level. smoothColors: dict # Controls the smoothness of colors on the surface. auto: dict; # Automatically determine color smoothness. on: dict; # Enable smooth colors with customizable resolution and sample stride. resolutionFactor: float;
sampleStride: float;
off: dict; # Disable color smoothing. doubleSided: bool # If true, the surface will be rendered double-sided. flipSided: bool # If true, the surface normals are flipped, inverting the surface. flatShaded: bool # If true, the surface will be rendered with flat shading. ignoreLight: bool # If true, lighting effects are ignored in the rendering. xrayShaded: bool # If true, the surface is shaded with an X-ray effect. transparentBackfaces: string # Defines how backfaces of the surface are handled when transparent. bumpAmplitude: float # Amplitude of the bumps on the surface, affecting the texture. orientation: visuals: list (available values are "orientation-ellipsoid-mesh") # Defines the visual style used to represent the orientation, specifically as an ellipsoid mesh. bumpFrequency: float # Controls the frequency of surface bumps, affecting the texture of the orientation ellipsoid. sizeFactor: float # Factor by which to scale the size of the orientation ellipsoid. detail: float # Determines the level of detail in the orientation representation, such as the smoothness of the ellipsoid. unitKinds: list (available values are "spheres", "gaussians", "atomic") # Types of units used in the orientation representation. includeParent: bool # Whether to include the parent structure in the representation. doubleSided: bool # If true, the orientation ellipsoid is rendered double-sided. flipSided: bool # If true, the normals of the orientation ellipsoid are flipped, inverting its surface. flatShaded: bool # If true, the ellipsoid will be rendered with flat shading. ignoreLight: bool # If true, lighting effects are ignored in the rendering of the orientation ellipsoid. xrayShaded: bool # If true, the ellipsoid is shaded with an X-ray effect. transparentBackfaces: string # Defines how backfaces of the orientation ellipsoid are handled when transparent. bumpAmplitude: float # Amplitude of the bumps on the ellipsoid, affecting its texture. alpha: float # Transparency level of the orientation representation. quality: string (available values are "auto", "medium", "high", "low", "custom", "highest", "higher", "lower", "lowest") # Quality level of the orientation representation. material: dict # Material properties for the orientation ellipsoid. metalness: float; # Reflective property of the material, mimicking metal. roughness: float; # Roughness of the material surface. bumpiness: float; # Bumpiness of the material, affecting the texture. clip: dict # Clipping properties for the orientation ellipsoid. variant: string (available values are "instance", "pixel"); # Type of clipping variant used. objects: dict; # Dict of clipping objects with various properties. type: any;
invert: any;
position: any;
rotation: any;
scale: any; instanceGranularity: bool # If true, enables granularity at the instance level. point: pointSizeAttenuation: bool # Controls whether the size of points is attenuated based on their distance from the camera. ignoreHydrogens: bool # If true, hydrogen atoms are ignored in the point representation. ignoreHydrogensVariant: string (available values are "all", "non-polar") # Determines which hydrogen atoms are ignored, either all or only non-polar ones. traceOnly: bool # If true, only the trace of the molecular structure (like backbone atoms) is represented as points. unitKinds: list (available values are "spheres", "gaussians", "atomic") # Types of units used in the point representation. includeParent: bool # Whether to include the parent structure in the point representation. sizeFactor: float # Factor by which to scale the size of the points. pointStyle: string (available values are "circle", "square", "fuzzy") # Style of the points used in the representation, such as circles, squares, or fuzzy points. alpha: float # Transparency level of the point representation. quality: string (available values are "auto", "medium", "high", "low", "custom", "highest", "higher", "lower", "lowest") # Quality level of the point representation. material: dict # Material properties for the points. metalness: float; # Reflective property of the material, mimicking metal. roughness: float; # Roughness of the material surface. bumpiness: float; # Bumpiness of the material, affecting the texture. clip: dict # Clipping properties for the points. variant: string (available values are "instance", "pixel"); # Type of clipping variant used. objects: dict; # Dict of clipping objects with various properties. type: any;
invert: any;
position: any;
rotation: any;
scale: any; instanceGranularity: bool # If true, enables granularity at the instance level. spacefill: bumpFrequency: float # Determines the frequency of bump mapping, which affects the surface texture. sizeFactor: float # Scale factor that adjusts the size of the atoms in the spacefill representation. detail: float # Level of detail in the representation, typically affecting how smooth or detailed the surface appears. ignoreHydrogens: bool # If true, hydrogen atoms are excluded from the representation. ignoreHydrogensVariant: string (available values are "all", "non-polar") # Specifies which hydrogen atoms to ignore, either all or just non-polar hydrogens. traceOnly: bool # If true, only the backbone trace of the molecular structure is represented, ignoring side chains and other parts. tryUseImpostor: bool # Determines whether to use impostors for rendering, which can improve performance in some cases. unitKinds: list (available values are "spheres", "gaussians", "atomic") # Defines the types of units used in the spacefill representation. includeParent: bool # Indicates whether the parent structure should be included in the representation. doubleSided: bool # If true, the surface is rendered on both sides, making it visible from inside as well. ignoreLight: bool # If true, lighting effects are ignored, resulting in a flat, unshaded appearance. xrayShaded: bool # If true, the representation will use an X-ray style shading, often used for transparency effects. transparentBackfaces: string # Controls how backfaces (the side of the surface not facing the camera) are rendered when transparency is enabled. solidInterior: bool # If true, the interior of the atoms is rendered as solid rather than hollow. bumpAmplitude: float # Amplitude of bump mapping, which influences the perceived depth of surface textures. alpha: float # Transparency level of the spacefill representation. quality: string (available values are "auto", "medium", "high", "low", "custom", "highest", "higher", "lower", "lowest") # Quality setting for the spacefill representation, affecting rendering detail and performance. material: dict # Material properties for the spacefill representation. metalness: float; # Degree of reflectivity, simulating metallic surfaces. roughness: float; # Surface roughness, affecting how light scatters. bumpiness: float; # Perceived bumpiness or texture of the surface. clip: dict # Clipping properties for the spacefill representation. variant: string (available values are "instance", "pixel"); # Type of clipping variant applied. objects: dict; # Dict of clipping objects with specific properties. type: any;
invert: any;
position: any;
rotation: any;
scale: any; instanceGranularity: bool # Enables granularity at the instance level, which can be useful for distinguishing different parts of the structure. flipSided: bool # If true, flips the rendering of the sides, which can be useful for certain visual effects. flatShaded: bool # If true, renders the surface without smooth shading, resulting in a faceted appearance.