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Haystack Manual

How To Use

You can start using Haystack right away, like so:

use Haystack\HArray;

$myArray = (new HArray())->insert("orange", "o");

Or you can use Haystack later on, like so:

use Haystack\HArray;

$existingArray = range(1, 10);
$myArray = (new HArray($existingArray))->insert("orange", "o");


Main Classes of Haystack

The main classes of Haystack are HArray and HString

HArray is designed as a replacement for the standard PHP Array; HString is designed as a replacement for the standard PHP String. These two types of objects share many of the same method calls. In Haystack, accessing and manipulating an array, for the most part, is no different from accessing and manipulating a string. Where differences exist, this document shall show those differences.

Collection Pipeline

HArray and HString can also be used as a concise Collection Pipeline by using map, reduce and filter with a fluent interface.

use Haystack\HArray;

$result = (new HArray([3, 5, 7, 9, 11]))
  ->map(function ($i) { return $i * $i; })                  // Square [9, 25, 49, 81, 121]
  ->filter(function ($i) { return $i > 30; })               // Only large numbers [49, 81, 121]
  ->reduce(function ($carry, $i) { return $carry += $i; }); // Sum

var_dump($result); // int(251)

Common Methods in HArray and HString

toArray() - Converts HArray or HString to a standard PHP array.

use Haystack\HArray;
use Haystack\HString;

$array = (new HArray(range(1, 4)))->toArray(); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
$stringArray = (new HString("abcdefg"))->toArray(); // ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"]

Container Methods

contains($element) - Checks to see if $element is contained within the current HString or HArray. Returns boolean.

use Haystack\HArray;
use Haystack\HString;

$myString = new HString("I am the very model of a modern major-general");
$myArray = new HArray(["apple", "banana", "celery"]);

$myString->contains("model"); // bool(true)
$myString->contains("view"); // bool(false)

$myArray->contains("banana"); // bool(true)
$myArray->contains("raspberry"); // bool(false)

locate($element) - Returns the array key of the first instance of $element within the current HString or HArray. Returns an ElementNotFoundException if not found.

use Haystack\HArray;
use Haystack\HString;

$myString = new HString("I am the very model of a modern major-general");
$myArray = new HArray(["a" => "apple", "b" => "banana", "c" => "celery"]);

$key = $myString->locate("a"); // int(2)
$key = $myString->locate("mod"); // int(14)
$key = $myString->locate("z"); // ElementNotFoundException - "Element could not be found: z"

$key = $myArray->locate("apple"); // "a"
$key = $myArray->locate("daikon"); // ElementNotFoundException - "Element could not be found: daikon"

append($element) - Adds an element to the end of the collection.

use Haystack\HArray;
use Haystack\HString;

$myString = new HString("I am the very model of a modern major-general");
$myArray = new HArray(["a" => "apple", "b" => "banana", "c" => "celery"]);

$newString = $myString->append(", I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral");
// "I am the very model of a modern major-general, I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral"

$newArray = $myArray->append(["d" => "daikon"]); // ["a" => "apple", "b" => "banana", "c" => "celery", ["d" => "daikon"]]

insert($element, $key = null) - Inserts an element at the $key location; if $key is not identified, the element is inserted at the end.

use Haystack\HArray;
use Haystack\HString;

$myString = new HString("I am the very model of a modern major-general");
$myArray = new HArray(["a" => "apple", "b" => "banana", "c" => "celery"]);

$newString = $myString->insert(", I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral");
// "I am the very model of a modern major-general, I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral"
$newString = $myString->insert("think that I ", 2);
// "I think that I am the very model of a modern major-general"

$newArray = $myArray->insert(["d" => "daikon"]); //["a" => "apple", "b" => "banana", "c" => "celery", "d" => "daikon"]
$newArray = $myArray->insert(["a" => "apricot"]); // ["a" => ["apple", "apricot"], "b" => "banana", "c" => "celery"]
$newArray = $myArray->insert("apricot", "a"); // ["a" => ["apple", "apricot"], "b" => "banana", "c" => "celery"]

remove($element) - Removes an element, if found.

use Haystack\HArray;
use Haystack\HString;

$myString = new HString("I am the very model of a modern major-general");
$myArray = new HArray(["a" => "apple", "b" => "banana", "c" => "celery"]);

$newString = $myString->remove("the very model of "); // "I am a modern major-general"
$newArray = $myArray->remove("banana"); // ["a" => "apple", "c" => "celery"]

slice($start, $length = null) - Shows only part of the array or string.

  • $start (integer) is the point in the HArray or HString to start slicing. If this number is positive, start that far on the left; if this number is negative, start that far on the right.
  • $length (integer or null) is the amount of items to slice. If this number is null, the length will be the rest of the HArray or HString; if the length is positive, the length will be the distance forward the HArray or HString will be sliced; if the length is negative, that is the length backwards the HArray or HString will be sliced.
  • Note: The numeric-key values of the HString and the HArray will be reset; the string-key values of an HArray will not be reset.
use Haystack\HArray;
use Haystack\HString;

$myString = new HString("I am the very model of a modern major-general");
$myListArray = new HArray(["apple", "banana", "celery"]);
$myDictArray = new HArray(["a" => "apple", "b" => "banana", "c" => "celery"]);

$newString = $myString->slice(2); // "am the very model of a modern major-general"
$newString = $myString->slice(-7); // "general"
$newString = $myString->slice(2, 2); // "am"

$newArray = $myListArray->slice(1); // ["banana", "celery"]
$newArray = $myListArray->slice(-2); // ["banana", "celery"]
$newArray = $myListArray->slice(1, 1); // ["banana"]

$newArray = $myDictArray->slice(1); // ["b" => "banana", "c" => "celery"]
$newArray = $myDictArray->slice(-2); // ["b" => "banana", "c" => "celery"]
$newArray = $myDictArray->slice(1, 1); // ["b" => "banana"]

Functional Methods

map($callable) - Returns a new HArray or HString that has had all elements run against the callback.

use Haystack\HArray;
use Haystack\HString;

$myString = new HString("I am the very model of a modern major-general");
$myArray = new HArray(["a" => "apple", "b" => "banana", "c" => "celery"]);

$rot13 = function ($letter) {
    if (" " === $letter || "-" === $letter) {
        return $letter;

    return chr(97 + (ord($letter) - 97 + 13) % 26);

$newString = $myString->map($rot13); // "V nz gur irel zbqry bs n zbqrea znwbe-trareny"

$newArr = $myArray->map(function ($word) {
    return strtoupper($word);
}); // ["a" => "APPLE", "b" => "BANANA", "c" => "CELERY"]

// With optional variadic
$oddPairing = function ($sentenceWord, $arrayWord) {
    return sprintf("%s : %s", $sentenceWord, $arrayWord);

$pairs = $myString->map($oddPairing, $myArray);
// ["I : apple", "am : banana", "the : celery", "very : ", "model : ", "of : ", ...]

walk($callable) - Walk does an in-place update of items in the object.

  • Note: Since the update is in-place, this breaks the immutability of Haystack objects. This is useful for very large implementations of the Haystack where cloning the object would be memory intensive.
use Haystack\HArray;
use Haystack\HString;

$myString = new HString("I am the very model of a modern major-general");
$myArray = new HArray(["a" => "apple", "b" => "banana", "c" => "celery"]);

$rot13 = function ($letter, $key) {
    if (" " === $letter || "-" === $letter) {
        return $myString[$key] = $letter;

    return $myString[$key] = chr(97 + (ord($letter) - 97 + 13) % 26);

$myString->walk($rot13); // "V nz gur irel zbqry bs n zbqrea znwbe-trareny"

$capitalize = function ($word, $key) {
        return $myArray[$key] = strtoupper($word);

$myArray->walk($capitalize); // ["a" => "APPLE", "b" => "BANANA", "c" => "CELERY"]

filter($callable = null, $flag = null) - Iterates over each value in the container passing them to the callback function. If the callback function returns true, the current value from container is returned into the result container. Container keys are preserved.

  • Note: Default is to filter by value.
  • Flag: USE_KEY Filters against the Haystack container's key
  • Flag: USE_BOTH Filters against the Haystack container's value and key.
    • Note: the callback parameter order is $value then $key
use Haystack\HArray;
use Haystack\HString;

$myString = new HString("I am the very model of a modern major-general");
$myArray = new HArray(["a" => "apple", "b" => "banana", "c" => "celery"]);

$removeLowerCaseVowels = function ($letter) {
    return false === (new HString("aeiou"))->contains($letter);

$consonantWord = $myString->filter($removeLowerCaseVowels); // "I m th vry mdl f  mdrn mjr-gnrl"

$vowel = function ($word) {
    return (new HString("aeiou"))->contains($word[0]);

$firstLetterVowelWords = $myArray->filter($vowel); // ["a" => "apple"]
  • USE_BOTH Example
use Haystack\HArray;
use Haystack\HString;

$myArray = new HArray(["a" => "bobble", "b" => "apple", "c" => "cobble"]);

$vowel_both = function ($value, $key) {
    $vowels = new HString("aeiou");

    if ($vowels->contains($value[0])) {
        return true;

    return $vowels->contains($key);

$vowelFoods = $myArray->filter($vowel_both, HArray::USE_BOTH); // ["a" => "bobble", "b" => "apple"]

reduce() - Iteratively reduce the Haystack Collection to a single value using a callback function

  • $callback: mixed callback ( mixed $carry , mixed $item )
    • $carry: Holds the return value of the previous iteration; in the case of the first iteration it instead holds the value of initial.
    • $item: Holds the value of the current iteration.
  • $initial: If the optional initial is available, it will be used at the beginning of the process, or as a final result in case the array is empty.
use Haystack\HArray;
use Haystack\HString;

$myString = new HString("I am the very model of a modern major-general");

$encode = function ($carry, $item) {
  if (ctype_upper($item) || ctype_lower($item)) {
      $value = (ord($item) % 26) + 97;
      $carry .= chr($value);
  } else {
      $carry .= $item;

  return $carry;

$codedMessage = $myString->reduce($encode); // "v tf max oxkr fhwxe hy t fhwxkg ftchk-zxgxkte"

$myArray = new HArray(range(1,10));

$sum = function ($carry, $item) {
    $carry += $item;
    return $carry;

$bigNum = $myArray->reduce($sum); // int(55)

head() - Returns the first element of the HArray or HString.

use Haystack\HArray;
use Haystack\HString;

$myString = new HString("I am the very model of a modern major-general");
$myArray = new HArray(["a" => "apple", "b" => "banana", "c" => "celery"]);

$headString = $myString->head(); // "I"
$headArray = $myArray->head(); // ["a" => "apple"]

tail() - Returns all of the elements that are not the head() of the HArray or HString

use Haystack\HArray;
use Haystack\HString;

$myString = new HString("I am the very model of a modern major-general");
$myArray = new HArray(["a" => "apple", "b" => "banana", "c" => "celery"]);

$tailString = $myString->tail(); // " am the very model of a modern major-general"
$tailArray = $myArray->tail(); // ["b" => "banana", "c" => "celery"]


product() - Calculates the product of the values in the collection. Any non-number values are equal to 0.

use Haystack\HArray;
use Haystack\HString;

(new HString("1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10"))
    ->product(); // int(3628800)

(new HArray(range(1, 10)))
    ->product(); // int(3628800)

sum() - Calculates the sum of the values in the collection. Any non-number values are equal to 0.

use Haystack\HArray;
use Haystack\HString;

(new HString("1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10"))
    ->sum(); // int(55)

(new HArray(range(1, 10)))
    ->sum(); // int(55)

HArray-only Methods

toHString($glue = "") - Converts an HArray to an HString. This is similar to PHP's [implode](http://php .net/manual/en/function.implode.php).

  • $glue is the string that binds the values of the HArray together to form the HString. Default value is an empty string.
  • If the HArray is empty, the returned HString will also be empty.
use Haystack\HArray;
use Haystack\HString;

$lawrenceWelk = (new HArray(range(1, 4)))
                    ->toHString(" and-a "); // HString("1 and-a 2 and-a 3 and-a 4")

HString-only Methods

toString() - Converts HString to a standard PHP string.

use Haystack\HString;

$string = (new HString("foo bar"))->toString(); // "foo bar"

toHArray($delim = "", $limit = null) - Converts an HString to an HArray. This is similar to PHP's [explode] (

  • $delim - The string to split the string on. This could be a single character or a phrase.
  • $limit - How many elements should be in the HArray.
  • If the HString is empty, the returned HArray will also be empty.
use Haystack\HArray;
use Haystack\HString;

$myString = new HString("I am the very model of a modern major-general");
$chars = $myString->toHArray(); // HArray(["I", " ", "a", "m", " ", "t", "h", "e", " ", ..., "g", "e", "n", "e", "r", "a", "l"]);
$words = $myString->toHArray(" "); // HArray(["I", "am", "the", "very", "model", "of", "a", "modern", "major-general"]);
$wordGroups = $myString->toHArray(" modern "); // HArray(["I am the very model of a", "major-general"]);
$someWords = $myString->toHArray(" ", 4); // HArray (["I", "am", "the", "very model of a modern major-general"]);