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1c599a4 · Nov 4, 2022


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File metadata and controls

248 lines (181 loc) · 5.71 KB


"Instantly" publish an API for a CSV hosted anywhere on the internet. Also supports Excel files.

This tool is used by to show a preview of hosted CSV and XLS files.


Requires Python 3.9+ and a Unix OS with the file command available.

python3 -m venv pyenv && . pyenv/bin/activate
pip install csvapi

For development:

poetry install


poetry run csvapi serve -h -p 8000

Command line options

$ poetry run csvapi serve --help
Usage: csvapi serve [OPTIONS]

    --ssl-key TEXT             Path to SSL key
    --ssl-cert TEXT            Path to SSL certificate
    --cache / --no-cache       Do not parse CSV again if DB already exists
    --reload                   Automatically reload if code change detected
    --debug                    Enable debug mode - useful for development
    -p, --port INTEGER         port for server, defaults to 8001
    -h, --host TEXT            host for server, defaults to
    --dbs DIRECTORY            Where to store sqlite DBs
    --help                     Show this message and exit.


With SSL, using Hypercorn:

hypercorn csvapi.webservice:app -b --keyfile key.pem --ca-certs cert.pem

See the documentation for more options.

You can use the environment variable CSVAPI_CONFIG_FILE to point to a custom configuration file.

API usage



This converts a CSV to an SQLite database (w/ agate) and returns the following response:

{"ok": true, "endpoint": "http://localhost:8001/api/cde857960e8dc24c9cbcced673b496bb"}


Some parameters can be used in the query string.


default: automatic detection

You can force an encoding (e.g. utf-8) using this parameter, instead of relying on the automatic detection.

Data API

This is the endpoint attribute of the previous response.


This queries a previously converted API file and returns the first 100 rows like this:

        "ok": true,
        "rows": [[], []],
        "columns": [],
        "query_ms": 1


Some parameters can be used in the query string.


default: 100

This will limit the query to a certain number of rows. For instance to get only 250 rows:


_sort and _sort_desc

Use those to sort by a column. sort will sort by ascending order, sort_desc by descending order.



Use this to add on offset. Combined with _size it allows pagination.



default: lists

The _shape argument is used to specify the format output of the json. It can take the value objects to get an array of objects instead of an array of arrays:


For instance, instead of returning:

    "ok": true,
    "query_ms": 0.4799365997,
    "rows": [
        [1, "Justice", "0101", 57663310],
        [2, "Justice", "0101", 2255129],
        [3, "Justice", "0101", 36290]
    "columns": ["rowid", "Mission", "Programme", "Consommation de CP"]

It will return:

    "ok": true,
    "query_ms": 2.681016922,
    "rows": [
        "rowid": 1,
        "Mission": "Justice",
        "Programme": "0101",
        "Consommation de CP": 57663310
        "rowid": 2,
        "Mission": "Justice",
        "Programme": "0101",
        "Consommation de CP": 2255129
        "rowid": 3,
        "Mission": "Justice",
        "Programme": "0101",
        "Consommation de CP": 36290
    "columns": ["rowid", "Mission", "Programme", "Consommation de CP"]


default: show

The _rowid argument is used to display or hide rowids in the returned data. Use _rowid=hide to hide.


    "ok": true,
    "query_ms": 2.681016922,
    "rows": [
        "Mission": "Justice",
        "Programme": "0101",
        "Consommation de CP": 57663310
        "Mission": "Justice",
        "Programme": "0101",
        "Consommation de CP": 2255129
        "Mission": "Justice",
        "Programme": "0101",
        "Consommation de CP": 36290
    "columns": ["Mission", "Programme", "Consommation de CP"]


default: show

The _total argument is used to display or hide the total number of rows (independent of pagination) in the returned data. Use _total=hide to hide.

    "ok": true,
    "query_ms": 2.681016922,
    "rows": [
        "Mission": "Justice",
        "Programme": "0101",
        "Consommation de CP": 57663310
        "Mission": "Justice",
        "Programme": "0101",
        "Consommation de CP": 2255129
        "Mission": "Justice",
        "Programme": "0101",
        "Consommation de CP": 36290
    "columns": ["Mission", "Programme", "Consommation de CP"],
    "total": 3

Column based filters

By adding {column}__{comparator}={value} to the query string, you can filter the results based on the following criterions:

  • {column} must be a valid column in your CSV
  • {comparator} is exact (SQL = {value}) or contains (SQL LIKE %{value}%)
  • {value} is the value you're filtering the column against

You can add multiple filters, they will be joined with a AND at the SQL level.


Inspired by the excellent Datasette.