This is the Piraeus container image containing the linstor-client which can be used for cluster setup and debugging.
docker run -it --rm -e LS_CONTROLLERS=yourcontrollerIP piraeusdatastore/piraeus-client node list
The environment variable is used to specify the current controller's IP.
The containers we provide in the Piraeus project are Debian based and packages get installed from a PPA. These are maintained at a best effort basis, but make sure to understand the differences between these packages and the ones provided by LINBIT for its customers.
Additionally, container images provided by LINBIT as commercal offer on, are based on RHEL/UBI images and are for example OpenShift certified.
make update TAG=v1.0.0 NOCACHE=true
make upload TAG=v1.0.0 REGISTRY=' piraeusdatastore'