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--- a/Makefile
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-%.html: %.md template.html metadata.yml assets/css/style.css
-	pandoc "$<" --template "$<" --metadata-file=metadata.yml | pandoc --template "template.html" --metadata-file=metadata.yml -c "assets/css/style.css" --write=html5 -o "$@"
-	@sed -i 's/<\/a> | <a href/<\/a> |\n<a href/g' "$@"
-tutorials.md: tutorials.py tutorials_header.md build/doc/tutorials/Readme.md
-	python3 "$<"
-videos.md: videos.py videos_header.md build/doc/tutorials/Readme.md
-	python3 "$<"
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..43405e793a9
--- /dev/null
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+<h1 id="espresso-documentation">ESPResSo documentation</h1>
+<p>These GitHub Pages provide the user manuals of every ESPResSo release
+since 4.0.0 as well as the user guide, tutorials and doxygen
+documentation of the development branch of ESPResSo (updated during
+nightly builds). When adding a new release, update the
+<code>latest_release</code> variable in file
+<p>The material is generated automatically from ESPResSo sources
+licensed under the <a
+href="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html">GNU GPL 3</a>,
+unless stated otherwise. The theme files were obtained from
+jekyll-theme-slate, available at <a
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--- a/Readme.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# ESPResSo documentation
-These GitHub Pages provide the user manuals of every ESPResSo release since
-4.0.0 as well as the user guide, tutorials and doxygen documentation of the
-development branch of ESPResSo (updated during nightly builds). When adding
-a new release, update the `latest_release` variable in file `metadata.yml`.
-The material is generated automatically from ESPResSo sources licensed under
-the [GNU GPL 3](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html), unless stated
-otherwise. The theme files were obtained from jekyll-theme-slate, available
-at [pages-themes/slate](https://github.com/pages-themes/slate) and licensed
-under the [CC0 1.0 Universal](http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/).
-The Jekyll template was generated with Jekyll 3.9.0.
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+<h1 id="user-guide">User guide</h1>
+<li>For <a href="doc/index.html">ESPResSo devel</a></li>
+<li>For <a href="doc4.2.2/index.html">ESPResSo 4.2.2</a></li>
+<h1 id="tutorials">Tutorials</h1>
+<li>For <a href="tutorials.html">ESPResSo devel</a></li>
+<li>For <a href="tutorials4.2.2.html">ESPResSo 4.2.2</a></li>
+<li><a href="videos.html">Online videos</a></li>
+<h1 id="development">Development</h1>
+<li><a href="https://github.com/espressomd/espresso/wiki">Developer’s
+<li><a href="dox/index.html">Doxygen documentation</a></li>
+<h1 id="further-documentation">Further documentation</h1>
+<li><a href="quickstart.html">Quickstart</a></li>
+bug reports</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://espressomd.org/wordpress/?page_id=79">User’s Mailing
+List</a> (<a
+<li><a href="http://espressomd.org/wordpress/">ESPResSo official
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@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# User guide
-* For [ESPResSo devel](doc/index.html)
-* For [ESPResSo $latest_release$](doc$latest_release$/index.html)
-# Tutorials
-* For [ESPResSo devel](tutorials.html)
-* For [ESPResSo $latest_release$](tutorials$latest_release$.html)
-* [Online videos](videos.html)
-# Development
-* [Developer's Guide](https://github.com/espressomd/espresso/wiki)
-* [Doxygen documentation](dox/index.html)
-# Further documentation
-* [Quickstart](quickstart.html)
-* [Installation FAQ](https://github.com/espressomd/espresso/wiki/Installation-FAQ)
-* [Filing bug reports](https://github.com/espressomd/espresso/wiki/Filing-bug-reports)
-* [User's Mailing List](http://espressomd.org/wordpress/?page_id=79)
-  ([archives](http://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/espressomd-users/))
-* [ESPResSo official website](http://espressomd.org/wordpress/)
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new file mode 100644
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+          <h2 id="project_tagline">Extensible Simulation Package for Research on Soft Matter Systems</h2>
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+<h1 id="quickstart">Quickstart</h1>
+<p>New users should follow these steps to get <strong>ESPResSo</strong>
+<ol type="1">
+<li>Check the <a href="doc/installation.html#requirements">installation
+requirements</a> for your operating system</li>
+<li><a href="https://espressomd.org/wordpress/download/">Download
+<li><a href="doc/installation.html#quick-installation">Build
+<li>Run your script with <code>./pypresso my_script.py</code></li>
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# Quickstart
-New users should follow these steps to get **ESPResSo** running:
-1. Check the [installation requirements](doc/installation.html#requirements) for your operating system
-2. [Download **ESPResSo**](https://espressomd.org/wordpress/download/)
-3. [Build **ESPResSo**](doc/installation.html#quick-installation)
-4. Run your script with `./pypresso my_script.py`
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+<h1 id="tutorials">Tutorials</h1>
+<p>All tutorials are available as Jupyter notebooks and can be found in
+<code>doc/tutorials/</code> in the source code and <a
+<p><a href="https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/jngrad/espresso-binder/HEAD"><img
+alt="Launch with Binder" /></a> <a
+alt="Launch with Gitpod" /></a></p>
+<h3 id="introductory-tutorials">Introductory tutorials</h3>
+<li><strong>Simulate a simple Lennard-Jones liquid</strong><br />
+Modelling of a single-component and a two-component Lennard-Jones
+liquid.<br />
+<a href="tutorials/lennard_jones/lennard_jones.html">Guide</a></li>
+<li><strong>Error analysis</strong><br />
+Statistical analysis of simulation results<br />
+Guide <a href="tutorials/error_analysis/error_analysis_part1.html">Part
+1</a> | <a
+<li><strong>Visualization</strong><br />
+Using the online visualizers of ESPResSo.<br />
+<a href="tutorials/visualization/visualization.html">Guide</a></li>
+<h3 id="intermediate-tutorials">Intermediate tutorials</h3>
+<li><strong>Charged systems</strong><br />
+Modelling of ion condensation around a charged rod.<br />
+<a href="tutorials/charged_system/charged_system.html">Guide</a></li>
+<li><strong>Langevin dynamics</strong><br />
+Modelling of Brownian motion and measurement of diffusion
+coefficients.<br />
+<li><strong>Ferrofluid</strong><br />
+Modelling of a monolayer ferrofluid system.<br />
+Guide <a href="tutorials/ferrofluid/ferrofluid_part1.html">Part 1</a> |
+<a href="tutorials/ferrofluid/ferrofluid_part2.html">Part 2</a> | <a
+href="tutorials/ferrofluid/ferrofluid_part3.html">Part 3</a></li>
+<li><strong>Lattice-Boltzmann</strong><br />
+Simulations including hydrodynamic interactions using the
+Lattice-Boltzmann method.<br />
+Guide <a
+1</a> | <a
+2</a> | <a
+<li><strong>Polymers</strong><br />
+Modelling polymers with hydrodynamic interactions.<br />
+<a href="tutorials/polymers/polymers.html">Guide</a></li>
+<li><strong>Raspberry electrophoresis</strong><br />
+Extended objects in a Lattice-Boltzmann fluid, raspberry
+particles.<br />
+<h3 id="advanced-tutorials">Advanced tutorials</h3>
+<li><strong>Active matter</strong><br />
+Modelling of self-propelling particles.<br />
+<a href="tutorials/active_matter/active_matter.html">Guide</a></li>
+<li><strong>Electrokinetics</strong><br />
+Modelling electrokinetics together with hydrodynamic interactions.<br />
+<a href="tutorials/electrokinetics/electrokinetics.html">Guide</a></li>
+<li><strong>Electrodes</strong><br />
+Modelling electrodes and measuring differential capacitance with the ELC
+method.<br />
+<a href="tutorials/electrodes/electrodes_part1.html">Part 1</a> | <a
+href="tutorials/electrodes/electrodes_part2.html">Part 2</a></li>
+<li><strong>Constant pH method</strong><br />
+Modelling an acid dissociation curve using the constant pH method.<br />
+<a href="tutorials/constant_pH/constant_pH.html">Guide</a></li>
+<li><strong>Widom particle insertion method</strong><br />
+Measuring the excess chemical potential of a salt solution using the
+Widom particle insertion method.<br />
+<a href="tutorials/widom_insertion/widom_insertion.html">Guide</a></li>
+<li><strong>Grand-Canonical Monte Carlo</strong> Simulating a
+polyelectrolyte solution coupled to a reservoir of salt. <a
+      </section>
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diff --git a/tutorials.py b/tutorials.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4365da5cf1a..00000000000
--- a/tutorials.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2021 The ESPResSo project
-# This file is part of ESPResSo.
-# ESPResSo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# ESPResSo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-This script generates the landing page for tutorials.
-import re
-marker_begin = '[comment]: # (Begin of tutorials landing page)'
-marker_end = '[comment]: # (End of tutorials landing page)'
-with open('build/doc/tutorials/Readme.md') as f:
-    content = f.read()
-assert marker_begin in content, f'Readme.md is missing "{marker_begin}"'
-assert marker_end in content, f'Readme.md is missing "{marker_end}"'
-tutorial_descriptions = content.split(marker_begin)[1].split(marker_end)[0]
-tutorial_descriptions = tutorial_descriptions.replace('.ipynb', '.html')
-tutorial_descriptions = re.sub(r"\]\((?!https?://)", '](tutorials/', tutorial_descriptions)
-with open('tutorials_header.md', 'r') as f:
-    tutorial_header = f.read()
-with open('tutorials.md', 'w') as f:
-    f.write(tutorial_header + tutorial_descriptions)
diff --git a/tutorials4.1.4.html b/tutorials4.1.4.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2d6962e1a73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials4.1.4.html
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
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+<h1 id="tutorials-for-espresso-4.1.4">Tutorials for ESPResSo 4.1.4</h1>
+<p>All tutorials are available as Jupyter notebooks and can be found in
+<code>doc/tutorials/</code> in the source code and <a
+<h4 id="introductory-tutorials">Introductory tutorials</h4>
+<li><strong>Simulate a simple Lennard-Jones liquid</strong><br />
+Modelling of a single-component and a two-component Lennard-Jones
+liquid.<br />
+<li><strong>Visualization</strong><br />
+Using the online visualizers of ESPResSo.<br />
+<h4 id="intermediate-tutorials">Intermediate tutorials</h4>
+<li><strong>Charged systems</strong><br />
+Modelling of charged systems such as ionic crystals.<br />
+Guide <a
+1</a> <a
+<li><strong>Ferrofluid</strong><br />
+Modelling of a monolayer ferrofluid system.<br />
+Guide <a
+href="tutorials4.1.4/11-ferrofluid/11-ferrofluid_part1.html">Part 1</a>
+| <a href="tutorials4.1.4/11-ferrofluid/11-ferrofluid_part2.html">Part
+2</a> | <a
+<li><strong>Lattice-Boltzmann</strong><br />
+Simulations including hydrodynamic interactions using the
+Lattice-Boltzmann method.<br />
+Guide <a
+1</a> | <a
+2</a> | <a
+3</a> | <a
+<li><strong>Raspberry electrophoresis</strong><br />
+Extended objects in a Lattice-Boltzmann fluid, raspberry
+particles.<br />
+<h4 id="advanced-tutorials">Advanced tutorials</h4>
+<li><strong>Active matter</strong><br />
+Modelling of self-propelling particles.<br />
+href="tutorials4.1.4/06-active_matter/06-active_matter.html">Guide</a> |
+| <a
+<li><strong>Electrokinetics</strong><br />
+Modelling electrokinetics together with hydrodynamic interactions.<br />
+<li><strong>Constant pH method</strong><br />
+Modelling an acid dissociation curve using the constant pH method.<br />
+<li><strong>Reaction Ensemble method</strong><br />
+Modelling an acid dissociation curve using the reaction ensemble
+method.<br />
+      </section>
+    </div>
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Tutorials for ESPResSo 4.1.4
-All tutorials are available as Jupyter notebooks and can be found in `doc/tutorials/` in the
-source code and [on GitHub](https://github.com/espressomd/espresso/tree/4.1.4/doc/tutorials).
-#### Introductory tutorials
-* **Simulate a simple Lennard-Jones liquid**  
-  Modelling of a single-component and a two-component Lennard-Jones liquid.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.1.4/01-lennard_jones/01-lennard_jones.html)
-* **Visualization**  
-  Using the online visualizers of ESPResSo.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.1.4/08-visualization/08-visualization.html)
-#### Intermediate tutorials
-* **Charged systems**  
-  Modelling of charged systems such as ionic crystals.  
-  Guide
-  [Part 1](tutorials4.1.4/02-charged_system/02-charged_system-1.html)
-  [Part 2](tutorials4.1.4/02-charged_system/02-charged_system-2.html)
-* **Ferrofluid**  
-  Modelling of a monolayer ferrofluid system.  
-  Guide
-  [Part 1](tutorials4.1.4/11-ferrofluid/11-ferrofluid_part1.html) |
-  [Part 2](tutorials4.1.4/11-ferrofluid/11-ferrofluid_part2.html) |
-  [Part 3](tutorials4.1.4/11-ferrofluid/11-ferrofluid_part3.html)
-* **Lattice-Boltzmann**  
-  Simulations including hydrodynamic interactions using the Lattice-Boltzmann method.  
-  Guide
-  [Part 1](tutorials4.1.4/04-lattice_boltzmann/04-lattice_boltzmann_part1.html) |
-  [Part 2](tutorials4.1.4/04-lattice_boltzmann/04-lattice_boltzmann_part2.html) |
-  [Part 3](tutorials4.1.4/04-lattice_boltzmann/04-lattice_boltzmann_part3.html) |
-  [Part 4](tutorials4.1.4/04-lattice_boltzmann/04-lattice_boltzmann_part4.html)
-* **Raspberry electrophoresis**  
-  Extended objects in a Lattice-Boltzmann fluid, raspberry particles.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.1.4/05-raspberry_electrophoresis/05-raspberry_electrophoresis.html)
-#### Advanced tutorials
-* **Active matter**  
-  Modelling of self-propelling particles.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.1.4/06-active_matter/06-active_matter.html) |
-  [Exercises](https://github.com/espressomd/espresso/tree/4.1.4/doc/tutorials/06-active_matter/EXERCISES) |
-  [Solutions](https://github.com/espressomd/espresso/tree/4.1.4/doc/tutorials/06-active_matter/SOLUTIONS)
-* **Electrokinetics**  
-  Modelling electrokinetics together with hydrodynamic interactions.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.1.4/07-electrokinetics/07-electrokinetics.html)
-* **Constant pH method**  
-  Modelling an acid dissociation curve using the constant pH method.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.1.4/12-constant_pH/12-constant_pH.html)
-* **Reaction Ensemble method**  
-  Modelling an acid dissociation curve using the reaction ensemble method.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.1.4/10-reaction_ensemble/10-reaction_ensemble.html)
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+<h1 id="tutorials">Tutorials</h1>
+<p>All tutorials are available as Jupyter notebooks and can be found in
+<code>doc/tutorials/</code> in the source code and <a
+<h3 id="introductory-tutorials">Introductory tutorials</h3>
+<li><strong>Simulate a simple Lennard-Jones liquid</strong><br />
+Modelling of a single-component and a two-component Lennard-Jones
+liquid.<br />
+<a href="tutorials4.2.0/lennard_jones/lennard_jones.html">Guide</a></li>
+<li><strong>Error analysis</strong><br />
+Statistical analysis of simulation results<br />
+Guide <a
+1</a> | <a
+<li><strong>Visualization</strong><br />
+Using the online visualizers of ESPResSo.<br />
+<a href="tutorials4.2.0/visualization/visualization.html">Guide</a></li>
+<h3 id="intermediate-tutorials">Intermediate tutorials</h3>
+<li><strong>Charged systems</strong><br />
+Modelling of ion condensation around a charged rod.<br />
+<li><strong>Langevin dynamics</strong><br />
+Modelling of Brownian motion and measurement of diffusion
+coefficients.<br />
+<li><strong>Ferrofluid</strong><br />
+Modelling of a monolayer ferrofluid system.<br />
+Guide <a href="tutorials4.2.0/ferrofluid/ferrofluid_part1.html">Part
+1</a> |
+<a href="tutorials4.2.0/ferrofluid/ferrofluid_part2.html">Part
+2</a> |
+<a href="tutorials4.2.0/ferrofluid/ferrofluid_part3.html">Part
+<li><strong>Lattice-Boltzmann</strong><br />
+Simulations including hydrodynamic interactions using the
+Lattice-Boltzmann method.<br />
+Guide <a
+1</a> | <a
+<li><strong>Polymers</strong><br />
+Modelling polymers with hydrodynamic interactions.<br />
+<a href="tutorials4.2.0/polymers/polymers.html">Guide</a></li>
+<li><strong>Raspberry electrophoresis</strong><br />
+Extended objects in a Lattice-Boltzmann fluid, raspberry
+particles.<br />
+<h3 id="advanced-tutorials">Advanced tutorials</h3>
+<li><strong>Active matter</strong><br />
+Modelling of self-propelling particles.<br />
+<a href="tutorials4.2.0/active_matter/active_matter.html">Guide</a></li>
+<li><strong>Electrokinetics</strong><br />
+Modelling electrokinetics together with hydrodynamic interactions.<br />
+<li><strong>Constant pH method</strong><br />
+Modelling an acid dissociation curve using the constant pH method.<br />
+<a href="tutorials4.2.0/constant_pH/constant_pH.html">Guide</a></li>
+      </section>
+    </div>
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# Tutorials
-All tutorials are available as Jupyter notebooks and can be found in `doc/tutorials/` in the
-source code and [on GitHub](https://github.com/espressomd/espresso/tree/4.2.0/doc/tutorials).
-### Introductory tutorials
-* **Simulate a simple Lennard-Jones liquid**  
-  Modelling of a single-component and a two-component Lennard-Jones liquid.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.0/lennard_jones/lennard_jones.html)
-* **Error analysis**  
-  Statistical analysis of simulation results  
-  Guide
-  [Part 1](tutorials4.2.0/error_analysis/error_analysis_part1.html) |
-  [Part 2](tutorials4.2.0/error_analysis/error_analysis_part2.html)
-* **Visualization**  
-  Using the online visualizers of ESPResSo.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.0/visualization/visualization.html)
-### Intermediate tutorials
-* **Charged systems**  
-  Modelling of ion condensation around a charged rod.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.0/charged_system/charged_system.html)
-* **Langevin dynamics**  
-  Modelling of Brownian motion and measurement of diffusion coefficients.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.0/langevin_dynamics/langevin_dynamics.html)
-* **Ferrofluid**  
-  Modelling of a monolayer ferrofluid system.  
-  Guide
-  [Part 1](tutorials4.2.0/ferrofluid/ferrofluid_part1.html) |
-  [Part 2](tutorials4.2.0/ferrofluid/ferrofluid_part2.html) |
-  [Part 3](tutorials4.2.0/ferrofluid/ferrofluid_part3.html)
-* **Lattice-Boltzmann**  
-  Simulations including hydrodynamic interactions using the Lattice-Boltzmann method.  
-  Guide
-  [Part 1](tutorials4.2.0/lattice_boltzmann/lattice_boltzmann_theory.html) |
-  [Part 2](tutorials4.2.0/lattice_boltzmann/lattice_boltzmann_poiseuille_flow.html)
-* **Polymers**  
-  Modelling polymers with hydrodynamic interactions.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.0/polymers/polymers.html)
-* **Raspberry electrophoresis**  
-  Extended objects in a Lattice-Boltzmann fluid, raspberry particles.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.0/raspberry_electrophoresis/raspberry_electrophoresis.html)
-### Advanced tutorials
-* **Active matter**  
-  Modelling of self-propelling particles.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.0/active_matter/active_matter.html)
-* **Electrokinetics**  
-  Modelling electrokinetics together with hydrodynamic interactions.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.0/electrokinetics/electrokinetics.html)
-* **Constant pH method**  
-  Modelling an acid dissociation curve using the constant pH method.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.0/constant_pH/constant_pH.html)
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+<h1 id="tutorials">Tutorials</h1>
+<p>All tutorials are available as Jupyter notebooks and can be found in
+<code>doc/tutorials/</code> in the source code and <a
+<h3 id="introductory-tutorials">Introductory tutorials</h3>
+<li><strong>Simulate a simple Lennard-Jones liquid</strong><br />
+Modelling of a single-component and a two-component Lennard-Jones
+liquid.<br />
+<a href="tutorials4.2.1/lennard_jones/lennard_jones.html">Guide</a></li>
+<li><strong>Error analysis</strong><br />
+Statistical analysis of simulation results<br />
+Guide <a
+1</a> | <a
+<li><strong>Visualization</strong><br />
+Using the online visualizers of ESPResSo.<br />
+<a href="tutorials4.2.1/visualization/visualization.html">Guide</a></li>
+<h3 id="intermediate-tutorials">Intermediate tutorials</h3>
+<li><strong>Charged systems</strong><br />
+Modelling of ion condensation around a charged rod.<br />
+<li><strong>Langevin dynamics</strong><br />
+Modelling of Brownian motion and measurement of diffusion
+coefficients.<br />
+<li><strong>Ferrofluid</strong><br />
+Modelling of a monolayer ferrofluid system.<br />
+Guide <a href="tutorials4.2.1/ferrofluid/ferrofluid_part1.html">Part
+1</a> |
+<a href="tutorials4.2.1/ferrofluid/ferrofluid_part2.html">Part
+2</a> |
+<a href="tutorials4.2.1/ferrofluid/ferrofluid_part3.html">Part
+<li><strong>Lattice-Boltzmann</strong><br />
+Simulations including hydrodynamic interactions using the
+Lattice-Boltzmann method.<br />
+Guide <a
+1</a> | <a
+<li><strong>Polymers</strong><br />
+Modelling polymers with hydrodynamic interactions.<br />
+<a href="tutorials4.2.1/polymers/polymers.html">Guide</a></li>
+<li><strong>Raspberry electrophoresis</strong><br />
+Extended objects in a Lattice-Boltzmann fluid, raspberry
+particles.<br />
+<h3 id="advanced-tutorials">Advanced tutorials</h3>
+<li><strong>Active matter</strong><br />
+Modelling of self-propelling particles.<br />
+<a href="tutorials4.2.1/active_matter/active_matter.html">Guide</a></li>
+<li><strong>Electrokinetics</strong><br />
+Modelling electrokinetics together with hydrodynamic interactions.<br />
+<li><strong>Constant pH method</strong><br />
+Modelling an acid dissociation curve using the constant pH method.<br />
+<a href="tutorials4.2.1/constant_pH/constant_pH.html">Guide</a></li>
+      </section>
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# Tutorials
-All tutorials are available as Jupyter notebooks and can be found in `doc/tutorials/` in the
-source code and [on GitHub](https://github.com/espressomd/espresso/tree/4.2.1/doc/tutorials).
-### Introductory tutorials
-* **Simulate a simple Lennard-Jones liquid**  
-  Modelling of a single-component and a two-component Lennard-Jones liquid.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.1/lennard_jones/lennard_jones.html)
-* **Error analysis**  
-  Statistical analysis of simulation results  
-  Guide
-  [Part 1](tutorials4.2.1/error_analysis/error_analysis_part1.html) |
-  [Part 2](tutorials4.2.1/error_analysis/error_analysis_part2.html)
-* **Visualization**  
-  Using the online visualizers of ESPResSo.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.1/visualization/visualization.html)
-### Intermediate tutorials
-* **Charged systems**  
-  Modelling of ion condensation around a charged rod.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.1/charged_system/charged_system.html)
-* **Langevin dynamics**  
-  Modelling of Brownian motion and measurement of diffusion coefficients.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.1/langevin_dynamics/langevin_dynamics.html)
-* **Ferrofluid**  
-  Modelling of a monolayer ferrofluid system.  
-  Guide
-  [Part 1](tutorials4.2.1/ferrofluid/ferrofluid_part1.html) |
-  [Part 2](tutorials4.2.1/ferrofluid/ferrofluid_part2.html) |
-  [Part 3](tutorials4.2.1/ferrofluid/ferrofluid_part3.html)
-* **Lattice-Boltzmann**  
-  Simulations including hydrodynamic interactions using the Lattice-Boltzmann method.  
-  Guide
-  [Part 1](tutorials4.2.1/lattice_boltzmann/lattice_boltzmann_theory.html) |
-  [Part 2](tutorials4.2.1/lattice_boltzmann/lattice_boltzmann_poiseuille_flow.html)
-* **Polymers**  
-  Modelling polymers with hydrodynamic interactions.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.1/polymers/polymers.html)
-* **Raspberry electrophoresis**  
-  Extended objects in a Lattice-Boltzmann fluid, raspberry particles.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.1/raspberry_electrophoresis/raspberry_electrophoresis.html)
-### Advanced tutorials
-* **Active matter**  
-  Modelling of self-propelling particles.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.1/active_matter/active_matter.html)
-* **Electrokinetics**  
-  Modelling electrokinetics together with hydrodynamic interactions.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.1/electrokinetics/electrokinetics.html)
-* **Constant pH method**  
-  Modelling an acid dissociation curve using the constant pH method.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.1/constant_pH/constant_pH.html)
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+<h1 id="tutorials">Tutorials</h1>
+<p>All tutorials are available as Jupyter notebooks and can be found in
+<code>doc/tutorials/</code> in the source code and <a
+<h3 id="introductory-tutorials">Introductory tutorials</h3>
+<li><strong>Simulate a simple Lennard-Jones liquid</strong><br />
+Modelling of a single-component and a two-component Lennard-Jones
+liquid.<br />
+<a href="tutorials4.2.2/lennard_jones/lennard_jones.html">Guide</a></li>
+<li><strong>Error analysis</strong><br />
+Statistical analysis of simulation results<br />
+Guide <a
+1</a> | <a
+<li><strong>Visualization</strong><br />
+Using the online visualizers of ESPResSo.<br />
+<a href="tutorials4.2.2/visualization/visualization.html">Guide</a></li>
+<h3 id="intermediate-tutorials">Intermediate tutorials</h3>
+<li><strong>Charged systems</strong><br />
+Modelling of ion condensation around a charged rod.<br />
+<li><strong>Langevin dynamics</strong><br />
+Modelling of Brownian motion and measurement of diffusion
+coefficients.<br />
+<li><strong>Ferrofluid</strong><br />
+Modelling of a monolayer ferrofluid system.<br />
+Guide <a href="tutorials4.2.2/ferrofluid/ferrofluid_part1.html">Part
+1</a> |
+<a href="tutorials4.2.2/ferrofluid/ferrofluid_part2.html">Part
+2</a> |
+<a href="tutorials4.2.2/ferrofluid/ferrofluid_part3.html">Part
+<li><strong>Lattice-Boltzmann</strong><br />
+Simulations including hydrodynamic interactions using the
+Lattice-Boltzmann method.<br />
+Guide <a
+1</a> | <a
+<li><strong>Polymers</strong><br />
+Modelling polymers with hydrodynamic interactions.<br />
+<a href="tutorials4.2.2/polymers/polymers.html">Guide</a></li>
+<li><strong>Raspberry electrophoresis</strong><br />
+Extended objects in a Lattice-Boltzmann fluid, raspberry
+particles.<br />
+<h3 id="advanced-tutorials">Advanced tutorials</h3>
+<li><strong>Active matter</strong><br />
+Modelling of self-propelling particles.<br />
+<a href="tutorials4.2.2/active_matter/active_matter.html">Guide</a></li>
+<li><strong>Electrokinetics</strong><br />
+Modelling electrokinetics together with hydrodynamic interactions.<br />
+<li><strong>Constant pH method</strong><br />
+Modelling an acid dissociation curve using the constant pH method.<br />
+<a href="tutorials4.2.2/constant_pH/constant_pH.html">Guide</a></li>
+      </section>
+    </div>
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+        <p class="copyright">ESPResSo maintained by <a href="https://github.com/espressomd">espressomd</a></p>
+        <p>Published with <a href="https://pages.github.com/">GitHub Pages</a></p>
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-# Tutorials
-All tutorials are available as Jupyter notebooks and can be found in `doc/tutorials/` in the
-source code and [on GitHub](https://github.com/espressomd/espresso/tree/python/doc/tutorials).
-### Introductory tutorials
-* **Simulate a simple Lennard-Jones liquid**  
-  Modelling of a single-component and a two-component Lennard-Jones liquid.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.2/lennard_jones/lennard_jones.html)
-* **Error analysis**  
-  Statistical analysis of simulation results  
-  Guide
-  [Part 1](tutorials4.2.2/error_analysis/error_analysis_part1.html) |
-  [Part 2](tutorials4.2.2/error_analysis/error_analysis_part2.html)
-* **Visualization**  
-  Using the online visualizers of ESPResSo.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.2/visualization/visualization.html)
-### Intermediate tutorials
-* **Charged systems**  
-  Modelling of ion condensation around a charged rod.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.2/charged_system/charged_system.html)
-* **Langevin dynamics**  
-  Modelling of Brownian motion and measurement of diffusion coefficients.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.2/langevin_dynamics/langevin_dynamics.html)
-* **Ferrofluid**  
-  Modelling of a monolayer ferrofluid system.  
-  Guide
-  [Part 1](tutorials4.2.2/ferrofluid/ferrofluid_part1.html) |
-  [Part 2](tutorials4.2.2/ferrofluid/ferrofluid_part2.html) |
-  [Part 3](tutorials4.2.2/ferrofluid/ferrofluid_part3.html)
-* **Lattice-Boltzmann**  
-  Simulations including hydrodynamic interactions using the Lattice-Boltzmann method.  
-  Guide
-  [Part 1](tutorials4.2.2/lattice_boltzmann/lattice_boltzmann_theory.html) |
-  [Part 2](tutorials4.2.2/lattice_boltzmann/lattice_boltzmann_poiseuille_flow.html)
-* **Polymers**  
-  Modelling polymers with hydrodynamic interactions.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.2/polymers/polymers.html)
-* **Raspberry electrophoresis**  
-  Extended objects in a Lattice-Boltzmann fluid, raspberry particles.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.2/raspberry_electrophoresis/raspberry_electrophoresis.html)
-### Advanced tutorials
-* **Active matter**  
-  Modelling of self-propelling particles.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.2/active_matter/active_matter.html)
-* **Electrokinetics**  
-  Modelling electrokinetics together with hydrodynamic interactions.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.2/electrokinetics/electrokinetics.html)
-* **Constant pH method**  
-  Modelling an acid dissociation curve using the constant pH method.  
-  [Guide](tutorials4.2.2/constant_pH/constant_pH.html)
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-# Tutorials
-All tutorials are available as Jupyter notebooks and can be found in `doc/tutorials/` in the
-source code and [on GitHub](https://github.com/espressomd/espresso/tree/python/doc/tutorials).
diff --git a/videos.html b/videos.html
new file mode 100644
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+          <h1 id="project_title">ESPResSo</h1>
+          <h2 id="project_tagline">Extensible Simulation Package for Research on Soft Matter Systems</h2>
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+<h1 id="online-videos">Online videos</h1>
+<p>Video lectures about <strong>ESPResSo</strong> are available on
+YouTube. Follow <a
+Simulation Package</a> channel to get the latest updates!</p>
+<li><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aP4jvpD-D1w">Introduction
+to ESPResSo</a></li>
+<li><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlvF1Zk3AAs">How to run
+ESPResSo inside Visual Studio Code</a></li>
+<li><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-HCxj9dUIU">Error
+Estimation in Time-Correlated Data</a></li>
+<li><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPryFf7MQTg">Electrostatic
+<li><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrnDg-3j2ik">Introduction
+to Charged Soft Matter</a></li>
+<li><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64rNmTpoS1c">Managing
+Simulation Data</a></li>
+<li><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbL3EdVCbkI">Introduction
+to Ferrofluids</a></li>
+<li><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSF5-eciwms">Molecular
+Modelling of Polymers</a></li>
+<li><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUG-PSaMFVM">Simulating
+Chemical Reactions in ESPResSo</a></li>
+<li><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfk4feD7rFQ">Introduction
+to Lattice Boltzmann Method</a></li>
+      </section>
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-# Copyright (C) 2021 The ESPResSo project
-# This file is part of ESPResSo.
-# ESPResSo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# ESPResSo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-This script generates the landing page for video lectures.
-marker_begin = '[comment]: # (Begin of videos landing page)'
-marker_end = '[comment]: # (End of videos landing page)'
-with open('build/doc/tutorials/Readme.md') as f:
-    content = f.read()
-assert marker_begin in content, f'Readme.md is missing "{marker_begin}"'
-assert marker_end in content, f'Readme.md is missing "{marker_end}"'
-video_descriptions = content.split(marker_begin)[1].split(marker_end)[0]
-with open('videos_header.md', 'r') as f:
-    video_header = f.read()
-with open('videos.md', 'w') as f:
-    f.write(video_header + video_descriptions)
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-# Online videos
-Video lectures about **ESPResSo** are available on YouTube. 
-Follow [ESPResSo Simulation Package](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6yzqhq2KrT-aDhPjcL-VNw/)
-channel to get the latest updates!