Use the documentation if needed
Open another terminal window and change directory to e2e-wdio-mocha
Open your wdio.conf.js
Look for comments that contain TODO -selenium and drivers config
Lookup the latest drivers versions using the link found in the comment and add them to the object
Add the selenium config object to your config using the properties seleniumInstallArgs
and seleniumArgs
Use the documentation if needed
Open a terminal window
Open another terminal window and change directory to e2e-wdio-jasmine
Create a page object called Page
1. Add a method called `navigateTo` and make it navigate to a specific path which is passed in as an argument
Create a page object called TipsAndTricksPage
for the tips-and-tricks page [tips-and-tricks.js]
in the following location ./e2e-wdio-jasmine/test/pages
1. import the main page class
2. extend the main page class with the new class
3. implement the following methods
getCardByTitle - get a specific Angular card element by title
getCards - get all the Angular card elements on the page
navigateTo - navigate to the tips-and-tricks page (tip: do not forget to use the `super` keyword here)
Create a card and search component and add them to the page objects you've just created
1. add a getter called `title`
2. retrieve the title element using the following selector `.mat-card-title`
1. add a getter called `subTitle`
2. retieve the subTitle element using the following selector `.mat-card-subtitle`
1. add a getter called `content`
2. retrieve the content element using the following selector `.mat-card-content`
1. add a getter called `bar`
2. retrieve the search bar element using the following selector `#searchbar`
Add the card component to the tips-and-tricks page
1. import the card component into the tips-and-tricks page
2. create a constructor
3. add this.card to the constructor and assign a new instance of the card component class
Add the search component to the tips-and-tricks page
1. import the search component into the tips-and-tricks page
2. create a constructor
3. add `` to the constructor and assign a new instance of the search component class
Run the tests that are predefined in the e2e-wdio-jasmine
folder by running npm test
from the terminal
Use the documentation if needed
Add one suite called basic
Add one suite called advanced
Run only the basic tests using the --suite
Use the documentation if needed
It's a best practice to not put sensitive data in your code, instead use environment variables to be stored on your machine.
In Terminal mode, enter vi ~/.bash_profile, and then press Enter.
Press i to insert text into your profile file.
Enter these lines:
export SAUCE_USERNAME="your Sauce username"
export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY="your sauce access key"
Press Escape.
Hold Shift and press Z twice (z z) to save your file and quit vi.
In the terminal, enter source ~/.bash_profile.
Click Start on the task bar.
For Search programs and fields, enter Environment Variables.
Click Edit the environment variables.
This will open the System Properties dialog.
Click Environment Variables.
This will open the Environment Variables dialog.
In the System variables section, click New.
This will open the New System Variable dialog.
For Variable name, enter SAUCE_USERNAME.
For Variable value, enter your Sauce username.
Click OK.
Repeat 4 - 8 to set up the SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY.
Open your wdio.conf.js
Add a property called user
the top, just below the exports.config part and add the following value process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME
Add a property called key
the top, just below the exports.config part and add the following value process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY
Run the tests using npm test