When you use Votum, the following information is stored on our servers:
- Council configuration, which includes all configuration points listed at https://github.com/evaera/Votum#configuration-points
- List of all present and past motions created by council members, including
- Motion text
- Motion author name at the time of creation
- Timestamp
- Motion status
- All votes, including the name of the voters, how they voted, and the reasons they provided for the vote
This data is exportable by the user by running the !archive export
You can request your data to be deleted by emailing votum A@T eryn D.O.T io and including the channel ID that your council is in. For questions and concerns, feel free to open an issue or discussion on the GitHub repository located at https://github.com/evaera/Votum/new/master or feel free to email the same address.