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Dave Hall edited this page Sep 4, 2011 · 8 revisions

Admin integration

django-reversion can be used to add a powerful rollback and recovery facility to your admin site. To enable this, simply register your models with a subclass of reversion.VersionAdmin.

import reversion

class YourModelAdmin(reversion.VersionAdmin):

    pass, YourModelAdmin)

You can also use reversion.VersionAdmin as a mixin with another specialized admin class.

class YourModelAdmin(reversion.VersionAdmin, YourBaseModelAdmin):


If you're using an existing third party app, then you can add patch django-reversion into its admin class by using the reversion.helpers.patch_admin() method. For example, to add version control to the built-in User model:

from reversion.helpers import patch_admin


Admin customizations

It's possible to customize the way django-reversion integrates with your admin site by specifying options on the subclass of reversion.VersionAdmin as follows:

class YourModelAdmin(reversion.VersionAdmin):

    option_name = option_value 

The available admin options are:

  • history_latest_first: Whether to display the available versions in reverse chronological order on the revert and recover views (default False)
  • ignore_duplicate_revisions: Whether to ignore duplicate revisions when storing version data (default False)
  • recover_form_template: The name of the template to use when rendering the recover form (default 'reversion/recover_form.html')
  • reversion_format: The name of a serialization format to use when storing version data (default 'json')
  • revision_form_template: The name of the template to use when rendering the revert form (default 'reversion/revision_form.html')
  • recover_list_template: The name of the template to use when rendering the recover list view (default 'reversion/recover_list.html')

Customizing admin templates

In addition to specifying custom templates using the options above, you can also place specially named templates on your template root to override the default templates on a per-model or per-app basis.

For example, to override the recover_list template for the user model, the auth app, or all registered models, you could create a template with one of the following names:

  • 'reversion/auth/user/recover_list.html'
  • 'reversion/auth/recover_list.html'
  • 'reversion/recover_list.html'
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