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1. Webservices

DSS offers REST and SOAP web services.

The different webservices are :

  • Signature webservices (dss-signature-soap / dss-signature-rest) and their clients: expose methods to allow signing and augmenting or counter-signing a signature from a client.

  • Server-signing webservice (dss-server-signing-soap / dss-server-signing-rest) and their clients: expose methods to retrieve keys from a server (PKCS#11, PKCS#12, HSM, etc.) and to sign the digest on the server side.

  • Signature validation webservices (dss-validation-soap / dss-validation-rest) and their clients: expose methods to allow signature validation, with an optional detached file and an optional validation policy.

  • Certificate validation webservices (dss-certificate-validation-soap / dss-certificate-validation-rest) and their clients: expose methods to allow certificate validation, with an optional provided certificate chain and custom validation time.

  • Timestamp webservices (dss-timestamp-remote-soap / dss-timestamp-remote-rest) and their clients: expose methods to allow remote timestamp creation, by providing digest value to be timestamped and a digest algorithm, used for the digest calculation.

The data structure in webservices is similar in both REST and SOAP modules.

The documentation will cover the REST calls. All the REST services present in DSS are compliant with OpenAPI Specification.

Additionally, we also provide a SOAP-UI and Postman samples in the dss-cookbook module for simplicity.

1.1. REST

1.1.1. REST signature service

This service is composed by two modules:

  • dss-signature-service-client - provides client interfaces for the REST webservices;

  • dss-signature-service - contains REST webservices for signature creation, augmentation and document timestamping.

This service exposes several methods taking as input one or more document and having as output a signed data object (possibly a timestamped document):

Rest signature service
link:../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/snippets/ws/rest/[role=include] Single document signing

A document signing assumes a signature creation in three (or four) consecutive steps (see [SignatureCreationInDSS] for more information). Two of the steps, namely "get data to sign" and "sign document" are available within the current module.

Below you can find examples for processing these steps when signing a single document. Get data to sign

The method allows retrieving the data to be signed. The user sends the document to be signed, the parameters (signature level, etc.) and the certificate chain.

The parameters in getDataToSign and signDocument MUST be the same (especially the signing date).

Samples: Sign document

The method allows generation of the signed document with the received signature value.

The parameters in getDataToSign and signDocument MUST be the same (especially the signing date).

Samples: Multiple document signing

Similarly to Single document signing, the service exposes methods which allow signing of multiple documents with one signature (format dependent). Get data to sign

The method allows retrieving the data to be signed. The user sends the documents to be signed, the parameters (signature level, etc.) and the certificate chain.

The parameters in getDataToSign and signDocument MUST be the same (especially the signing date).

Samples: Sign document

The method allows generation of the signed document with the received signature value.

The parameters in getDataToSign and signDocument MUST be the same (especially the signing date).

Samples: Extend document

The method allows augmentation of an existing signature to a higher level.

Samples: Timestamp document

The method allows timestamping of a provided document. Available for PDF, ASiC-E and ASiC-S container formats.

Samples: Counter-signature

Similarly to Single document signing, the counter-signature creation requires execution of three (or four) consecutive steps, with the difference requiring a signed document to be provided as an input and Id of the signature to be counter-signed. Get data to be counter-signed

This method returns the data to be signed in order to create a counter signature. The user should provide a document containing a signature to be counter-signed, id of the signature, and other parameters similarly to the method 'getDataToSign()'.

The parameters in getDataToBeCounterSigned and counterSignSignature MUST be the same (especially the signing date).

Samples: Counter-Sign Signature

This method incorporates a created counter signature to unsigned properties of the master signature with this specified id.

The parameters in getDataToBeCounterSigned and counterSignSignature MUST be the same (especially the signing date).

Samples: Trusted List signing

Special methods have been exposed (since DSS 5.10) allowing to sign a Trusted List (TL) or a List of Trusted Lists (LOTL) using a simplified interface with a pre-configured set of parameters.

The key difference with Single document signing methods is the use of the RemoteTrustedListSignatureParameters object, containing a limited set of important parameters for TL-signature creation, instead of RemoteSignatureParameters object, containing a wide set of various parameters. Get data to sign

The method allows retrieving the data to be signed. The user sends the Trusted List to be signed and the parameters (signing certificate, signing date, etc.).

The parameters in getDataToSign and signDocument MUST be the same (especially the signing date).

Samples: Sign document

The method allows generation of the signed Trusted List with the received signature value.

The parameters in getDataToSign and signDocument MUST be the same (especially the signing date).

Samples: PAdES with external CMS signing

Since version 5.12, DSS provides functionality for a PAdES signature creation using an external CMS signature provider (see [PAdESWithExternalCMS] for more details).

Those services are also exposed in the corresponding REST/SOAP interfaces (see below). Get message-digest

This method prepares a PDF signature revision and calculates message-digest based on its byte range.

Samples: Sign document

The method generates a signed PDF document using the CMS signature obtained from an external signature provider.

The parameters in getMessageDigest and signDocument MUST be the same (especially the signing date).

Samples: External CMS for PDF signature

For remote-signing solution, creating a CMS signature suitable for a PAdES-BASELINE format of a PDF signature creation, the webservice with the following methods may be exposed (see [PAdESWithExternalCMS] for more details): Get data to sign

This method generates signed attributes using a message-digest of a PDF signature’s byte range computed externally and created a DTBS.

Samples: Sign message-digest

Creates a CMS signature signing provided message-digest suitable for a PAdES-BASELINE signature creation.

The parameters in getDataToSign and signMessageDigest MUST be the same.


1.1.2. REST server signing service

This service also exposes some methods for server signing operations:

Rest server signing service
link:../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/snippets/ws/rest/[role=include] Get keys

This method allows retrieving of all available keys on the server side (PKCS#11, PKCS#12, HSM, etc.). All keys will have an alias, a signing certificate and its chain. The alias will be used in following steps.

Samples: Get key

This method allows retrieving a key information for a given alias.

Samples: Sign

This method allows signing of given data with a server side certificate.

Samples: Sign with Mask function

This method allows signing of given data with a server side certificate by providing a mask function (i.e. MGF1).

Samples: Sign with Signature Algorithm

This method allows signing of given data with a server side certificate by enforcing the target Signature Algorithm.

Samples: Sign Digest

This method allows signing of given digests with a server side certificate.

Samples: Sign Digest with Mask function

This method allows signing of given digests with a server side certificate by providing a mask function (i.e. MGF1).

Samples: Sign Digest with Signature Algorithm

This method allows signing of given data with a server side certificate by enforcing the target Signature Algorithm.


1.1.3. REST validation service

DSS provides also a module for documents validation.

Rest validation service
link:../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/snippets/ws/rest/[role=include] Validate a document

This service allows a signature validation (all formats/types) against a validation policy.

Samples: Retrieve original document(s)

This service returns the signed data for a given signature.


1.1.4. REST certificate validation service

The certificate validation service is used for validation of a certificate with the respective certificate chain.

Rest certificate validation service
link:../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/snippets/ws/rest/[role=include] Validate a certificate

This service allows a certificate validation (provided in a binary format).


1.1.5. REST timestamp service

This service implements a timestamp creation.

Rest timestamp service
link:../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/snippets/ws/rest/[role=include] Get Timestamp Response

This service allows a remote timestamp creation. The method takes as an input the digest to be timestamped and digest algorithm that has been used for the digest value computation. The output of the method is the generated timestamp’s binaries.


1.2. SOAP

The use of SOAP webServices is very similar to the REST implementation explained above. The main difference is the used implementation of the service. All methods, used parameters and output objects are aligned between both REST and SOAP implementations.

1.2.1. SOAP signature service

SOAP signature service’s client is initialized using SoapDocumentSignatureService class.

Soap signature service

The use of the client is similar to REST signature service.

1.2.2. SOAP server signing service

SOAP server signing service’s client is initialized using SoapSignatureTokenConnection class.

Soap server signing service

The use of the client is similar to REST server signing service.

1.2.3. SOAP validation service

SOAP validation service’s client is initialized using SoapDocumentValidationService class.

Soap validation service

The use of the client is similar to REST validation service.

1.2.4. SOAP certificate validation service

SOAP validation service’s client is initialized using SoapCertificateValidationService class.

Soap certificate validation service

The use of the client is similar to REST certificate validation service.

1.2.5. SOAP timestamp service

SOAP validation service’s client is initialized using SoapTimestampService class.

Soap timestamp service

The use of the client is similar to REST timestamp service.