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Set up a server to prepare it for being a Pocket node. Part 1 of 5 in the Zero to Node tutorial.

Part 1: Server setup

This section will help you set up and configure a server to prepare it for being a Pocket node.

Setup a server

The first thing you'll need to run a Pocket node is a server. For this guide, we'll be using a virtual machine on the Linode cloud service. But, you could use any cloud service you like.

{% hint style="info" %} Pocket has no affiliation with Linode and does not recommend any one provider over another. The general steps outlined here should work for most cloud providers. {% endhint %}

Let's start by creating a Linode instance (a virtual machine).

Creating a Linode instance

To create a Linode instance, do the following:

  1. Get a Linode account and login.
  2. Create a new Linode with the following specifications:
    • Image / Distribution: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
    • Region: Atlanta, GA
    • Linode Plan: Dedicated 16 GB - 8 CPU, 320 GB Storage, 16 GB RAM
    • Linode Label: pokt001
  3. Wait for the Linode to be created and show up as running in the web interface.

{% hint style="info" %} For a more detailed guide on setting up a Linode instance, see the Linode docs. Also, note that the Atlanta, GA region was selected for this guide because it supports NVMe storage which is preferable for running nodes. Check to see which other regions support NVMe storage. {% endhint %}

Configure DNS

Now that the Linode instance is created and running, you'll need to set up a DNS record that points to the IP address of the Linode instance.

Pocket nodes require a DNS name. DNS (Domain Name Service) names are used to map an IP address to more human-friendly names. So rather than referencing a server with an address like we can use a name like

{% hint style="info" %} Most domain registrars allow you to add DNS records. Please refer to the DNS setup documentation for your provider. {% endhint %}

Specifically, you'll need to add an A record for the domain name. For the exact steps, consult the DNS documentation for your provider. Then create a record with the following information:

  • Name: pokt001
  • Type: A
  • Value: {Linode_IP_Address}
  • TTL: 300

After setting up your DNS record, wait a few minutes for the DNS to propagate. Then use the following command to check that the DNS record is working:

{% hint style="info" %} The examples in this tutorial will use pokt001 as the server on the domain, so will be used as the DNS name. Please replace this throughout with your own server and domain name. {% endhint %}

ping -c 3

You should see a response that looks something like this:

64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=47 time=92.403 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=47 time=142.828 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=47 time=182.456 ms

If the IP address matches the IP address of your Linode instance, you're all set!

{% hint style="info" %} It can sometimes take longer than a minute for the DNS to propagate. So, be patient if things don't seem to work right away. {% endhint %}

Login with SSH

Now that we have a DNS record setup, we will look at using SSH to log in and continue the setup process.

The Secure Shell Protocol (SSH) is a secure way to connect to your Linode instance from a remote machine, like your local computer. We'll be using SSH to complete the remainder of the setup process.

SSH from Mac or Linux

If you're using a Mac, or Linux, on your local computer, you can SSH into your node by doing the following:

{% hint style="info" %} Don't forget to replace with your DNS name. {% endhint %}

You'll be prompted for your password. This is the root password that you set when you created your Linode.

SSH from Windows

Windows 10 and later have a built-in SSH client. You can use SSH on Windows by doing the following:

  • Open the Windows terminal

  • SSH into your node using the following command:

{% hint style="info" %} Don't forget to replace with your DNS name. {% endhint %}

If you're using an older version of Windows, you might need to install PuTTY or some other SSH client.

Set the hostname

At this point you should be logged into your node as the root user.

In a previous step, we set the DNS name for the node. Now we'll use the same name for the hostname on the server.

To set the server hostname use the following steps:

  1. Open the /etc/hostname file with the following command:

    nano /etc/hostname
  2. Change the localhost value to the fully qualified hostname of your node (for example,

  3. Save the file with Ctrl+O and then Enter.

  4. Exit nano with Ctrl+X.

  5. Reboot the server with the following command:

  6. Wait for the server to reboot then ssh back in as the root user before continuing on.

Create a user

For security reasons it's best not to use the root user. Instead, it's better to create a new user and add the user to the sudo group.

Also, by default, the Pocket CLI will place the data directory for the node in the user's home directory. So, when you create a new user, you'll want to make sure the home directory is on a volume that has plenty of room for the data directory.

{% hint style="warning" %} At the time of writing, Pocket requires ~200GB for its blockchain data. The following user setup steps assumes that the location of your user's home directory is on a volume with enough room for the pocket data. {% endhint %}

Creating a new user

To create a new user and home directory, enter the following commands:

  1. Create a new user named pocket, add it to the sudo group, and set the default shell to bash. If you want to specify the location of the home directory, you can use the -d option followed by the path to the home directory:

    useradd -m -g sudo -s /bin/bash pocket && passwd pocket
  2. For the rest of this guide, we'll be using the pocket user. So now that the pocket user is created, you can switch from using root to the pocket user with the following command:

    su - pocket

Configure SSH Key Login (Optional):

While not required, using an SSH key provides a more secure means of accessing your server.

Using an SSH key removes the ability for credentials to be sniffed in the login process, and removes the pitfalls that can often come with user generated passwords since the key will truly be random.

One important thing to understand, is that without access to the ssh key, you won't be able to log into your node. If you intend on accessing your node from multiple computers, it's recommended that you repeat the Generate Key and Upload Key steps from each computer that you intend to access your node from before moving on to the Disable Root Login and Password Authentication step.

  1. Log Out

    At the terminal you'll need to enter the logout command twice. The first logout logs you out of the pocket user, back to the root user, and the second logout logs you out of the server and back to your terminal.

  2. Generate Key

    Next, we'll generate an ssh key. To do that you'll run the ssh-keygen command. You'll be prompted to specify the file you want to save the key to, and for a password. Specifying a password means that if someone has access to your key, they'd still need to know the password to be able to use it to login. To create the key, do the following:

    • Run the ssh-keygen command

      ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
    • Enter file in which to save the key (~/.ssh/id_rsa)

    • Enter a passphrase (empty for no passphrase)

    • Enter same passphrase again

    The results should looking something like the following:

    The key fingerprint is:
    The key's randomart image is:
    +---[RSA 4096]----+
    |         o+o     |
    |      . oo. .    |
    |       o ..o . . |
    |       .  . o.+  |
    |        S  oo= . |
    |    ...B o..+.B..|
    |    .o=.B  ..E...|
    |    +.o*.o .o o  |
    |   . +o.*+.      |
  3. Upload Key

    Now we're going to upload the key so that we can use it to log into the pocket user. If you choose a different path for the ssh key, it's important to replace the ~/.ssh/id_rsa with the key you used.

    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa [email protected]
  4. Disable Root Login and Password Authentication

    Now we're now going to configure ssh to no longer allow root logins, and to not allow any password based login attempts. Meaning without access to the ssh key for the pocket user, no one will be able to log into the server.

    First we'll need to log back into the server:

    From there, we'll want to open the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file to make some changes to the default configuration:

    sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

    Once there, we'll need to find and change the following lines:

    • #PermitRootLogin prohibit-password -> PermitRootLogin no
    • #PubkeyAuthentication yes -> PubkeyAuthentication yes
    • #PasswordAuthentication yes -> PasswordAuthentication no

    Once changed, Ctrl-O followed by Enter will save the changes, and Ctrl-X will exit nano back to the terminal.

    Then we'll need to restart the ssh server for these changes to take effect:

    sudo systemctl restart sshd.service
  5. Verify Everything Works

    The last step is to log out of the server, and try logging back in. If you're no longer prompted for a password, then everything is working as expected.

That's it for the server setup! Continue on to install the necessary software.