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gopray 🙏

A Telegram Bot to get muslim prayers time, And subscribe to get notified on the prayers time

Build status wakatime Report card codecov

Contributing 🤼

Before we start talking about the bot, I would really appreciate if you can contribute to this project by adding more features or fixing bugs. It is totally open source and free to use. 😁

Usecase 🛠️

graph LR
A[User] --> |Get Prayers Time| B((Bot))
A[User] --> |Subscribe To Bot| B((Bot))
A[User] --> |Change Bot Language| B((Bot))
B((Bot)) --> |Notify Users about prayers| B((Bot))
A[User] --> |Send Feedback Messages\nOr Bug Reports| B((Bot))
B((Bot)) --> |Store Prayers Time| D[[Run Time Memory]]
B((Bot)) --> |Store User ID For Subscriptions| C[[Database]]

Subscription Feature 📢

This feature allows the bot to notify users 20 min before the prayers time. (Time is set by the UPCOMING_REMINDER env variable)

Users can subscribe to the bot by sending /subscribe command to the bot. And unsubscribe by sending /unsubscribe command to the bot.

Also on friday the bot will remind the user to pray Gomaa prayer. at 7:00 PM (Time is set by the GOMOAA_REMINDER_HOUR env variable), This is value to when to remind them, The prayer time is calculated based on the prayers time of the day and sent to the user.

How it works 🤔

In order to implement this feature, We have to make to bot wait until 20 min are left before the prayer's time. And then send a notification to the subscribed users.

Also, when the time of the prayer's arrive we should also notify them.

So for that I use simple channels to sleep the goroutine until the time is right to send the notification.

The first sleep is until the 20 min before the prayer's time. And the second is until the prayer's time.

for more details check the notifier code.

Bot Options 🤖

Default Commands 📝

Command Description
/help Get help message showing all possible commands
/prayers Get prayers time
/date Get prayers time by date
/subscribe Subscribe to get notified on the prayers time
/unsubscribe Unsubscribe to not get notified on the prayers time
/lang Change the bot language (Default English)
/feedback Send feedback to the bot owner
/bug Report a bug to the bot owner

Admin Commands 📝

Command Description
/subs Get subscribers count
/sall Send message to all subscribers
/respond Respond to feedback or bug message

References 📚

Upcoming Features 🚀

Version 1 Milestones 🏁

  • Support date format for /prayersdate command with leading zeros and with delimiters (. / -)
  • Implement subscriptions & notifications
  • Update text messages to be more user-friendly

Version 2 Milestones 🏁

  • store prayers time in memory to reduce the number of requests to the database since the prayers time is not changing
  • make response endpoint for admin to respond to feedback & bug messages
  • remind about gomaa prayer on friday

Version 3 Milestones 🏁

  • Add time keyboard to /date command
  • Remove selection message for /date & /lang after the use interacts with the message or timeout
  • On new user commands terminate other going channels that are listening to the chat
  • Add feature to delete old prayer time message when new one is sent
  • Add feature to send all subscribers a message from admin
  • Add feature to get count of subscribers for admin
  • Write more robust tests for core features

Version 4 Milestones 🏁

  • Add different languages support (AR, RU, TT, TR, UZ)
  • Use script messages in the bot
  • Set user script before command if nor set
  • USe script commands in notifications
  • Fix prayers timetable for other languages

Version 5 Milestones 🏁

  • Refactor the code to be more readable and maintainable
  • Enhance logging to be more informative and useful
  • Enable using many bot in the same code